Geneva男網冠軍-Thomaz Bellucci

看板Latin_AM作者時間9年前 (2015/05/24 17:04), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Singles - First Round Thomaz Bellucci (BRA) d [7] Marcos Baghdatis (CYP) 67(5) 63 63 Singles - Second Round Thomaz Bellucci (BRA) d Denis Istomin (UZB) 64 64 Singles - Quarterfinals Thomaz Bellucci (BRA) d Albert Ramos-Vinolas (ESP) 60 16 63 Singles - Semifinals Thomaz Bellucci (BRA) d Santiago Giraldo (COL) 63 64 Singles - Final Thomaz Bellucci (BRA) d [6] Joao Sousa (POR) 76(4) 64 Bellucci看來特別喜歡瑞士的紅土,生涯四個冠軍有三個都在這裡拿的。 "It wasn't easy to play today," said Bellucci. "It was very windy. I was more solid at the baseline. Mentally I was strong all week so maybe that was the key today... The conditions in Geneva are good for me. The ball bounces high and I like the clay courts here. It's similar to where I practise in Sao Paulo. I'm feeling very relaxed and happy to win my third title in Switzerland. I hope to come back next year. "I don't have much time to celebrate because tomorrow I have to be practising again for Roland Garros. This week gave me a lot of confidence, so I hope to keep playing like that and I hope to be ready for the next week." 另外Leo Mayer在Nice單反決賽大戰中惜敗給Thiem。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/24 20:23, , 1F
05/24 20:23, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1LOPGMXB (Latin_AM)
文章代碼(AID): #1LOPGMXB (Latin_AM)