Re: [外電] Iverson's future with Grizzlies in l …

看板IVERSON作者 (月的追隨者)時間15年前 (2009/07/25 13:53), 編輯推噓6(600)
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※ 引述《teddy8989 (熊吉)》之銘言: : Iverson's future with Grizzlies in limbo : Source: : Suddenly, another power forward has become available on the unrestricted : free-agent landscape -- and it could impact Allen Iverson's chances of possibly : playing for the Memphis Grizzlies next season. 意外的,一個在自由球員市場取得不受限資格的大前鋒,可能改變AI的想法,讓他有機會 下一季替灰熊打球。 : That power forward is Hakim Warrick, who was taken by surprise Thursday night : when the Grizzlies rescinded their $3 million qualifying offer to him to give : themselves more flexibility on the free-agent market. 這個大前鋒就是Hakim Warrick,他很驚訝的被通知在星期四晚上,灰熊撤回了那份3M合約 報價,這表示灰熊會有更多彈性在自由球員市場。 : The 27-year-old former Syracuse standout averaged 11.6 points and five rebounds : last season when he shared time with Darrell Arthur at power forward, but : Memphis acquired Zach Randolph earlier this summer to play that position, : making Warrick both expendable and expensive. 這位27歲,前Syracuse學生上一季再跟Darrell Arthur分享時間下,平均仍有11.6分以及5 籃板,但是灰熊這夏天早先經得到軟豆腐來打PF,再簽下Warrick只會造成昂貴且額外的薪 資消耗。 : Warrick will remain on Memphis' cap for the time being at $6.2 million -- 300 : percent of his salary last season -- but the Grizzlies could move about $9 : million below the cap if they formally renounce their rights to him or move him : in a sign-and-trade deal. Warrick那份比他上季薪水還要多3倍的合約,會讓灰熊的薪資空間暫時剩下6.2M,但是如 果灰熊正式放棄他或者把他移到先簽後換的名單上,那麼灰熊將會有9M的薪資空間可運用 。 : It remained to be seen whether the move meant the Grizzlies were ready to : resume discussions with Iverson, who was offered a one-year contract by Memphis : earlier this summer and whose box-office appeal is said to be a selling point : with owner Michael Heisley. 這些薪資空間看起來像灰熊已經準備好再次跟AI重啟談判,一位在夏天的早先就已被灰熊 提供一份一年的合約的戰神,而對球隊老闆Michael Heisley來說這位球星的票房保證將會 是他最大的賣點。 : "I'm not a guy who says things automatically cannot happen, because funny : things can start to happen in free agency. We haven't closed the door on : anybody. It would be premature to do that," Grizzlies general manager Chris : Wallace told "We like Hakim and felt he contributed, but we wanted a : little more flexibility going forward in free agency." “我不是一個會主動去談什麼事不會發生的人,因為自由市場裡總是會有很多有趣的事情 ;我們還沒對任何人關上大門,這些事還太早” 灰熊的經理Chris Wallace告訴 “我們喜歡Hakim也覺得他有貢獻,但是我們需要更多的彈性在自由市場裡持續操作。” : Another of Warrick's Grizzlies teammates, Rudy Gay, said he spoke with Warrick : on the telephone Friday morning before Team USA's minicamp practice. 另一方面,Warrick的隊友,Gay哥說他在星期五早上美國隊的minicamp訓練之前已經在電 話中跟Warrick談過了。 : "I'm not quite sure what's going on. Not only was Hakim by teammate, he was one : of my good friends on the team, so it's going to be tough to play without him, : but this is a business," Gay said. "I spoke to him this morning, and he : basically said he's moving on. He explained it to me, and I basically gave him : my blessing. “我不確定他接下來要去哪裡,他不只是我的隊友,更是我的一個好友,這表示我必須在 沒有他的情況下堅強的打下去,但這就是一個business” Gay說“我早上跟他談過,他真 誠的認為他會繼續前進。他跟我解釋了這點,我則打從心底的祝福他。” : "I'm not really quite sure where we're going right now, but I'm pretty sure by : the time the season starts we'll have a better idea," Gay said. Gay說“我不確定我們是不是走在正確的路上,但是我很確定當開季後我們會有更好的答案 。 : Warrick's agent, Bill Duffy, said he had already been contacted by five teams : with interest in Warrick by Friday afternoon, though he would not disclose them Warrick的經紀人Bill Duffy說他在星期五下午已經跟5隻對Warrick有興趣的球隊接觸了, 但是他沒有透露是哪些球隊。 : "This was a directive from the owner. It came down from the top, and it is : consistent with the cost-cutting measures going on across the NBA," Duffy told : "Eighty percent of the NBA teams, their focus now is economic." “這對那些球隊老闆是個警訊。他們的優勢正在消逝,這與整個NBA都在削減成本的趨向一 致。” Duffy告訴”80%的NBA球隊現在都把他們的焦點放在經濟上了。” : Several NBA executives were caught unaware of the move, learning about it as : they attended Team USA's mini-camp in Las Vegas. 有些NBA的執行者已經注意到這不知不覺的改變,他們在Las Vegas出席美國隊的mini-camp 時學到了這點。 : The same was true for one of Warrick's now-former teammates, O.J. Mayo. 這件事同樣的發生在Warrick的前隊友O.J. Mayo.身上。 : "If it's to make room for Allen Iverson, I definitely think we're making a step : forward," Mayo said, "and as a young player in my second year in the league I : definitely gets me excited that we're going the right way and making some good : choices for the organization." “如果這裡有一個位置給AI,我很明確的確定我們正往前邁進”沒油說”以一個在聯盟只 有兩年的年輕球員來說,我感到興奮我們正往對的方向走以及做出一些對球隊有利的選擇 。” : Iverson's agent, Leon Rose, did not immediately return calls seeking comment. AI的經紀人Leon Rose則沒有做出任何回應。 : Chris Sheridan is a senior NBA writer for ============================================================================== 劇情依然撲朔迷離阿~~ 揪竟AI會在哪隊落腳呢? 我暫時還不想聽到退休阿! 趕快有好消息吧,AI! 另外,我翻完後可以轉到其他網站嗎? -- t a █◣◢█ █◣◢█ │ ╲╱ │ █◣◢█ ◣◢ ◣◢ t a h n 3 BE GEORGE SIXERS NuggetPISTONh n e s T▕ TOWN ▕│ │USA ▏ ▕e s w the H▕ 3 ▕ ▏ 3▕ 1 ▕ w e an- E▕ the 3▕│the │the 3▄ the 3 the 3 e r 3swer3L▕ answer▕│ answer3│answer▄ answer answer r 3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/25 14:42, , 1F
當然嚕 辛苦你了!
07/25 14:42, 1F

07/25 14:59, , 2F
辛苦了 別退休阿 還想看個好幾年
07/25 14:59, 2F

07/25 15:07, , 3F
當然可以阿 推用心翻譯
07/25 15:07, 3F

07/25 15:57, , 4F
07/25 15:57, 4F

07/25 16:19, , 5F
07/25 16:19, 5F

07/26 00:35, , 6F
喝 推翻譯
07/26 00:35, 6F
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