Re: [球隊] 因COVID-19隊職員預防性隔離中

看板Juventus作者 (at the beginning)時間3年前 (2020/10/13 23:09), 編輯推噓0(000)
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(補上週舊聞) 官網: Isolation ends at the J|Hotel 07 October 2020 Juventus announces that, following the checks provided for by the protocol, carried out on the Team Group over the past few days, the competent ASL has issued the authorisation for the abandonment of fiduciary isolation at the J|Hotel with the obligation to continue the isolation at home. The players and the staff will be able to go to the training centre for normal activities. Juventus宣布,過去幾天的隔離人員在按照規定的檢查之後,地方衛生健康單位已 許可中止在J|Hotel進行的預防性隔離,但仍有義務在居所隔離。隊職員將可以恢復 在訓練場的日常活動。 The players called up for the national teams are authorised to join their respective sides, as the precautions related to the condition of fiduciary isolation can be continued by the medical staff of the respective federations. 被國家隊徵招的球員被授權前往各自所屬足協報到,而預防性隔離措施則可由各自 所屬足協的醫療團隊接手。 -- 本來懶得貼這篇的,但Ronaldo檢驗COVID-19陽性之後感覺不補貼不行... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
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