Re: [問題] 老大的背號

看板KobeBryant作者 (Wade好強阿~~)時間19年前 (2006/04/17 00:43), 編輯推噓8(801)
留言9則, 9人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
FROM: Kobe Bryant's famous number 8 jersey has long been one of the NBA's top selling jerseys over the years, but Bryant has not always worn the number. "In high school I started out with number 24. Then I went to number 33 later on. 33 was the number my father wore in high school, so I just switched it to carry on the lineage.” When Bryant jumped from Lower Merion High School to the professional ranks joining the Lakers, Bryant did not even have the opportunity to select number 33. That number was already previously retired after being worn by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Kobe chose the number 8 because his uniform number as a high schooler at the ADIDAS ABCD Camp was 143 (1+4+3=8), but the number switch was easy. "I wore the number 8 when I was a kid playing in the Italian leagues, so it was a smooth transition from number 33." -- I'm just a soul whose intentions are good Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/17 00:52, , 1F
這篇我還是第一次看到,慚愧 XD
04/17 00:52, 1F

04/17 01:11, , 2F
這篇我還是第一次看到,慚愧 XD
04/17 01:11, 2F

04/17 01:21, , 3F
知道143 但沒那麼詳細 嘿嘿不給兩個板主推齊
04/17 01:21, 3F

04/17 02:49, , 4F
知道143 但沒那麼詳細 嘿嘿不給兩個板主推齊 (齊
04/17 02:49, 4F

04/17 03:59, , 5F
這篇我還是第一次看到,慚愧 XD 版主比較大
04/17 03:59, 5F

04/17 14:20, , 6F
知道143 但沒那麼詳細 嘿嘿不給兩個板主推齊
04/17 14:20, 6F

04/17 20:30, , 7F
知道143 但沒那麼詳細 嘿嘿不給兩個板主推齊
04/17 20:30, 7F

04/18 00:33, , 8F
這邊我還是第一次看到,慚愧 XD 之前不知道143...囧
04/18 00:33, 8F

04/19 16:25, , 9F
很久之前在雜誌上看過^^ 但沒那麼詳細
04/19 16:25, 9F
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