Re: 為什麼那麼多人反KOBE

看板KobeBryant作者 (Greed is nature....)時間18年前 (2006/07/23 22:58), 編輯推噓0(000)
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check this out: ---------------------------- 1. kobe hater 14 up, 2 down 1. Ignorant fools who just can't accept the fact that Kobe is just better than most of your favourite bball players. 2. Those idiots who finally had the chance to diss Kobe after the sex-assualt case, which, didn't prove he did it. 3. Sad group of jealous morons who specially pick out Kobe's mistakes in order to put him down. Let me tell you this, anyone would as bad as Kobe if you do so on anyone. 4. Idiots who always bring up the same lame arguements about Kobe. eg. Ball hog. As the matter of fact, the Lakers are still winning games, still going to the playoffs, and Kobe is still better than you. Hater: Kobe's 81 is INsignificant. Person: lol... what is then? you Kobe hater. --from ※ 引述《cnanokia (突突摩)》之銘言: : 我是個KOBE迷~~~也是湖人的愛好者 : 但實在是搞不懂為什麼那麼多人反KOBE耶!!! : why??? : 各位一樣是老大球迷的同伴們 : 可以告訴我嗎??? : 實在是想不透這個問題 : 竟然還有反老大家族~~~@@" : 悶!! -- 恩 誰答腔就是說誰喔 XD -- Life without Lakers is like, shootouts without guns Churches without nuns, bankers without funds Smokin' without lungs, cities without slums -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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