Re: Kobe is going to divorce??
Exclusive: Kobe Bryant Puts Divorce Rumors to Rest
Rumors have surfaced that basketball star KOBE BRYANT and his wife VANESSA's
six-year marriage is close to divorce. But the Lakers guard tells our KEVIN
FRAZIER exclusively that the reports are 100 percent false.
The NBA player has been traveling in Europe with his family, which includes
two young daughters, and has been working out with Team U.S.A. He tells Kevin
he has no idea how the rumors got started because he and Vanessa are happily
married. He goes on to tell Kevin that he initially wasn't going to respond
to the reports but then felt compelled to set the record straight.
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◆ From:
08/08 23:33, , 1F
08/08 23:33, 1F
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