Re: [U-19]0607 UEFA European Championship

看板LFP作者 (Blanco hasta la muerte)時間17年前 (2007/07/28 11:03), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
西班牙U-19決賽1-0擊敗希臘,蟬連冠軍:) ESPAÑA: Sergio; Víctor, Pablo, Echaide, Cantero; San José, César Azpilicueta; Coto (Zamora, 65’), Dani Parejo (Berrocal, 81’), Aarón; y Emilio (Carletes, 65’). GRECIA: Stratilatis; Boukouvalas, Apostolopoulos, Siakas, Moniakis; Lampropoulos (Koutsianikoulis, 75’), Papadopoulos, Dimoutsos (Siovas, 48’), Ioannidis; Ninis (Papazoglou, 50’) y Mitroglou. GOLES: 1-0, minuto 39: Dani Parejo. Dani的進球非常漂亮,角度非常小的自由球直接破網 Daniel Parejo scores. Spain take the lead seven minutes before the break as Parejo catches everyone out with a smart free-kick from the left side of the penalty area which beats Stratilatis at his near-post (from:Liakos @ SoccerPulse) 圖集 (可惡的EuroSport這次居然沒播完頒獎典禮\__/) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/28 21:37, , 1F
07/28 21:37, 1F

07/31 12:08, , 2F
07/31 12:08, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #16gh7wBs (LFP)
文章代碼(AID): #16gh7wBs (LFP)