Re: [外電] Allen Iverson Still a Possibility fo …

看板IVERSON作者 (月的追隨者)時間15年前 (2009/07/25 23:08), 編輯推噓15(15010)
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※ 引述《Scott91 (^^")》之銘言: : Source: : Allen Iverson Still a Possibility for Miami? : July 25, 2009 : It would seem that Allen Iverson’s image overhaul will rely on only a few : potential suitors. The Memphis Grizzlies and the Los Angeles Clippers are : both basically out: 我們可以看到因為只有少數的追求者,AI給人的形象在轉變中。灰熊跟快艇這兩支球隊基 本上已經881了。 : With the Grizzlies moving on and the Clippers’ interest apparently waning, : Iverson’s options on the free-agent market could be dwindling. League : sources still counted the Miami Heat and Charlotte Bobcats as possible : destinations. : (這一段在網頁中,可連結到 #1AQSqPNP (IVERSON) 這篇 ) 隨著灰熊的退出,快艇的興趣指數也跟隨下降,AI在自由球員市場的選擇也越來越少。聯 盟仍然有人預計熱火或山貓是最後的歸宿。 : So, Miami remains a realistic possibility? Considering that the Heat may be : adding Lamar Odom to the roster, that is if the Lakers deal proves to be too : snobby for Odom, this may not be a bad idea. After all, Jamaal Tinsley is : available, but reports are that there is great concern about his physical : shape – let’s face it, he was always on the flabby side. But he has long : been a favorite of Pat Riley’s. Andre Miller, however, is not a possibility : and has signed a deal with the Portland Trailblazers – which may also affect : the Heat’s chances of signing Odom as well. 所以,熱火是個可能的選項?如果考慮熱火把喇嘛加進roster中,這聽起來是個不壞的主 意,當然這得假設湖人認為喇嘛太過自負。畢竟 Jamaal Tinsley也是一個選擇,但是報告 告訴我們有一個大問題─他不夠健康。但是他依然有神算子的滿滿的愛。或者你想選A‧米 勒,但這不可能,因為他已經跟拓荒者簽約了,這件事也可能影響熱火簽下喇嘛的機會。 : AI’s camp rejected a one year deal from Memphis which would have paid him : $5M but would also require him to come off the bench. If Miami made the same : stipulation, perhaps in the wake of signing Lamar Odom, it may stick. Then : again, the Heat would not be able to offer as much money, but instead rely on : the veteran minimum figure and perhaps would have to raise the years from one : to two to land Iverson. AI方面拒絕了灰熊提出的5M一年且同意他打先發的合約。如果熱火提出一份同樣的合約, 或者在最近簽下喇嘛,那便有可能陷入膠著(這裡翻的比較奇怪)。接著事情只會這樣,熱 火不會提出這麼多錢的合約,但是最低限度會有老將條款並且提高一到兩年的合約年份來 登用AI。 ============================================================================ 前幾天說快艇跟AI快達成共識 現在有是熱火有機會 上一篇灰熊又想重啟談判 到底....... 比八點檔還八點檔阿 -- t a █◣◢█ █◣◢█ │ ╲╱ │ █◣◢█ ◣◢ ◣◢ t a h n 3 BE GEORGE SIXERS NuggetPISTONh n e s T▕ TOWN ▕│ │USA ▏ ▕e s w the H▕ 3 ▕ ▏ 3▕ 1 ▕ w e an- E▕ the 3▕│the │the 3▄ the 3 the 3 e r 3swer3L▕ answer▕│ answer3│answer▄ answer answer r 3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/25 23:14, , 1F
07/25 23:14, 1F

07/25 23:15, , 2F
07/25 23:15, 2F

07/25 23:53, , 3F
原PO最後一段第一行有翻譯錯誤喔~ 不過還是給你推!
07/25 23:53, 3F

07/25 23:54, , 4F
07/25 23:54, 4F

07/25 23:55, , 5F
Miller走了 回去吧 真的 快回去吧...
07/25 23:55, 5F

07/25 23:55, , 6F
07/25 23:55, 6F

07/25 23:56, , 7F
07/25 23:56, 7F

07/25 23:58, , 8F
Come off不是離開、脫離的意思嗎= =?
07/25 23:58, 8F

07/26 00:00, , 9F
come off the beach 不是指他可以打先發歐?@@~
07/26 00:00, 9F

07/26 00:01, , 10F
but would also require him to come off the bench
07/26 00:01, 10F

07/26 00:02, , 11F
07/26 00:02, 11F

07/26 00:08, , 12F
還是不太懂~"~ 但確定的是我翻錯了
07/26 00:08, 12F

07/26 00:09, , 13F
comeo ff the bench 是指說要他 "從替補出發" XD
07/26 00:09, 13F

07/26 00:10, , 14F
come off
07/26 00:10, 14F

07/26 00:10, , 15F
不過還是感謝辛苦翻譯! 艾國人士最熱情!
07/26 00:10, 15F

07/26 00:11, , 16F
一時手殘 感謝s大糾正
07/26 00:11, 16F

07/26 00:11, , 17F
07/26 00:11, 17F

07/26 00:16, , 18F
歐歐~這樣我就懂了~ 謝謝囉~ 我就留著當個教材吧XD~
07/26 00:16, 18F

07/26 00:28, , 19F
07/26 00:28, 19F

07/26 00:37, , 20F
打得很hustle 卻也很struggle ~"~
07/26 00:37, 20F

07/26 01:47, , 21F
07/26 01:47, 21F

07/26 01:48, , 22F
但是被逆轉的場數居然也多成這樣... 有AI一定能咬住的
07/26 01:48, 22F

07/26 02:14, , 23F
07/26 02:14, 23F

07/26 15:13, , 24F
07/26 15:13, 24F

07/27 13:22, , 25F
07/27 13:22, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1AQn_p5- (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #1AQn_p5- (IVERSON)