[分享] Allen Iverson 的網站和 Twitter

看板IVERSON作者 (熊吉)時間15年前 (2009/08/17 23:51), 編輯推噓10(1002)
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這是目前Iverson最近的Twitter資訊,他有架一個個人網站喔 http://www.alleniverson.pro/ 最近在成立的唷,好像是8月13日架好的,大家若有興趣的話可 以註冊,就能與AI保持聯繫啦。裡面還有AI網站的歌喔,非常的 嘻哈啦,哈哈~~~ Twitter內文: Thanks for the song suggestions! Some great ones to pick from..... if you have not signed up you still have time. Contest ends tonight!! about 19 hours ago from web ***************************************** Visit my new and improved website for updates and information. www.crossover-promotions.com 6:21 AM Aug 14th from web ***************************************** Looking forward to getting back to work myself! I am so ready to return to the NBA! Stronger, Faster and So much Wiser! 6:17 AM Aug 14th from web **************************************** I can't help imagining, Vick, McNabb, Rollins and Iverson all playing in the City of Brotherly Love........Picture That! 6:13 AM Aug 14th from web **************************************** Happy for Mike (Vick)! Thanks be to God and the Philadelphia Eagles! Great Fans! Great place to resurrect a great career! Do Great Things 6:10 AM Aug 14th from web ***************************************** Getting some great song suggestions for my site ..........thanks! Keep them coming! 6:15 PM Aug 13th from web **************************************** OK...the choose my song contest will end Sunday night at midnight! Some great suggestions so far .....keep them coming and thanks for joining 12:17 PM Aug 13th from web **************************************** Want to win an autographed pair of my shoes from my personal collection?? Go to my website and see how you can. www.alleniverson.pro 5:16 AM Aug 13th from web **************************************** Listen up....my new and improved website is LIVE... check it out at www.alleniverson.pro sign up and stay connected with me!! 1:19 PM Aug 12th from web 另外這是Allen Iverson的Facebook,資訊更多囉~ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Allen-Iverson/10960345836?ref=ts -- http://tinyurl.com/lfyhno 這是我的Self-Portrait,大家點看看嘛^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: teddy8989 來自: (08/17 23:53)

08/18 00:20, , 1F
08/18 00:20, 1F

08/18 00:26, , 2F
哇靠!!我都覺得跟AI近了一步! 啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
08/18 00:26, 2F

08/18 00:44, , 3F
08/18 00:44, 3F

08/18 00:46, , 4F
我也有加他臉書 還留言咧XD 順便練英文 科科
08/18 00:46, 4F

08/18 00:47, , 5F
08/18 00:47, 5F

08/18 11:32, , 6F
感覺跟AI更近了 哈哈
08/18 11:32, 6F

08/18 14:34, , 7F
08/18 14:34, 7F

08/18 15:36, , 8F
08/18 15:36, 8F

08/18 18:34, , 9F
看來我的英文要變好了 我有這預感
08/18 18:34, 9F

08/18 18:35, , 10F
08/18 18:35, 10F

08/18 21:49, , 11F
08/18 21:49, 11F

08/25 21:48, , 12F
08/25 21:48, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1AYNoF_T (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #1AYNoF_T (IVERSON)