[轉錄][討論] Go-to guy: Nash or Kobe?

看板KobeBryant作者 (期待晴天)時間18年前 (2007/03/04 22:08), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: royshine (我只認識獵戶座) 看板: NBA 標題: [討論] Go-to guy: Nash or Kobe? 時間: Sun Mar 4 15:52:28 2007 原文:http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/dailydime?page=dailydime_lakerssuns Looking at Sunday's ABC game featuring the L.A. Lakers at Phoenix Suns (ABC, 3:30 p.m. ET) we asked our experts: Nash or Kobe. Who do you want to handle the ball when the game is on the line? 下周一我們會迎來 湖人vs太陽 的比賽。當比賽進入最后時刻,你會選擇誰 來作為關鍵先生,nash 還是 kobe. Jim O'Brien, ESPN.com: I would want the ball in Kobe Bryant's hands at the end of the game. Steve Nash is the best at setting other players up for a good look. But you are not always sure someone will be open or if the player that gets the ball will finish in the clutch. Bryant can get a shot almost at will against anyone in the league. He also has the advantage against a zone because he is used to taking on two people at once. In addition, his range and ability to launch a 3-pointer when closely guarded separates him from Nash. O'Brien 會選KOBE作為關鍵先生,他認為Nash似乎更善于擔當助攻隊友的角色. Kobe可以在聯盟任何一個球員頭頂上完成投籃.他也更适應區域防守,Kobe的攻擊范圍和 嚴密防守下的三分能力也可以讓他成為關鍵先生. Jon Barry, ESPN.com: Steve Nash, because he has such an uncanny ability to make the right play, whether creating a shot for himself or a teammate. He shoots a high percentage from the field and if he were to be fouled, he is automatic from the free-throw line. Kobe would be able to create his own shot but that doesn't mean it would be a quality one. Jon Barry 選擇Nash. 他認為Nash在關鍵時刻會表現出不可思議的能力,不管是 自己完成進攻還是給隊友創造机會.他的投籃命中率很高,而且如果對Nash犯規的話等于是 送分.Kobe是可以給自己創造机會,但不一定會是高質量的. Tim Legler, ESPN.com: Even though I feel Steve Nash is the MVP, I would rather have the ball in Kobe's hands with the game on the line. Kobe has an advantage in that he is much bigger and stronger and that makes it very difficult to trap him in that situation. He can rely on his size and athleticism to get a shot pretty much anywhere on the court and he has proven through the years that he wants to take the pressure shot. While Nash trusts his teammates more and would be more willing to find the open guy when the game's in the balance, Kobe will be certain to make sure that he decides matters, which is what you want your star player to do. Tim Legler 也選Kobe,盡管他認為Nash是MVP.Kobe相對于他的防守者來說可能 更高更壯,這一點對他來說是個优勢.Nash更相信自己的隊友而且會更樂意將球傳給自己 空檔上的隊友.Kobe可能會選擇自己來決定比賽,正如同一般意義上的明星球員一樣. (孤膽英雄?) Dave Thorpe, ESPN.com: As great a scorer as Kobe is, I'd have to have some context to answer. Nash is a little easier to guard heads-up, while Kobe is more likely to focus on getting his own shot over finding the best shot his team can manufacture. With multiple scorers on the floor, I'd pick Nash, trusting that he'll get us the best shot -- including taking it himself. With lesser players on the floor, I'd look to Kobe and expect that he'll make a contested shot or draw a foul more often than average scorers will finish open shots. All things being equal, I'd choose Kobe. Dave Thorpe: 如果場上有各种類型球員(定點投手?明星中鋒?),我會選Nash,他 一定會幫助球隊完成比賽,不管是通過隊友還是自己來. 如果場上沒有更多選擇的話,那 一定是要靠像Kobe這樣的球員來結束比賽了.總的來說,還是會選擇Kobe. 四個ESPN的專家里有三個選擇Kobe作為 GO-TO-GUY. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/04 15:53,
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03/04 16:07,
I'd choose Kobe.
03/04 16:07

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03/04 16:12,
加油加油 兩隊都有重要的傷兵說 ~.~
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03/04 20:55,
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03/04 22:07,
借轉Kobe版 感謝 ^^!
03/04 22:07
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/04 22:21, , 1F
洛杉磯傷兵隊VS鳳凰城六七人隊 XD
03/04 22:21, 1F

03/05 01:05, , 2F
洛杉磯傷兵隊VS鳳凰城六七人隊 XD
03/05 01:05, 2F
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