[綜合] 國王如何建立友善企業的形象

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這是一篇SACTOWN的文章, 另一個面相談高層這季的動作, 和大家分享。 http://0rz.tw/Tt4KX How the Kings may be earning a player-friendly reputation (and how it helps) 國王如何建立友善企業的形象 The Kings are struggling to make strides in the win column, but the organization may be building a reputation that could provide some help in that category in the future. Former King Greivis Vasquez recently hinted in an interview with Jason Jones of The Sacramento Bee that he would be open to resigning with the Kings when he becomes a free agent. Why? Because of how Vivek Ranadive and company run the show. Here is Vasquez in the Bee: "I really like Coach Malone. I have a great relationship with him and the coaching staff," Vasquez said. "(Principal owner) Vivek (Ranadive), they treated me like a first-class franchise. I have no complaints; it's just part of the business. If they consider me and I'm a restricted free agent, anything can happen." This coming from a guy who was the new ownership group's first major trade acquisition last summer and was swiftly exchanged in the Rudy Gay deal just months later. 球隊目前戰績二二六六,但高層可能在試圖建立一個口碑,以幫助球隊未來的路。 前國王球員Vaz接受蜂報記者訪談時,暗示他不排除進入自由市場後重回國王的可能。 而這都源自老闆Vivek和高層的動作。 Vaz:我很喜歡MM,我和他及教練團的互動很好。 Vivek他們對我像在對待球隊最重要的人, 我對他們沒有怨言,這只是生意的一部份, 如果我還是受限自由球員的話,情況或許就不同了。 Comments like this about the Kings being a player-friendly organization are becoming more frequent around the league and there are many examples as to why. Jimmer Fredette, for instance, wasn't going to get a lot of playing time on the Kings after the trade deadline came and went and the organization decided it was time to see what it really has in Ben McLemore and Ray McCallum. Fredette, obviously, was not in the future plans of the Kings so they bought out his contract, which allowed him to sign with the Chicago Bulls. Moves like this have received recognition around the league. Alex Kennedy's twitter: "Buying out Jimmer Fredette instead of keeping him until summer is something agents appreciate and it shows front office is player-friendly." Here is Fredette via James Ham: "Vivek [Ranadive] and Pete [D'Alessandro] and everybody that was involved -- Mark Mastrov and the guys in the front office -- they were all true to their word. They said they wanted to do what was best for me and for my career and they were able to do that. Because of that, I really appreciate them and them all as human beings and as owners and front office people of the team." (Unfortunately for Fredette, he is still waiting for his chance at extended minutes in Chicago.) 關於國王是友善企業的評論最近在聯盟中經常出現, 而這裡有一些例子能告訴你原因。 交易截止日之後,球隊決定專心培養BEN & RAY, 寂寞明顯不在球隊未來的藍圖中, 高層也很乾脆地買斷寂寞的合約,讓他能和公牛簽約。 這項舉動也獲得了好評。 Alex Kenney的推特: 「買斷寂寞而沒有強留他到夏天的舉動,讓很多經紀人欣賞, 同時也顯示高層對球員很友善。」 寂寞接受James Ham訪問時表示: 「Vivek和PDA和其他球隊高層很守信用, 他們說會對我的職業生涯做出最好的決定, 他們也這麼做了,因此我很感激他們, 欣賞他們的為人以及身為球隊老闆及高層的方式。」 (不幸的是寂寞仍在公牛等待上場機會。) Another example of the opportunity the Kings have provided players was the chance they have given Royce White. The forward has had his fair share of issues since joining the NBA, including his battle with an anxiety disorder and his inability to work things out in Houston with the Rockets. The Kings, of course, signed him to a 10-day contract, giving him a second chance to prove himself in Reno with the Bighorns. Royce White's twitter: "Thank you @SacramentoKings for this opportunity, but even more so the kind of ppl you are. Thank you to the many still supporting. #BeWell" Here is White via Sean Cunningham of News 10: "Pete's [D'Alessandro] one of the best guys I've met in this league and the owner [Vivek Ranadive] is a very progressive, open-minded guy," White said. He then proceeded to say the following, which is likely a pretty accurate summary of how much all of this will truly impact things in the long run. "It all just happenstance, we didn't do a lot of homework like we like these guys over these guys," White said. A lot of players say the "right" things when they need to. A lot of teams give players opportunities and second chances if it isn't going to cost too much. A lot of teams buy out contracts of players who will only serve as dead weight. So in reality, maybe all of this truly doesn't help a TON, but it is worth pointing out that there has been a steady flow of reminders about this Kings front office this season, which is surprising given the revolving door of players we have seen. 另一個例子是球隊給了Royce White機會, 這名前鋒因為恐慌症且因此無法為火箭打球而聲名大噪, 國王給了她一分十天短約, 並派他到NBDL的大角羊證明自己的能力。 White的推特: 「感謝沙加緬度國王給的機會, 你們是非常好的人,感謝你們的支持。」 White接受訪問時說: 「PDA是我在聯盟中見過最棒的人之一, Vivek是個非常的有前瞻性,心胸寬大的人。」 接著他又說了下面這段話, 而這段話顯示了高層的這些作為從長遠來看對球隊的助益。 「一切都很偶然,我們不需要去特意討好某些人。」 很多球員說「對」的話是因為他們需要這樣說, 很多球隊給球員第二次機會是因為代價低微, 很多球隊買斷球員像是甩掉無用的體重, 現實來講,也許這些作為都沒辦法轉化成立即的助力, 但有一股聲浪正在聯盟中發酵,國王高層樂於給球員機會。 And it appears to tie in with a team philosophy. General manager Pete D'Alessandro pointed this out in an interview with USA Today's Sam Amick back in November after the Kings gave Derrick Williams a second chance. "I've said this before, (new Kings owner) Vivek Ranadive is a person who is about opportunity, right? He gave a first-time coach in Michael Malone an opportunity, and a first-time GM an opportunity. We're an opportunity organization, and we see this as an opportunity for him to have a fresh start as well. And I feel like it's such a positive organization as a result of ownership and where it comes from. It's such a positive-minded place that if there's a place for people to achieve, I think this is fertile ground for that." Again, just because players, including Rudy Gay, have gotten a second chance in Sacramento doesn't mean that there is going to be an influx of big-name free agents flocking here in the future, but it can't hurt. Combine that with Ranadive's "NBA 3.0" vision and a new arena on its way in downtown Sacramento and maybe, just maybe, if it's all put together it could help a future free agent check a "yes" box in a "Should I sign in Sacramento?" pros and cons list. And that goes for Gay as well. Here is what he told Sactown Royalty last month: "The organization is great. They've been nothing but great to me since I've been here," Gay said. "They work hard to keep guys happy." Based on how this season is going, it's obvious there are a lot of things that need to take place before the Kings return to prominence. As the season gets closer to its finale, however, there are some positives to point to, and the reputation the Kings are earning as a player-friendly organization is definitely one. 這一切都與球隊的哲學有關。 PDA十一月就D-Will的交易接受訪問時說: 「我之前就說過,Vivek是一個樂於給予機會的人,對吧? 他給了菜鳥教頭MM機會,給了菜鳥GM機會, 我們是個機會組織,而我們也看到D-Will重新開始的機會, 我覺得由於老闆的影響讓我們成為一個積極的團隊, 這是個樂觀進取的地方,如果人們想追求甚麼,這裡就是豐肴之地。」 再一次聲明,並不會因為球員(包括GAY)在這獲得第二次機會, 就有明星級的自由球員願意加入我們,不過給球員第二次機會並不會造成傷害。 綜合Vivek NBA3.0的願景和新場館的興建,或許,只是或許, 可以幫助我們將來在自由球員市場捕魚,一切就由Gay開始吧。 Gay上個月跟Sactwon說: 「球團很棒,他們一直對我很好,他們很努力地讓球員快樂。」 基於球隊目前的戰績,球隊再重回強權之琳前仍有許多要改善, 隨著球季接近尾聲,球隊有一些積極面值得被提出, 友善企業就是其一。 個人意見 另外附上小白在大角羊的highlight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oREUhVRiQZk
或許真的會中樂透也說不定。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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03/18 20:06, 2F

03/18 20:14, , 3F
03/18 20:14, 3F

03/18 20:16, , 4F
White如果是真貨的話 就算只上主場 頂個15分也賺
03/18 20:16, 4F

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03/19 00:57, , 14F
因為PG不罩只能從SF下手 找具備分球能力的鋒線輔助流動
03/19 00:57, 14F

03/19 01:33, , 15F
PG還是得靠選秀或FA拉! 鋒線無法帶來本質性的幫助
03/19 01:33, 15F

03/19 10:36, , 16F
03/19 10:36, 16F
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