[外電] 今日賽後

看板Lakers (洛杉磯 湖人)作者 (你不要過來啊)時間5小時前 (2024/12/16 15:41), 5小時前編輯推噓29(29014)
留言43則, 26人參與, 3小時前最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
-JJ Redick- JJ Redick's comment highlights the importance of making mid-range jumpers when a team is struggling with three-point shooting. In this case, Redick was referring to Anthony Davis (AD) and his recent success with long 2-point shots, also known as mid-range jumpers. Redick emphasized that if the Lakers are opting for these mid-range shots, especially when their three-point shooting isn't clicking, then those shots need to be highly efficient and go in consistently. Redick, known for his shooting ability, was pointing out that if the Lakers are going away from the three-point line to rely on mid-range jumpers, it puts more pressure on players like AD to make them count. Otherwise, it could be detrimental to the team's offense, especially if they aren't generating efficient scoring opportunities. This comment underscores how important shot selection and efficiency are, particularly when a team faces a slump in a key area like three-point shooting. JJ Redick 的評論突顯了在球隊三分球表現低迷時,命中中距離跳投的重要性。在這種情 況下,Redick是指Anthony Davis最近在長距離兩分球上的成功,也就是中距離跳投。 Redick強調,如果湖人隊選擇依賴這些中距離投籃,尤其是在三分球不順的情況下,那 麼這些投籃必須高效並且穩定命中。 Redick以自己擅長投籃著稱,他指出,如果湖人隊選擇放棄三分球而轉向中距離跳投, 那麼像AD這樣的球員就必須將這些投籃命中,否則可能會對球隊的進攻造成不利影響, 特別是如果球隊無法創造高效的得分機會。 這番話強調了在球隊面對像三分球低迷這樣的困境時,選擇投籃和投籃效率的重要性。 JJ Redick says that starting Max Christie over Gabe Vincent wasn’t an easy decision, especially given Vincent’s recent defense. But he said he likes Christie’s size and athleticism, and he thinks this is a valuable opportunity for the 21-year-old to continue developing. JJ Redick 還表示,將 Max Christie 排進先發取代Gabe Vincent並不是一個輕鬆的決定 ,尤其是考慮到文森特最近的防守表現。但他表示,他喜歡Christie的身高和運動能力, 並認為這是21歲的Christie繼續發展的一個寶貴機會。 Redick credited Max Christie for boosting the team tonight, noting his “size and athleticism” and feel for the game as additives to the group in his first start alongside Reaves, Hachimura, LeBron and AD JJ Redick稱讚了Max Christie今晚的表現,指出他的「身高和運動能力」以及對比 賽的敏銳感知為球隊增添了力量,特別是在他首次與Reaves、Hachimura、James和AD一 同先發時。 He called it a "strange game" with all of the whistles but was pleased with his team's defense. 他形容這是一場「奇怪的比賽」,因為裁判哨音很多,但他對球隊的防守感到滿意。 -Anthony Davis- Anthony Davis on his shoulder: "Just a little stinger. Went in the back, got some work done. I had four fouls anyway, so it was about time for me to come out. Anthony Davis談到自己的肩膀:「就是有點小刺痛,我回到後場做了一些處理。反正我 已經有四次犯規了,該休息一下了。」 -Max Christie- Max Christie: "My main assignment tonight was Ja Morant" Max Christie表示:「我今晚的主要任務是防守Ja Morant 。」 Ja Morant今晚在31分鐘的比賽中,投籃命中率為6中21投。 Max Christie says JJ Redick told him a little before the game that he would be starting and his goal was to just make things as difficult as possible for Ja Morant. "I thought I did a decent job of that tonight."Max Christie believes communication and effort have been the keys to the Lakers' defensive improvements the last two games." Max Christie表示,JJ Redick在比賽前不久告訴他會先發,並告訴他要盡可能讓 Ja Morant難受。「我覺得我今晚做得還不錯。」Max Christie認為,溝通和努力是湖 人隊在過去兩場比賽中防守進步的關鍵。 -Austin Reaves- Austin Reaves praised Max Christie for his "phenomenal" defense on Ja Morant tonight. "You want to see a kid like that succeed. Good kid, puts all the work in... I think he was the first guy in the gym this morning getting shots up." Austin Reaves稱讚今晚Max Christie對Ja Morant的防守「非常出色」。 「你會希望看到像他這樣的年輕人成功。他是個好孩子,願意付出努力……我覺得他是今 天早上最早進入訓練館的那個,開始投籃。」 -LeBron James- LeBron James said he felt “pretty good” after his nine-day, two-game absence. He clarified he is not past his left foot injury and that it’s been bothering him for a few years. LeBron James說,在他缺席了九天、兩場比賽後,他覺得「相當不錯」,並澄清他並沒 有完全恢復左腳的傷勢,他提到這個傷勢困擾他已經好幾年了。 「這個傷勢還沒有完全痊癒,」James說。「這是每天都會出現的問題……但在休息期間 我能做些不錯的事情。」 當被問到他在休戰期間都做了什麽,James說:“許多的覆健工作,仍然做了許多的訓練 ,這樣才能確保我可以準備好出戰今晚的比賽。我不想太過失去比賽體型。” 當被問到在生涯這個階段繼續投入比賽是否令人筋疲力盡,詹姆斯說:“這和其他年份沒 有什麽不同,賽季總是這樣——有一個形容詞我想使用但是不會使用,但你懂的,每個賽 季都有各自的挑戰,今年也沒啥不同。” 當被問到他曾計劃出戰82場比賽,為何決定聽從身體的反饋休戰2場,James說:“我聽 從的不只是我自己,因為如果只是取決於我,我可能本會出戰那場對陣拓荒者的比賽。我 不確定我是否本會出戰打灰狼的比賽,但是讓我遠離它會很難。我有一個團隊,我也要 聽他們的意見。他們會為我的最佳利益著想。” 當被問到他是否已經擺脫了左腳傷病,James說:“不,這是每天都要應對的事情,它並 沒有離開我,這是需要每日護理的問題,這個問題已經持續幾年了。但是我做了許多很棒 的事情,再次確保不只是腳傷,還有我在亞特蘭大的比賽常規時間最後時刻,被AD用膝蓋 頂到了大腿,現在那個部位已經恢復到了100%,但是在大概3天多以前,那里仍然感覺非 常酸痛。但是我做到了讓那裡100%恢復,因此那很棒。所以我也讓許多其他部分都得到 了治癒。” 根據 StatMuse:Lakers are 10-3 this season when AD drops 30+. 當AD得分超過30分時,湖人本賽季的戰績為10勝3敗。 湖人隊12/20(五)早上11點整客場面對國王 12/22(日)早上7點整客場面對國王 12/24(二)早上11點30分主場面對活塞 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1734334880.A.67C.html ※ 編輯: jason911152 ( 臺灣), 12/16/2024 15:46:35

12/16 15:46, 5小時前 , 1F
12/16 15:46, 1F

12/16 15:50, 5小時前 , 2F
客場連打國王兩場真硬 加油
12/16 15:50, 2F

12/16 15:53, 5小時前 , 3F
Max不錯 變小鎖了
12/16 15:53, 3F

12/16 15:58, 4小時前 , 4F
Max前兩年偶爾展現的防守潛力 看來終於要被重視了
12/16 15:58, 4F

12/16 15:58, 4小時前 , 5F
現在就是太多工兵了 沒有3只有D 幸好對方也貧攻
12/16 15:58, 5F

12/16 15:59, 4小時前 , 6F
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12/16 15:59, 4小時前 , 7F
12/16 15:59, 7F

12/16 15:59, 4小時前 , 8F
這幾年比較嚴重 好像都在右腳
12/16 15:59, 8F

12/16 16:03, 4小時前 , 9F
老詹多休吧 最好間隔兩天以上的場次再打
12/16 16:03, 9F

12/16 16:05, 4小時前 , 10F
左腳這幾年嚴重扭傷很多次 不過右腳高位腳踝那個傷
12/16 16:05, 10F

12/16 16:05, 4小時前 , 11F
比較大 大家可能比較有印象
12/16 16:05, 11F

12/16 16:10, 4小時前 , 12F
Max 真的有限制住ja,看比賽很有感 GJ
12/16 16:10, 12F

12/16 16:10, 4小時前 , 13F
12/16 16:10, 13F

12/16 16:17, 4小時前 , 14F
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12/16 16:20, 4小時前 , 15F
12/16 16:20, 15F

12/16 16:21, 4小時前 , 16F
客場連打兩場國王 這樣應該可以順便待在沙加緬度幾天
12/16 16:21, 16F

12/16 16:21, 4小時前 , 17F
Max這樣就是大家期待的 那些嘴當寶真的無聊
12/16 16:21, 17F

12/16 16:21, 4小時前 , 18F
12/16 16:21, 18F

12/16 16:35, 4小時前 , 19F
連兩場國王 希望AD跟上次一樣不要怕爸爸
12/16 16:35, 19F

12/16 16:36, 4小時前 , 20F
12/16 16:36, 20F

12/16 16:37, 4小時前 , 21F
Max跟gabe現在防守 應該不用太害怕
12/16 16:37, 21F

12/16 16:46, 4小時前 , 22F
兩場國王真硬 Max今天黏Ja黏得很棒
12/16 16:46, 22F

12/16 16:46, 4小時前 , 23F

12/16 16:46, 4小時前 , 24F
老詹也是很固執 狀態這麼差居然還想繼續打拓荒者
12/16 16:46, 24F

12/16 16:47, 4小時前 , 25F
沒傷到不能打 他都會想上場吧 尤其最近戰績不好
12/16 16:47, 25F

12/16 16:48, 4小時前 , 26F
12/16 16:48, 26F

12/16 16:53, 4小時前 , 27F

12/16 16:53, 4小時前 , 28F
12/16 16:53, 28F

12/16 16:53, 4小時前 , 29F
12/16 16:53, 29F

12/16 16:53, 4小時前 , 30F
12/16 16:53, 30F

12/16 16:53, 4小時前 , 31F
12/16 16:53, 31F

12/16 16:54, 4小時前 , 32F
12/16 16:54, 32F

12/16 16:58, 3小時前 , 33F
12/16 16:58, 33F

12/16 17:03, 3小時前 , 34F
12/16 17:03, 34F

12/16 17:05, 3小時前 , 35F
12/16 17:05, 35F

12/16 17:12, 3小時前 , 36F
開心的是 現在的MAX就是季初一路跌跌撞撞走來 投資的結果
12/16 17:12, 36F

12/16 17:13, 3小時前 , 37F
12/16 17:13, 37F

12/16 17:13, 3小時前 , 38F
12/16 17:13, 38F

12/16 17:14, 3小時前 , 39F
12/16 17:14, 39F

12/16 17:14, 3小時前 , 40F
12/16 17:14, 40F

12/16 17:17, 3小時前 , 41F
12/16 17:17, 41F

12/16 17:17, 3小時前 , 42F
12/16 17:17, 42F

12/16 17:19, 3小時前 , 43F
12/16 17:19, 43F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dNzcWPy (Lakers)