[情報] Raul Linked with Liverpool move

看板LFP作者 (Lucky Star)時間19年前 (2005/06/05 10:37), 編輯推噓2(201)
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( 這不是真的 這不是真的!!!!!我希望這不是真的呀!!!!!!!!!) 來源 http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/050604/4/bab7.html Spanish striker Raul has intimated he may be ready to leave Real Madrid and Liverpool is reported to be his likely destination. Raul令人震驚的說出他可能離開馬德里,而利物浦會是傳說中他的目的地 Raul's place in the Real team has come under threat from former Liverpool striker Michael Owen. Raul在隊中的地位被歐文威脅. "After 11 years here I want what is best for the club," Raul said. Raul 說 (以下都是Raul說) 十一年來我都希望完成一切對俱樂部最好的事情 "If at some time I have to sacrifice myself in order for the team to progress then I will do. 如果我需要位俱樂部犧牲...我也願意 "If the club calls you up and says you have to go then as a player you have to be prepared to look for a way out that benefits everyone. 如果俱樂部告訴我說 你必須離開 那我必須找找條為大家都好的路 "If I listen to the polls in some papers, it looks as though I should leave now. 如果報紙上的民調是正確的 那我似乎真的現在該離開了 "I still feel useful to the club and believe I have not reached my peak, but I don't want to be in the way. All I want is for the club to be clear with me." 我仍然覺得自己對俱樂部可以做出貢獻, 我相信我尚未達成我的最佳狀態 而且我不想一直這樣下去 但我希望俱樂部可以明白對我說 os: 沒有Raul+Morientes 的皇馬 ???? 那大家改去支持利物浦算了.....>.< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Ivanov 來自: (06/05 10:55) 06/05, , 1F
推最後一句 06/05, 1F 06/05, , 2F
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