[新聞] Gomez在英格蘭國家隊訓練受傷(膝傷)

看板Liverpool作者 (布朗尼)時間3年前 (2020/11/12 02:35), 3年前編輯推噓26(26010)
留言36則, 25人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
England confirm Joe Gomez withdraws from squad due to injury James Carroll (@James_Carroll84) England have announced Joe Gomez has withdrawn from the squad for their forthcoming internationals after sustaining a knee injury in training. The defender will undergo further diagnosis on the issue with Liverpool’s medical team. Gomez will therefore miss the Three Lions’ fixtures with Republic of Ireland, Belgium and Iceland during the current international break. Liverpool 官方:https://tinyurl.com/y6e39pcj 英格蘭國家隊證實 Gomez 因膝傷退出國家隊此次國際週所有賽事 將由利物浦醫療團隊進行進一步檢查 --- Southgate: "I can't tell you how serious it is because he is yet to have scans. What was upsetting to see, he was in a fair bit of pain. There was nobody around him when the injury happened. I didn't like that element of it. "But we've just got to wait and see what the scans show. We're all hopeful for him that it's not what it might be. But it's not a good situation. I don't see him being involved in the games with us, that's for sure." He added: "We can't speculate the exact nature of the injury. It's not possible until we've seen scans. My immediate thoughts are with him. He's had some difficulties with injuries in the past. We're hoping and praying it is not going to be a long-term one. We'll just have to see." Southgate 記者會: - 還沒進行深入掃描檢查,無法確認多嚴重(但有多家媒體形容是serious/significant) - Gomez 看起來有感到痛苦 - 受傷當下 Gomez 附近沒人 - 其他有講跟沒講一樣 --- 這是 Gomez 第三次在英格蘭國家隊受傷 2015/10 U21s ACL,需手術 2018/03 腳踝傷,需手術,因而退出歐冠決賽 2020/11 膝傷 --- Echo指簽自由球員是個選項,市場上目前的CB自由球員: https://i.imgur.com/T0FVxBB.png
目前當然組合會是 Matip+Fabinho 但也有報導提出渣叔過去提到過中衛的選項不排除:Milner、Henderson、Wijnaldum 甚至一個不無可能的做法:把 Robertson 內移當左中衛,Tsimikas 打左後衛 -- 白羊與蛾的非典型遊記: https://www.facebook.com/GOATnMOTH -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (越南) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Liverpool/M.1605119754.A.E6E.html ※ 編輯: browner ( 越南), 11/12/2020 02:55:44

11/12 05:45, 3年前 , 1F
11/12 05:45, 1F

11/12 06:08, 3年前 , 2F
這就友誼賽而已 真的有必要踢嗎
11/12 06:08, 2F

11/12 06:47, 3年前 , 3F

11/12 06:51, 3年前 , 4F
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11/12 07:04, 3年前 , 5F
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11/12 07:28, 3年前 , 6F
幹 又一個重傷 今年中衛真的重邪
11/12 07:28, 6F

11/12 07:53, 3年前 , 7F
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11/12 08:44, 3年前 , 11F
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11/12 09:18, 3年前 , 12F
受傷當下Gomez附近沒人 所以到底怎麼傷的 X
11/12 09:18, 12F

11/12 09:29, 3年前 , 13F
南大門跟 Gomez大概犯沖 2015 U21那時的教練也是他
11/12 09:29, 13F

11/12 09:38, 3年前 , 14F
幹 沒人了
11/12 09:38, 14F

11/12 09:50, 3年前 , 15F
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11/12 15:18, 3年前 , 23F
我們進攻左右邊衛常對調 防守能不能這樣玩就不知道了
11/12 15:18, 23F

11/12 16:08, 3年前 , 24F
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11/12 17:36, 3年前 , 26F
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11/12 18:57, 3年前 , 27F
也是 中下游賽程差很多 要拚冠拚歐戰趁現在
11/12 18:57, 27F

11/12 20:07, 3年前 , 28F
11/12 20:07, 28F

11/12 20:45, 3年前 , 29F
我看新聞還沒確定是不是報銷 拜託別成真
11/12 20:45, 29F

11/12 20:56, 3年前 , 30F
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11/12 21:18, 3年前 , 31F
官網:The issue is likely to rule him out for a sig
11/12 21:18, 31F

11/12 21:18, 3年前 , 32F
nificant part of the remainder of 2020-21.
11/12 21:18, 32F

11/12 21:21, 3年前 , 33F
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11/13 02:12, 3年前 , 35F
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11/13 02:12, 3年前 , 36F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Vh2yAvk (Liverpool)