[閒聊] KB24坳犯規的能力

看板KobeBryant作者 (台灣爛香蕉)時間18年前 (2007/02/28 14:41), 編輯推噓10(1001)
留言11則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://www.82games.com/fouldraw.htm 雖然大家都覺得KB24這季跟LBJ.Wade比起來實在是沒有愛(Carter也沒有愛..), 但從這網站上的數據看起來好像也不是那麼回事. KB24製造對手個人犯規已經有177次, Carter第二名,但只有144次, Wade 119 Arenas 117 James 107 會說KB24跟Carter沒有愛的原因應該是在Shooting foul的部份, Wade 202 Arenas 187 James 178 KB24 169 Carter 141 但總合起來最會搞對手犯規的還是KB24, KB24 346 Wade 321 Arenas 304 每場罰球的次數則是Wade占優, Wade 11.2 (Shooting foul第一名不是假的) Iverson 9.9 (大概因為他上場次數較少,所以前面的排名沒有他) Arenas 9.2 KB24 9.1 另外下面有一段聯盟中幾個人對於Wade的看法... "He gets all the calls, that's what makes him special.'' - Gerald Wallace "It's unbelievable what he gets away with.'' - Bob Hill "I can't believe he has the audacity to complain to the refs, he should be grateful for what they've done for him in his career. He is what he is today because of them." - P.J. Brown "He travels on that spin move. He picks up that pivot foot... everybody knows it. Dwayne Wade can cover so much ground when he makes that move. As you know, he can go 20 feet with that spin move and get to the basket." - Phil Jackson -- 「你知道男人送衣服給女人是什麼意思嗎?」 >///< 。 。 讓我脫吧! 「不知道……」 討厭~ ╯ - 「就是有一天要親手脫掉。」 | | | | by Oeey -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/28 14:49, , 1F
02/28 14:49, 1F

02/28 14:56, , 2F
02/28 14:56, 2F

02/28 15:55, , 3F
02/28 15:55, 3F

02/28 16:21, , 4F
02/28 16:21, 4F

02/28 16:42, , 5F
可以請教一下 Shooting foul 是什麼意思嗎@@?
02/28 16:42, 5F

02/28 16:51, , 6F
可以得分的投射動作下被犯規 需要上罰球線
02/28 16:51, 6F

02/28 17:43, , 7F
推5f 假動作之王可不是叫假的~
02/28 17:43, 7F

02/28 18:00, , 8F
02/28 18:00, 8F

02/28 20:36, , 9F
這數據滿有意思的 借轉NBA版 看看大家的看法 thx
02/28 20:36, 9F

02/28 20:46, , 10F
02/28 20:46, 10F

02/28 21:09, , 11F
02/28 21:09, 11F
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文章代碼(AID): #15vIGFvx (KobeBryant)