[新聞] Valencia想買Garcia

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Espanyol: Garcia not for sale By Lucas Brown - Created on 10 Aug 2006 Espanyol have announced that Valencia can forget about signing Luis Garcia after the reported interest began to unsettle the player. Espanyol聲稱Valencia在報導開始影響球員前可以放棄簽入Luis Garcia The Parakeets are furious that the rumours will not go away and are adamant that the striker is not for sale. Espanyol對於這些流言還未消失相當憤怒並表示絕對不會賣Garcia Sporting director Paco Herrera has insisted the club will not to buckle under pressure from Valencia, after the 2004 Uefa Cup winners reportedly asked Espanyol to name their price. 體育經理Herrera堅持俱樂部不會屈服於Valencia的壓力下,在2004歐洲聯盟盃冠軍 要求他們標價後 "I am no longer listening to them. Luis Garcia is not for sale," he stressed. "我不想再聽,Garcia絕不會出售"他強調地說 "If they really want to buy him they know that his buy-out clause is €30 million (£20 million) and unless we receive an offer for that then he is not leaving. "假如他們真的想要買他必須知道他的違約金高達€30M,而我們除了收到這報價否則 Garcia絕不會離開" "They have to stop doing this because the longer it goes on the more unsettled the player becomes and that is why it has to end now." "他們必須停止正在做的事因為事情如果繼續下去他們的球員會被動搖" Espanyol coach Ernesto Valverde is also hopeful that Garcia will stay. Espanyol教練Valoverde也希望Garcia能留下來 "He is a player we are counting on," he explained. 他解釋"Garcia是一名我們相當依重的球員" "It is now August and there is not much time before the season starts. A change like this would be very hard and the less I speak about this the better. "現在己經八月而距離球季開賽沒有太多時間,這樣的變動對我們的球隊是很困難的, 而少談論此事對我們比較有利" "Luis is a professional and I think he is focused. We all know how this works and I am going to keep playing him during pre-season." "Luis是一名職業球員,他對此抱持著認真的態度,而我將會在下一賽季與他共事" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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