[外電] Exit Interview - Malik Beasley

看板Lakers (洛杉磯 湖人)作者 (咖祖馬桑!!!)時間10月前 (2023/05/26 23:53), 編輯推噓189(1890402)
留言591則, 72人參與, 10月前最新討論串1/1
一樣先附上官方影片連結 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gWKeRstr_4
以下逐字稿翻譯 --------------- Q1:Malik. Kind of an up-and-down experience for you personally since you got here, but how do you assess your time with the Lakers and, obviously, your contract situation with the team option. What do you expect moving forward? 對你而言今年是個跌宕起伏的賽季 你怎麼看你在湖人的這一段時間? 還有對於你的合約中的球隊選擇權,你有什麼樣的想法嗎? Malik Beasley:First things first, I can only control what I can control, whether that’s here or anywhere else. Just have a great summer, working on the things that I need to work on. From my point of view, this season I had a great opportunity to play for the Lakers, turned the season around, going 18-8 after the All-Star break, and then playing in the playoffs. I’m just very thankful that I had the opportunity, and I had some ups-and-downs but, at the end of the day, we changed the culture, the three guys that came with me, Vando and D-Lo, we changed the culture, so that’s our main focus. 首先,我只能控制我能控制的部分,不論是在哪裡 暑假我將持續加強不足的部分 我認為今年我有幸替湖人打球,扭轉了賽季的走向,明星賽後打出18-8(?)的戰績 甚至打進季後賽 我很感激這個機會,也確實我經歷了很多起伏 但我們三人,我與Vando還有D-Lo,我們改變了球隊的文化,這點相當重要 Q2:Malik. As much as you want to share, what was the center of the conversation with Rob and Darvin about your chance of being here in the future? 想請你就能講的部分跟我們說明一下,你與Rob還有Darvin談話的內容 關於你下賽季是否還會在這支球隊的部分 Malik Beasley:I don’t want to speak on it too much because you never know what can happen, but obviously with the culture that we brought here when we came here, he loves that and he wants us to maintain that, so hopefully we can make something happen when I come back. Like I said, I can only control what I can control, so either way I’m gonna make sure that I stay ready. 我不想講太多畢竟你永遠不知道未來會發生什麼 但他們說他們很喜歡我們加入球隊後對氣氛的改變也希望可以持續這個好的部分 所以希望我們有機會可以再一起打球 像我說的,我只能控制我能控制的,那就是將我自己準備好 Q3:Malik. What was it like for you to play with LeBron and AD and how did they help you grow your game? 與LeBron還有AD打球有什麼感覺? 他們怎麼幫助你進步? Malik Beasley:It’s just amazing. I’ve got some stories. I went to LeBron’s camp when I was in high school, so it just shows, and we played on the same team when we played pickup. It just shows that the man has been around the game for a long time and just to be able to play with him is crazy. And my first game when I played for Denver in the NBA, AD had 50 and like, 20, in the first regular season game, and I was like “Wow. I’m in the league. This is crazy.” And now I’m playing with them. And when I was starting, when the Star-Spangled Banner was going on and I was standing there like “Damn. I’m starting next to AD and LeBron. This is awesome.” And I’m blessed to have this opportunity to go out there and work and take advantage of this. It’s a blessing. 感覺太棒了,跟你們分享一下 我高中時曾經參加過LeBron辦的營隊,這說明了他在聯盟打了多久 當時我們還是隊友呢 能跟他同隊真的很不可思議 我記得我的第一場NBA比賽,當時我還在丹佛 AD好像拿了50分還有20個籃板吧? 我覺得「原來這就是NBA,我也是一份子了」 現在我能跟他們兩個同隊 當我先發時,在賽前演奏國歌時 我心想「天啊,我跟AD還有LeBron同場先發欸,太酷了」 我相當幸運,有這個機會可以把握 Q4:Malik. Along the “continuity” lines with this group, you guys obviously made the Conference Finals, wasn’t the result you wanted, but still a deep playoff run. What do you think the ceiling is for this group if you guys stayed together? 今年你們成功打進了西區冠軍賽,雖然結果不盡如人意,但還是相當成功的賽季 你認為這個團隊的天花板會在哪裡? Malik Beasley:Definitely a championship. Just that fact that we weren’t even here for the majority of the season just shows that if we had a training camp together, if we get the first half of the season together and the rest of the season, I think we can be really great. I think we can win a championship, we were right there right now, and unfortunately Denver played better than us. I guess I don’t think a team can beat us in a 7-game series again if we had this type of experience and played together and have training camp together. 絕對可以拿下冠軍的 今年我們只合作了短短幾個月就可以打到這樣說明了 如果我們能夠有個完整的賽季還有訓練營,我們一定會更好的 我認為我們已經相當接近冠軍了 不幸地,金塊在系列賽的表現比較好 但我不認為在經過這次的經驗後,再加上一個完整的訓練營與例行賽 我們會在七戰四勝系列賽中輸給任何對手 Q5:Malik, you got to observe LeBron over the past 6, 7 weeks since he came back from the foot injury. How much did he put into this physically and mentally and do you think that played any role in kind of what he said last night about contemplating his future? 過去六七週,你近距離看到了LeBron在腳傷後怎麼復健並復出的 他在生理與心理上怎麼做到的?你認為那個傷勢與他昨晚談到他的未來的談話有關嗎? Malik Beasley:I’m not sure what he’s gonna do in his future, but the stuff I learned from him just this season has been amazing. Like when he was injured, he would juice for a certain amount of time and eat certain days to help speed up the recovery process, so now I might have to go juice for a little bit to see if that helps. He’s always stretching, he’s always in the gym, he continues to put in the work, and that motivates me to do that too. If he can do that at his age, I know I can do that as well and expand my game to the maximum level. 我不知道他會怎麼做 但我看到他的付出真的相當驚人 他受傷時,他會根據時間控制自己的飲食習慣來加速他的恢復速度 我想我可能也要來嘗試一下了(笑) 他不斷在伸展,隨時都在體育館內,持續地在進步 這激勵了我要繼續進步 如果他在那個年紀都還能做得到,現在的我也一定能做到 ---------------- 雖然他季賽尾聲以及季後賽的表現太過低迷逐漸掉出輪替 但就像他說的,這個團隊在一起打球才不到四個月 還沒有什麼完整團體練球的時間,能打到西區冠軍賽已經超乎預期了 過去幾年他的三分都有一定水準,或許只是一時水土不服吧 還是其實是紫金球衣的重量比別隊的球隊還要重(?) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1685116438.A.D95.html

05/26 23:57, 10月前 , 1F
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05/27 00:03, 10月前 , 4F
05/27 00:03, 4F

05/27 00:13, 10月前 , 5F
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05/27 00:15, 10月前 , 6F
骰子剩下1 還是太慘了..
05/27 00:15, 6F

05/27 00:18, 10月前 , 7F
好聚好散 慢走不送
05/27 00:18, 7F

05/27 00:20, 10月前 , 8F
MB真的迷 明明是成名已久的高產射手 誰知水土不服成這樣
05/27 00:20, 8F

05/27 00:22, 10月前 , 9F
05/27 00:22, 9F

05/27 00:26, 10月前 , 10F
湖人三分靈氣 在準的射手來都會烙賽
05/27 00:26, 10F

05/27 00:26, 10月前 , 11F
真的要加油 絕對是個能用的人 下一季如果還在這裡 期
05/27 00:26, 11F

05/27 00:26, 10月前 , 12F
05/27 00:26, 12F

05/27 00:27, 10月前 , 13F
真的可惜 本來以為可以當LBJ專武 結果骰子整組壞掉
05/27 00:27, 13F

05/27 00:42, 10月前 , 14F
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05/27 00:45, 10月前 , 16F
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05/27 00:46, 10月前 , 17F
如果他是正常的 現在我們還在打季後賽吧
05/27 00:46, 17F

05/27 01:16, 10月前 , 18F
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05/27 01:16, 10月前 , 19F
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05/27 01:20, 10月前 , 20F
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05/27 01:21, 10月前 , 21F
球商太低 很常輪轉到他不知道要守誰
05/27 01:21, 21F

05/27 01:50, 10月前 , 22F
推翻譯 MB加油
05/27 01:50, 22F

05/27 02:13, 10月前 , 23F
05/27 02:13, 23F

05/27 02:14, 10月前 , 24F
練習可能也許可以克服 如果留隊就練吧
05/27 02:14, 24F

05/27 04:03, 10月前 , 25F
05/27 04:03, 25F

05/27 05:17, 10月前 , 26F
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05/27 06:27, 10月前 , 29F
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05/27 06:36, 10月前 , 30F
翻譯推 感謝
05/27 06:36, 30F

05/27 06:40, 10月前 , 31F
在灰狼算準 但轉隊前在爵士就還好只是產量大 明年還在的
05/27 06:40, 31F

05/27 06:40, 10月前 , 32F
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05/27 06:41, 10月前 , 33F
05/27 06:41, 33F

05/27 06:41, 10月前 , 34F
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05/27 06:58, 10月前 , 35F
說真的輪轉不行 3又差的話去哪隊都慘
05/27 06:58, 35F

05/27 06:59, 10月前 , 36F
05/27 06:59, 36F

05/27 07:01, 10月前 , 37F
你要走純三 除非能練到跟肯禿那樣準 三分45%那種
05/27 07:01, 37F

05/27 07:01, 10月前 , 38F
05/27 07:01, 38F

05/27 07:02, 10月前 , 39F
後面大爆胎 防守不好 戰力大折損QQ
05/27 07:02, 39F
還有 512 則推文
05/27 15:01, 10月前 , 552F
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05/27 15:02, 10月前 , 553F
05/27 15:02, 553F

05/27 15:10, 10月前 , 554F
應該會延長吧 可以7月馬上就交易
05/27 15:10, 554F

05/27 15:11, 10月前 , 555F
05/27 15:11, 555F

05/27 15:39, 10月前 , 556F
要是只打例行賽 Dlo應該值得那份續約
05/27 15:39, 556F

05/27 15:39, 10月前 , 557F
05/27 15:39, 557F

05/27 15:43, 10月前 , 558F
Dlo如果少拿一點 應該還可吃班霸的10M
05/27 15:43, 558F

05/27 15:44, 10月前 , 559F
05/27 15:44, 559F

05/27 15:44, 10月前 , 560F
AD Bamna TT 中鋒也差不多了
05/27 15:44, 560F

05/27 16:25, 10月前 , 561F
Bamba感覺可以養看看啊 天賦就在那 我覺得練起來季
05/27 16:25, 561F

05/27 16:25, 10月前 , 562F
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05/27 16:26, 10月前 , 563F
05/27 16:26, 563F

05/27 16:26, 10月前 , 564F
DLO領越少 MO就越有機會留下來
05/27 16:26, 564F

05/27 16:28, 10月前 , 565F
如果Dlo領少一點 可以意外的撿回班霸 這樣結局也算
05/27 16:28, 565F

05/27 16:28, 10月前 , 566F
05/27 16:28, 566F

05/27 16:37, 10月前 , 567F
最近有報導說DLO在灰狼尋求4年一億美元的合同 灰狼認為
05/27 16:37, 567F

05/27 16:38, 10月前 , 568F
他穩定性不足要價太高才交易他 湖人要續約可參考這價錢
05/27 16:38, 568F

05/27 16:46, 10月前 , 569F
05/27 16:46, 569F

05/27 16:52, 10月前 , 570F
05/27 16:52, 570F

05/27 17:12, 10月前 , 571F
05/27 17:12, 571F

05/27 17:14, 10月前 , 572F
05/27 17:14, 572F

05/27 17:23, 10月前 , 573F
TT看訪談是很有興趣留隊 只是場均5至10分鐘應該還有油
05/27 17:23, 573F

05/27 17:25, 10月前 , 574F
05/27 17:25, 574F

05/27 17:29, 10月前 , 575F
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05/27 17:35, 10月前 , 576F
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05/27 17:35, 10月前 , 577F
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05/27 17:36, 10月前 , 578F
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05/27 17:42, 10月前 , 579F
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05/27 18:04, 10月前 , 580F
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05/27 21:20, 10月前 , 587F
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05/27 22:07, 10月前 , 588F
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05/27 23:16, 10月前 , 589F
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05/27 23:24, 10月前 , 590F
05/27 23:24, 590F

05/28 01:33, 10月前 , 591F
05/28 01:33, 591F
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文章代碼(AID): #1aSDOMsL (Lakers)