[外電] Lakers Media Day

看板Lakers (洛杉磯 湖人)作者 (你不要過來啊)時間3天前 (2024/10/01 10:06), 3天前編輯推噓54(54042)
留言96則, 45人參與, 2天前最新討論串1/1
-Anthony Davis- Anthony Davis on how he feels coming into training camp off his summer with Te am USA: "I feel good. Felt great all summer, obviously in the Olympics." For the team, he said: "Health will be the biggest thing for us." He cited Van derbilt and Vincent being hurt last year. AD,on the hiring of JJ Redick, said he was in frequent communication with Rob Pelinka about the process: "The principles and the schemes that (Redick) wante d to bring to our organization stood out to me, and I relayed that to Rob, and let Rob do his job from there." Davis on competing in the West: “The West is tough. It’s always been tough. For us, we can’t get too excited for a win or too low for a loss. We have to come in and stay even keeled.(Our) continuity helps,building off last year wit h the team we had. If we (keep building), we can be a top team in the West. If we get hit by the injury bug again, it’s going to be tough." Davis said he doesn't think about what kind of help he needs on defense. He ta kes it upon himself: "Defensively, I don’t try to rely on other guys ... I t ake so much pride on defense ... I just want us to be a top 5 team in defense this year. And I’ll be happy with that.” Anthony Davis 談到他在與美國隊一起渡過夏天後進入訓練營的感受:「我感覺很好。整 個夏天都感覺很棒,尤其是在奧運會上。」 談到球隊時,他說:「健康將是我們最大的問題。」他提到Vanderbilt和Vincent去年因傷 缺陣。 AD 談到聘請 JJ Redick 時說,他與 Rob Pelinka 頻繁溝通這個過程:「Redick 想要帶到 我們球隊的原則和戰術讓我印象深刻,我把這些傳達給 Rob,然後讓 Rob 做他的工作。」 Davis 談到在西區的競爭:「西區很艱難,過去一直都是如此。對於我們來說,我們不能因 為贏球而太過興奮,或因為輸球而太過低落。我們必須保持平衡。我們有了去年的基礎,如 果我們繼續這樣建立下去,我們可以成為西區頂級球隊之一。如果我們再次受到傷病困擾, 那將會很艱難。」 Davis 說他不會考慮防守端需要什麼樣的幫助,而是自己承擔責任:「在防守上,我不會依 賴其他人……我對防守非常自豪……我只希望我們今年能成為防守排名前五的球隊,我會 為此感到高興。」 -Austin Reaves- Austin Reaves, after a whirlwind past few years, had a full offseason to recov er and prep. He cited an emphasis on getting stronger physically, and then als o "getting familiar with the schemes and all the new stuff the coaching staff is asking ... It’s been a great summer. It’s been a lot of fun being around those guys and learning, and having a good understanding of what (they want) g oing into this year.” Austin Reaves在過去幾年的風風雨雨之後,擁有了一個完整的休賽季來恢復和準備。他提 到著重於增強身體素質,以及熟悉戰術和教練組要求的所有新東西……這是一個很棒的夏 天。和那些傢伙在一起非常有趣,學習了很多,並對他們想要的目標有了很好的理解,準備 迎接新的一年。 -LeBron James- Nobody has prepped for an NBA season more than LeBron James ... Vince Carter i s the only player to also play Year 22. LeBron said that he's a "little bit more advanced" coming into the season in a n Olympic year than he typically is,because he's been "playing all summer." LeBron continued about how he feels physically: "I had a great summer. Body re sponded very well. I feel really good physically. Really sharp mentally." Playing so well for Team USA let LeBron know: “I do have a lot in the tank … a lot.” LeBron on playing with Bronny: "It’s a lot of excitement. Just pure joy, to be honest,to come to work every day and put in hard work with your son. We pus h each other … just a very joyous moment not only for myself but for our fami ly." 沒有人比 LeBron James 更認真準備 NBA 賽季……Vince Carter 是唯一另一位打到第22 個賽季的球員。 LeBron 說,由於今年是奧運年,他的準備進度比平常快一點,因為他「整個夏天都在打球 LeBron 繼續談到自己的身體狀況:「我度過了一個很棒的夏天。我的身體反應非常好。 我身體上感覺很好,精神上也非常敏銳。」 為美國隊打得這麼好讓 LeBron 知道:「我還有很多油……真的很多。」 LeBron 談到與 Bronny 一起打球:「這是一種莫大的興奮。說實話,能每天一起努力工作, 和自己的兒子並肩作戰,純粹是種喜悅。我們互相激勵……這對我和我們的家人來說,都是 一個非常快樂的時刻。」 -Rui Hachimura- Rui Hachimura on speaking to JJ Redick: “I was just here working out and we t alked for 30 minutes ... he talked about wanting me to shoot more 3’s. He thi nks I’m a great shooter. Offensively, defensively, I have to be involved more , and I think it’s going to be a big year for me.” Hachimura on crashing from the corner at Redick's direction: "With this lineup I’m going to be in the corner a lot. That’s the best way to approach offens ive rebounds. I have to be more aggressive on that. I have the size and the sp eed to do that. That’s what they’re asking, and I agree with that.” Rui Hachimura談到與 JJ Redick 的交流:「我當時正在這裡訓練,我們聊了30分鐘…… 他說希望我多投三分。他認為我是個很棒的射手。在進攻和防守端,我需要更多參與,我認 為這將會是我重要的一年。」 Rui Hachimura談到 Redick 指導他從底角衝搶籃板:「在這個陣容裡,我會經常待在底角 。這是搶進攻籃板最好的方式。我必須在這方面更具侵略性。我有這樣的身材和速度來做 到這一點。這是他們的要求,我也同意這樣做。」 -D'Angelo Russell- D'Angelo Russell on connecting with JJ Redick this offseason: "We had a great conversation … we kind of hit it off. Very high-IQ guy basketball wise and pe rsonally. I think I gravitated towards that right away.” Russell said JJ Redick is the "perfect guy" to understand the balance of letti ng his players play - Russell mentioned LeBron specifically in that context - and also put in some of his basketball philosophies as a coach to make an impa ct. D’Angelo Russell 談到這個休賽期與 JJ Redick 的互動時說:“我們有過一次很棒的對 話……我們一拍即合。他在籃球智商和個人方面都很高。我覺得我立刻被這一點所吸引。 Russell 說,JJ Redick 是理解讓球員自由發揮與融入自己籃球哲學之間平衡的「完美人 選」。Russell 特別提到了 LeBron 在這個背景下的例子,並表示 Redick 作為教練能夠 通過這種方式產生影響。 -Gabe Vincent- Gabe Vincent played just 11 games last year due to his knee injury, and he's j ust excited about returning the court. "I can defend, I can make an open shot …I’m looking forward to helping this team win basketball games." Gabe Vincent去年由於膝傷只打了 11 場比賽,他對重返球場感到很興奮。 “我可以防守 ,我可以空位投籃……我期待著幫助這支球隊贏得籃球比賽。” -Jarred Vanderbilt- Jarred Vanderbilt said he's feeling good as he continues the rehab process on his feet. Asked about opening night: “I’m not quite sure. The team has put t ogether a great plan for me and we’re making progress.” Jarred Vanderbilt表示,他在繼續腳步康復過程中感覺良好,當被問到開幕戰時,他說:「 我不太確定,球隊為我制定了一個很好的計劃,我們正在取得進展」 -Max Christie- Max Christie said he's excited about JJ Redick and his staff, and has had a ve ry productive summer: "JJ has done a really good job to start … he’s done a really good job explaining our offensive and defensive identity." Max Christie表示他對JJ Redick和他的教練團感到興奮,並且渡過了一個非常有成效的夏 :“JJ開始時做得非常好……他很好地解釋了我們的進攻和防守風格。” -Jaxson Hayes- Jaxson Hayes established a bench rotation spot last January that stuck for the rest of the season. He noted that, with Christian Wood's injury, "I’m going to have to step up a lot more ... and be even a little better, even." Jaxson Hayes在去年一月確立了替補輪換的位置,並在接下來的賽季中持續保持。他提到 由於Christian Wood的受傷,“我需要更加努力……甚至要變得更好一些。” -Dalton Knecht、Bronny James - Dalton Knecht said he's been emphasizing getting in the weight room over the s ummer, and also spending a lot of time with the staff on the court. Bronny James said he's most excited about simply competing every day in practi ce. He quipped that he'll "definitely not" commute with his dad. Dalton Knecht表示,他在夏天強調在健身房鍛煉,並且花了很多時間和教練團在場上訓練 Bronny James 表示,他最期待的就是每天在訓練中競爭。他開玩笑說他“絕對不會”和爸 爸一起通勤。 -Christian Wood- Christian Wood said that his rehabilitation from knee surgery has gone well, a nd that he's already getting closer to "wrapping things up" on that front. He' s hoping to be available "sooner rather than later." He doesn't feel like he g ot to show everything he could do last season. Christian Wood表示,他的膝蓋手術康復進展良好,並且已經接近“結束”這方面的康復。 他希望能“越快越好”地回到賽場。他感覺自己上個賽季沒有展示出所有的能力。 -Cam Reddish- Cam Reddish on what he's talked about with the staff about his role heading in to this season: "Continuing with my defensively abilities, making the right pl ayon offense and being ready to shoot.” He added that he's gained 5-10 pounds of muscle from lifting this offseason. Cam Reddish談到他與教練團討論的本賽季角色時表示:“繼續提升我的防守能力,做出正 確的進攻決策,並隨時準備投籃。” 他補充道,他在這個休賽季通過舉重增重了5到10磅的肌肉。 -Jalen Hood-Schifino- Last year's first round pick, Jalen Hood-Schifino, said he's "feeling healthy now" after rehabilitating from back surgery in March. JJ Redick mentioned being impressed with his development this offseason. JHS:" I’m feeling great now, and am ready to go into camp tomorrow and make an impa ct." 去年的首輪選秀選手Jalen Hood-Schifino表示,在三月份進行背部手術後,他“現在感覺 健康”。 JJ Redick提到對他在這個休賽季的發展印象深刻。JHS 說:“我現在感覺很好,準備明天 進入訓練營並發揮影響力。” https://i.imgur.com/Dti8Xx6.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1727748381.A.5AC.html ※ 編輯: jason911152 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 10:15:40

10/01 10:17, 3天前 , 1F
希望JJ能建立個好的防守體系 目前人幾乎都是跟上季一樣 在
10/01 10:17, 1F

10/01 10:17, 3天前 , 2F
10/01 10:17, 2F

10/01 10:26, 3天前 , 3F
10/01 10:26, 3F

10/01 10:26, 3天前 , 4F
10/01 10:26, 4F
※ 編輯: jason911152 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 10:33:56

10/01 10:30, 3天前 , 5F
10/01 10:30, 5F

10/01 10:30, 3天前 , 6F
10/01 10:30, 6F

10/01 10:30, 3天前 , 7F
10/01 10:30, 7F

10/01 10:31, 3天前 , 8F
10/01 10:31, 8F

10/01 10:52, 3天前 , 9F
All 突然覺得有總教練很棒
10/01 10:52, 9F

10/01 10:53, 3天前 , 10F
絕對不會跟老爸通勤 笑死
10/01 10:53, 10F

10/01 10:54, 3天前 , 11F
10/01 10:54, 11F

10/01 10:58, 3天前 , 12F
紅盤不錯喔 增重 我大彪哥趕緊回來吧 分擔AD防守壓
10/01 10:58, 12F

10/01 10:58, 3天前 , 13F
10/01 10:58, 13F

10/01 11:00, 3天前 , 14F
10/01 11:00, 14F

10/01 11:01, 3天前 , 15F
八村真的要多投3分 合格3D必備的
10/01 11:01, 15F

10/01 11:02, 3天前 , 16F
10/01 11:02, 16F

10/01 11:04, 3天前 , 17F
10/01 11:04, 17F

10/01 11:32, 3天前 , 18F
AD其實有提到 JJ要他多投三分XD
10/01 11:32, 18F

10/01 11:49, 3天前 , 19F
10/01 11:49, 19F

10/01 12:19, 3天前 , 20F
10/01 12:19, 20F

10/01 12:28, 3天前 , 21F
10/01 12:28, 21F

10/01 12:29, 3天前 , 22F
10/01 12:29, 22F

10/01 12:29, 3天前 , 23F
10/01 12:29, 23F

10/01 12:32, 3天前 , 24F
10/01 12:32, 24F

10/01 12:42, 3天前 , 25F
雖然Dlo成熟了 但這種屁屁的個性臭火腿蠻適合的XD
10/01 12:42, 25F

10/01 13:13, 3天前 , 26F
希望Koloko 趕快得到聯盟放行,他的主治醫師跟湖人醫
10/01 13:13, 26F

10/01 13:13, 3天前 , 27F
10/01 13:13, 27F

10/01 13:14, 3天前 , 28F
10/01 13:14, 28F

10/01 13:37, 3天前 , 29F
我也希望Reddish 把握剩下的機會,他變髮圖強把頭髮
10/01 13:37, 29F

10/01 13:37, 3天前 , 30F
都剃了,跟當之前Claxton 一樣
10/01 13:37, 30F

10/01 13:40, 3天前 , 31F
10/01 13:40, 31F

10/01 13:41, 3天前 , 32F
當狀態好點的時候又開始受傷 傷完回來狀態又爛掉了
10/01 13:41, 32F

10/01 13:41, 3天前 , 33F
今年等於是再繼續炒一摸一樣的菜 只是廚師換了而已XD
10/01 13:41, 33F

10/01 13:42, 3天前 , 34F
10/01 13:42, 34F

10/01 13:46, 3天前 , 35F
去年廚師有再炒菜嗎 我以為他只有加熱食物而已
10/01 13:46, 35F

10/01 13:47, 3天前 , 36F
AR那聚話講得不錯 火腿只有第一次季後賽時有出些招
10/01 13:47, 36F

10/01 13:47, 3天前 , 37F
10/01 13:47, 37F

10/01 13:48, 3天前 , 38F
JJ有料沒料還不確定 但這個跟球員溝通的起步還可以
10/01 13:48, 38F

10/01 13:49, 3天前 , 39F
JJ現在的歌舞昇平 主要是前朝太爛 還是要靠贏球來證明
10/01 13:49, 39F

10/01 13:53, 3天前 , 40F
火腿有炒啦 只是他把主菜和配菜搞混下去炒
10/01 13:53, 40F

10/01 13:58, 3天前 , 41F
10/01 13:58, 41F

10/01 13:58, 3天前 , 42F
10/01 13:58, 42F

10/01 13:58, 3天前 , 43F
10/01 13:58, 43F

10/01 14:02, 3天前 , 44F
10/01 14:02, 44F

10/01 14:18, 3天前 , 45F
10/01 14:18, 45F

10/01 15:17, 3天前 , 46F
10/01 15:17, 46F

10/01 15:19, 3天前 , 47F
10/01 15:19, 47F

10/01 15:22, 3天前 , 48F
10/01 15:22, 48F

10/01 15:23, 3天前 , 49F
10/01 15:23, 49F

10/01 15:23, 3天前 , 50F
10/01 15:23, 50F

10/01 15:29, 3天前 , 51F

10/01 15:29, 3天前 , 52F

10/01 15:30, 3天前 , 53F
10/01 15:30, 53F

10/01 15:48, 3天前 , 54F
Max看五官不看頭髮 真的超像Kobe..
10/01 15:48, 54F

10/01 16:22, 3天前 , 55F
火腿+愛將走了 比較有機會看小將成長
10/01 16:22, 55F

10/01 16:30, 3天前 , 56F
10/01 16:30, 56F

10/01 16:30, 3天前 , 57F
10/01 16:30, 57F

10/01 17:24, 3天前 , 58F
10/01 17:24, 58F

10/01 17:26, 3天前 , 59F
10/01 17:26, 59F

10/01 17:51, 3天前 , 60F
10/01 17:51, 60F

10/01 17:51, 3天前 , 61F
10/01 17:51, 61F

10/01 17:52, 3天前 , 62F
第一年只是德軟比王子有用而已吧 顆顆
10/01 17:52, 62F

10/01 17:55, 3天前 , 63F
第一年剛好給他賽到 德軟耐操好用
10/01 17:55, 63F

10/01 18:37, 3天前 , 64F
德軟功能性比王子強太多了 攻守都是
10/01 18:37, 64F

10/01 18:38, 3天前 , 65F
德軟能持球進攻 防守能當poa 王子根本沒這些功能 火
10/01 18:38, 65F

10/01 18:38, 3天前 , 66F
10/01 18:38, 66F

10/01 18:45, 3天前 , 67F
10/01 18:45, 67F

10/01 18:46, 3天前 , 68F
10/01 18:46, 68F

10/01 18:46, 3天前 , 69F
10/01 18:46, 69F

10/01 18:46, 3天前 , 70F
10/01 18:46, 70F

10/01 19:36, 3天前 , 71F
10/01 19:36, 71F

10/01 19:36, 3天前 , 72F
10/01 19:36, 72F

10/01 19:36, 3天前 , 73F
10/01 19:36, 73F

10/01 20:06, 3天前 , 74F
10/01 20:06, 74F

10/01 20:07, 3天前 , 75F
10/01 20:07, 75F

10/01 20:07, 3天前 , 76F
10/01 20:07, 76F

10/01 20:09, 3天前 , 77F
10/01 20:09, 77F

10/01 21:02, 3天前 , 78F
德軟缺點超多,是鐵人poa運球後衛屬性和AR Dlo剛好
10/01 21:02, 78F

10/01 21:02, 3天前 , 79F
10/01 21:02, 79F

10/01 21:59, 3天前 , 80F
10/01 21:59, 80F

10/01 22:27, 3天前 , 81F
10/01 22:27, 81F
※ 編輯: jason911152 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2024 23:27:42

10/02 00:06, 3天前 , 82F
雖然夢想很美滿 但看這陣容很骨感,今年其實就是陪
10/02 00:06, 82F

10/02 00:06, 3天前 , 83F
10/02 00:06, 83F

10/02 00:32, 3天前 , 84F
10/02 00:32, 84F

10/02 00:33, 3天前 , 85F
10/02 00:33, 85F

10/02 00:36, 3天前 , 86F
10/02 00:36, 86F

10/02 00:42, 3天前 , 87F
10/02 00:42, 87F

10/02 01:02, 3天前 , 88F
我們連三年換體系 整天想爭冠更不實際
10/02 01:02, 88F

10/02 01:03, 3天前 , 89F
這季該著重小將成長 有成長就是好事 明年LBJ仍可以降薪
10/02 01:03, 89F

10/02 01:03, 3天前 , 90F
10/02 01:03, 90F

10/02 01:18, 3天前 , 91F
10/02 01:18, 91F

10/02 01:20, 3天前 , 92F
10/02 01:20, 92F

10/02 01:29, 3天前 , 93F
JJ 好的開始 繼續加油 新賽季 想看看他的造化
10/02 01:29, 93F

10/02 05:51, 3天前 , 94F
10/02 05:51, 94F

10/02 06:29, 3天前 , 95F
今天練習完 JJ LBJ都對於Max高度讚賞
10/02 06:29, 95F

10/02 17:27, 2天前 , 96F
10/02 17:27, 96F
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文章代碼(AID): #1c-raTMi (Lakers)