Re: Putting Kobe in perspective

看板KobeBryant作者 (小戶沒有愛)時間18年前 (2007/03/29 23:45), 編輯推噓7(704)
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※ 引述《hbryant (期待晴天)》之銘言: : Putting Kobe in perspective : By Jemele Hill : Kobe Bryant is better than Michael Jordan. Kobe Bryant是一個比Michael Jordan更好的球員. : Not more successful. : Hasn't had a bigger economic impact. : Hasn't won more MVPs. : Hasn't won more titles. : But he's a better player. 沒有更成功 沒有造成更大經濟影響 沒有贏得夠多MVP 沒有贏過更多冠軍頭銜 但是他是一個更好的球員 : Kobe can do everything Michael did, and even : a few things Michael couldn't do. Kobe能做得到每一件Michael曾做到的,甚至是一些Michael辦不到的 : Kobe is just as good a defender. His killer : instinct is just as pronounced. He can shoot, : finish and explode. And just like Jordan, the : more he's pissed off, the more unstoppable he is. : At the very least, Kobe's scoring spree over : the last week should put to rest any lingering : doubts that he's the best player in the NBA. Kobe是一個好的悍衛者(不會翻).他的殺手特質(天份)就如同被傳頌的一樣, 他能投射,完成進籃,和展現爆發力.就像Jordan一樣,他越被對方激怒 他越是擋不住.至少至少,Kobe藉著上星期的得分秀消除別人的懷疑, 並且告訴了大家,他是NBA最好的球員. : Yes, better than Steve Nash, who is the best : point guard, but not the lethal force that Kobe : is. Yes, better than Dwyane Wade, who is certainly : closer to the Kobe-Jordan level than LeBron James, : but D-Wade's game is not as polished as Kobe's. 是得,比最好的控衛Steve Nash來得好,他沒有和Kobe一樣致命的火力, 也比Wade好─而Wade是確信比LBJ還接近Kobe-Jordan等級的球員.但是 他的比賽還不如Kobe精妙. : Kobe's streak of four straight 50-points-plus : games is something none of those players can do, : and it's something that hasn't been done since : Wilt Chamberlain, who had an NBA-record seven : straight 50-point games. Truthfully, Kobe should : have tacked another 50 on Golden State on Sunday : night. Kobe的連四場50分比賽是上述那些球員無人能達成的,而且也是張伯倫 連七場50分之後無人再次締造的.我也深信Kobe星期日對勇士應該也可 以再拿個50分沒問題.(囧) : Of course, the idea that Kobe is better than : Jordan -- or even the best player in this league : -- is as repugnant to some folks as a rectal exam. : Even though Kobe has proven himself under pressure : countless times, he gets the A-Rod treatment. 當然,重點是Kobe是一個比Jordan更好的球員,或甚至是聯盟的任何人, 這對一些人來說或許和直腸檢查一樣地反感.即使Kobe已經在無數壓力 下証明自己一次又一次,他還是得到和A-Rod一樣的對待. : Kobe can't please anyone. And it doesn't help : that most people suffer from revisionist history : when it comes to Jordan, forgetting that he was : just as poor a teammate and a ball hog and that : he ran off coach Doug Collins like Kobe ran off : Phil Jackson the first time. Kobe無法得到大家的喜愛,但當提到Jordan的時候,大多人因為修正過 的歷史印象(?),都會忘記他是一個很糟糕的隊友,他很獨,而且他害他 的教練Doug Collins走人,就像Kobe第一次碰到Phil時的結果一樣. : In fact, you could argue that Jordan was even worse. : Far as we know, Kobe hasn't jacked up any of his : teammates the way Jordan punched out Steve Kerr and : Will Perdue at practice. 事實上,你可以承認Jordan甚至是更糟的,就我們所知,Kobe還未曾和 Jordan一樣地和他的隊友衝突過(jack up?),Jordan曾在練習對Steve Kerr 和Will Purdue保以老拳. : Kobe will never be forgiven for Shaq's departure, : but you're delusional if you think Jordan wouldn't : have had any ego issues playing alongside a player : with Shaq's star power. Kobe永遠都不會因為Shap的離開而被原諒,但如果你覺得Jordan身邊有 個和Shar一樣明星力量的球員存在,而他不會有任何的自我議題產生,我 想你大概就有嫉妒性妄想(一種病)了. : The best-player argument shouldn't be determined by : personal dislike. But if you want to take it there, : fine. Jordan was hardly the ideal husband, but only : the tabloids were brave enough to venture into his : personal life. And what about those gambling issues? : If Jordan's life had been covered like Kobe's, we : would have an entirely different opinion of His Airness. : Besides a different level of media scrutiny, there : was definitely a difference in the level of competition : during Jordan's heyday compared to now. '誰是最好的球員'的爭議,不應該因為個人的厭惡而被決定,但如果你想 把這點扯進來也是可以,Jordan幾乎不是個理想的丈夫,但只有小報有足 夠的勇氣去冒險地揭露他的私人生活.那些賭博的議題呢?如果Jordan的 生活像Kobe一樣地被報導,我們可能會對他的飛人傳奇有更多完全不同的 看法和意見.除了完全不同程度的媒體檢視著以外,在Jordan的全盛時期 聯盟環境和現在也有著很明顯地不同等級的競爭. : Yesterday's NBA player certainly was more fundamentally : sound, but there's no question that today's player is : bigger, stronger and faster. When Jordan played, he was : a singular force that could not be equaled. Jordan was : guarded by the likes of John Starks and Joe Dumars, who : were fine players but weren't nearly as skilled or : physically imposing as LeBron, D-Wade, Tracy McGrady : or even Vince Carter. 從前的NBA球員顯然比較fundamentally sound(?),無疑地現在的球員又 大又強壯,又快.當Jordan在打球時,他是一個無人能與之等比的奇才,他 被JohnStarks和Joe Dumars防守,他們是好的球員,只是不論技巧或體能 條件都遠及不上LBJ,Wade,T-Mac或甚至是Carter : The NBA is tougher now. 現在的NBA比以前更兇悍了. : Kobe, like Michael, is surrounded with mediocre to : below-average talent, and Phoenix, Dallas and San Antonio : are all better than the Utah, Portland and the Charles : Barkley-led Phoenix team that Michael met in the NBA Finals. Kobe,就跟KJ一樣,被一群二流天份和平均以下的的球員環繞,而太陽, 小牛和馬刺這些球隊,也比當年MJ在NBA冠軍賽中相遇的爵士,拓荒者, (Barkley帶領的)太陽隊來得更好. : Hakeem Olajuwon, David Robinson and Patrick Ewing : will be among the best centers ever, but none of : them affected the league the way Shaq and Tim Duncan : have. There are two two-time MVPs in Kobe's own : conference (Duncan, Nash), which is a problem Jordan : never faced during his championship runs. Seven-footers : weren't launching 3s back then. Magic Johnson and : the Lakers were on a downward spiral, and the Pistons : were on their last legs. It was Michael and everyone : else. That's not the case for Kobe. 歐拉,上將,和大猩猩會是歷史上最好的中鋒,但是他們不曾達成像Shaq和 TD一樣對比賽的影響力.在Kobe的分區(西)裡甚至還出過兩個MVP連莊者 (TD,Nash),這也是Jordan在他追求總冠軍中未曾碰過的事.當時7呎高的 球員並不會站在三分線外面投籃,Magic的湖人隊已經日漸沒落,活塞隊也 日近西山了.當時時代就是MJ的(不太會翻),但是對Kobe而言不是如此. : The shame of it is that Kobe might finish his career : without a MVP, even though his ability can be compared : only to that of Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain. All this : time we've been looking for a player who is better than : Jordan, but most of us can't get beyond whether we like : or dislike Kobe as a person to recognize his contributions : to the game. 可惜的是Kobe也許無法在生涯中獲得一座MVP獎項,即使他的能力可以和 MJ和Wilt相比.長久以來我們一直在尋找一個比Jordan更優秀的球員,但 不論我們喜不喜歡這個球員,我們都不得不肯定他確實是一個對比賽有所 貢獻的球員. : Ultimately the MVP award will go to either Nash or Dirk : Nowitzki, who are deserving this season, but neither are : as good as Kobe. Dallas and Phoenix are strong enough to : make the playoffs without their stars. The Lakers, however, : are a lottery team without Kobe. 最終MVP的獎項還是回被Nash或Nowitzki抱回家,他們也是這個球季最應 該得到的人選,但是他們沒有一個人跟Kobe一樣好.小牛和太陽即使缺乏 了他們的明星球員還會是一隻強隊,但是Lakers少了Kobe,只會是一隻在 樂透區徘徊的隊伍. : Now that's a valuable player. 這才是一個有價值的球員. : Jemele Hill, a Page 2 columnist and writer for ESPN : The Magazine, can be reached at -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/29 23:45, , 1F
看到沒事就想翻一下 雖然作者主觀意見還滿多的
03/29 23:45, 1F

03/29 23:46, , 2F
希望沒漏翻 有些不會的請更強的板友補完吧 謝謝
03/29 23:46, 2F

03/29 23:55, , 3F
03/29 23:55, 3F

03/29 23:57, , 4F
這篇放到N版 會戰很大
03/29 23:57, 4F

03/30 00:01, , 5F
03/30 00:01, 5F

03/30 00:46, , 6F
03/30 00:46, 6F

03/30 01:09, , 7F
03/30 01:09, 7F

03/30 15:25, , 8F
03/30 15:25, 8F

03/30 21:44, , 9F
03/30 21:44, 9F

03/30 21:45, , 10F
03/30 21:45, 10F

03/31 17:06, , 11F
@@? 最後一段很危險
03/31 17:06, 11F
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