
看板KobeBryant作者 (No.24)時間18年前 (2006/11/04 00:02), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Lakers 看板] 作者: smw (Angels & Demons) 看板: Lakers 標題: Kobe訪談節錄 時間: Fri Nov 3 23:18:14 2006 以下是國外網友將Kobe昨天接受訪談的內容,做的一些重點摘要 包括前天他在比賽中到底跟Lamar講了些什麼悄悄話 1. Kobe opens talking about the Lakers game last night. Big execution. Saying it's not a (halloween) trick that they're playing this good. Taking it game by game, just a process. 2. So proud of how his "little brothers" played last night against PHO. 3. Talked about Lamar "kicking butt" this season. Looking for him to be more consistently aggressive because he's a lot more confident, and knows the system. 4. During a timeout, he went over to Lamar and talked to him for over 2 minutes asking him questions: What do you see out there? How are they playin you in the pinch post? He says it helps Lamar paint a blue print in his head to counter act the Suns defense against him. It's "more scientific and efficient" says Kobe. 5. Wasn't surprised and actually expected Bynum to have the kind of start he did because he has a lot of fire and competitiveness and works extremely hard. Calls Bynum "very athletic", a beast in the block. 6. Loves the lights out at Staples. Actually knew about it for a while now. 7. Says that they just have fun when they play on the court! He sites that just listening to the coaches, and enjoy playing together as the reason for being able to sustain momentum. 8. Said tonight's game against GS is a good test for the Lakers. Gotta control the boards and keep Baron in check. 9. Said he will take his come-back day to day. No certain date. Will continue to do therapy until his knees feels good and he's close to a hundred %. 10. Kobe then bashes Steve Hartman (one of the host of the show) for being dead wrong for predicting the Suns would come out on top last night. Re-lives calling Hartman the "bandwagon man". 這是Interview的mp3檔 http://0rz.tw/fd1ZJ 老大聲音聽起來很有精神 -- 62 Points for Kobe Bryant - 2005.12.20 vs. Mavericks 3rd End :Kobe 62, Mavericks 61. 81 Points for Kobe Bryant - 2006.01.22 vs. Raptors 2nd Half:Kobe 55, Raptors 41. THE NBA HISTORY ~ All Times Single Season Scoring List (7) 2,832 Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers 2005-06 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/03 23:20,
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11/03 23:26,
《目前動態》E:發表文章 洗板王加油 XD
11/03 23:26

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11/03 23:33,
....我沒在翻 = =a
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11/03 23:36,
那你可以開始了 ^^ OH 耶
11/03 23:36

11/03 23:37,
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11/03 23:39,
洗版王!! (雙手舉高)
11/03 23:39
※ 編輯: smw 來自: (11/03 23:46)

11/03 23:48,
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11/03 23:55,
可以借我轉回 Kobe 板嗎? :D
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11/03 23:58,
11/03 23:58

11/04 00:01,
thank you!
11/04 00:01
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文章代碼(AID): #15IsWAUA (KobeBryant)