[外電] Allen Iverson and Bobcats Are Each O …

看板IVERSON作者 (熊吉)時間15年前 (2009/07/16 09:58), 編輯推噓13(1306)
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Allen Iverson and Bobcats Are Each Others "Answer" Source: http://tinyurl.com/kwqvdf Did you know A.I. was the 1996 Rookie Of The Year (in the best draft class ever )? He was the 2001 MVP, a 10-time All-Star, 4-time scoring champion, 3-time steals champion, and a 2-time All-Star Game MVP as well. Did you know he has career averages of 27.1 ppg and 6.2 apg along with 2.2 spg and averages 30 ppg in the playoffs (second behind a guy named Jordan)? Did you know he is only six-feet tall and 180 lbs? People love A.I. He is third all-time in jersey sales. He has the most Slam Magazine covers. He has 12 signature shoes which is second pnly to Mike. He made braids, tattoos, and sleeves along with baggy shorts and gangster-rap albums OK for the NBA. He is the biggest trendsetter in the history of all sports. He is the real poster child for "anything is possible." He showed people around the world if he can do it then anyone can do it. He is one of the best scorers ever despite his size and is arguably one of the top 30 players in the history of the NBA. There is no other player at Allen Iverson's size that has done the things he has done. 他把每一件事都視為可能做得到的,他也展現出只要他能做,別人也能做得到的表現。他 是其中一位很好的得分球員,儘管他的身材是前頂尖30位球員中最矮小的。沒有人能像AI 一樣的身材又能打那麼好的球員。 But why is he not getting any offers this free agency you ask? Did everyone forget about the 12 years before the 08-09 season? The media unfairly put blame on Iverson for last season but that is what he has been getting his whole career—unfair treatment. But he answers back every time. 但為何都沒人想簽這自由球員呢?大家是不是忘記12年前時的球季賽了?目前媒體上一季每 次都在批評AI。但每次AI每次都會回覆這些媒體。 He is stuck with offers from the Clippers and Grizzlies. The Heat and Bobcats are also interested. Which place is best for A.I? 目前他正困擾要去快艇或是灰熊,目前這兩隻球隊提供的薪資都不錯。而熱火和山貓也都 有興趣,但哪一個地方比較適合AI呢? In my opinion, it is the Bobcats because he can reunite with Larry Brown and it would be like the 2001 Sixers team again—except A.I. would not have to average 31 ppg. This is because the players around him are more talented. I am not saying they would go to the Finals, but if this happens they will make the playoffs as a six or seven seed. 就我的觀點我認為山貓比較適合他,因為AI可以再一次與布朗爺聯手就像在2001年的球季 ,除了AI以外再也沒有人平均得分是31分的。這是因為球員在AI身旁都能發揮他們的才華 ,但我不是說一定能到總冠軍,但至少這能讓他們打到季後賽,可能是以第六或第七種子 進入季後賽。 Allen Iverson, when given the freedom to do his own thing, can put on a show and win you a game. When the team lets Allen Iverson be Allen Iverson he is arguably the best player in the league, or at least one of the top three players in the league. AI可以很自由的做他自己想做的事,也可以展現自己而贏得比賽。當球隊讓AI當成是他真 正的AI時,他無庸置疑地是聯盟最好的球員,或至少是頂尖前三名的球員。 The Bobcats are the best fit for A.I. and he should take the pay cut and sign with them so he can prove the world wrong again. He still has the abilities to do so—he just needs the right situation. 我認為最適合AI的球隊仍是山貓,而他目前應該不要在忽薪水而是與山貓簽合約來證明世 界是錯的,他目前仍有能力來證明自己,但他只是需要正確的環境與狀況。 -- ○○○○○ □□□ ⊙⊙ ◎◎ ☆ ☆ ○ □ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆☆ ○ □□□ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆ ○ □ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆ ○ □□□ ⊙⊙ ◎◎ ☆ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/16 10:05, , 1F
推翻譯! 希望去山貓囉..
07/16 10:05, 1F

07/16 10:48, , 2F
07/16 10:48, 2F

07/16 11:14, , 3F
推熱心翻譯 最近我太忙了
07/16 11:14, 3F

07/16 11:24, , 4F
07/16 11:24, 4F

07/16 11:25, , 5F
閒,我打措字了= =
07/16 11:25, 5F

07/16 13:06, , 6F
07/16 13:06, 6F

07/16 13:22, , 7F
殺殺殺殺 AI大開殺戒封住酸民的臭嘴
07/16 13:22, 7F

07/16 13:39, , 8F
推~~ 樓上 AI是AI 酸民是酸民 我們是我們 管他們勒~~
07/16 13:39, 8F

07/16 14:40, , 9F
07/16 14:40, 9F

07/16 14:41, , 10F
07/16 14:41, 10F

07/16 14:41, , 11F
最適合的絕對是山貓 雖然我個人比較希望去熱火= =
07/16 14:41, 11F

07/16 14:42, , 12F
07/16 14:42, 12F

07/16 15:28, , 13F
07/16 15:28, 13F

07/16 15:30, , 14F
07/16 15:30, 14F
※ 編輯: teddy8989 來自: (07/16 15:53)

07/16 18:15, , 15F
07/16 18:15, 15F

07/16 19:58, , 16F
07/16 19:58, 16F

07/16 19:59, , 17F
希望AI能用他的方式 告訴那些臭嘴他的價值!!
07/16 19:59, 17F

07/16 21:47, , 18F
07/16 21:47, 18F

07/16 21:49, , 19F
07/16 21:49, 19F
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文章代碼(AID): #1ANeb8i5 (IVERSON)