Re: [討論] Martin Perez改造之旅

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也來分享並簡單翻翻一篇三月初的文,原出處: Twins’ Perez impresses on mound, finds new mentor off it BRADENTON, Fla. — Martin Perez has found himself quite the mentor. Two-time Cy Young-winner Johan Santana has been hanging around the Minnesota Twins’ complex this spring, and Perez has used the time to pick his brain. “We just sit every morning and we chat about baseball, and about life, too,” Perez said. “Great person, great professional. I want to learn from him.” 兩屆賽揚得主山大王現身雙城春訓基地,同樣是委內瑞拉左投的把握時間與他相處 "我們每天早上都會坐一起、聊棒球、也談人生, 他是個好人,擁有敬業精神,我想跟他挖寶。" Perez, who threw four scoreless innings in the Twins’ 10-1 win over the Pirates at LECOM Park on Saturday, March 9, shares some similarities with Santana, who is also a lefty from Venezuela, and said he found it easy to learn from him. 這場與海盜的熱身賽,Perez投了四局無失分的好球。 Santana has also helped him formulate a strategy on the mound. 山大王也協助Perez制定投球策略。 “I’ve been talking a lot with Johan Santana and we have a plan. We need to throw a lot of fastballs inside, and my change is going to work better than my two-seamer,” Perez said. “We work inside, and some away is going to be better. You’re going to feel better.” "我們討論到要狂塞內角球,然後我的變速比二縫有用。" "我實戰就這樣嘗試,然後事情就變更好了、我感覺也變更好了。" As he did in his last outing, Perez touched 97 on the radar gun, though he said he didn’t care what his velocity was — just that he threw strikes and got quick outs. Perez丟到97mph了,雖然他本人表示他不太care測速槍 "我只在意丟好球以及快速製造出局數。" Perez threw nine straight strikes to open the game and flashed his cutter he’ s been working on to strikeout Patrick Kivlehan in the first inning. 開賽連丟了9顆好球,並且用卡特K掉了Kivlehan。 “We talked about the cutter, the four-seamer, the two-seamer, he has the ability to do these different things,” manager Rocco Baldelli said. “Not many guys have the ability to manipulate the ball the way he does. We’re going to take full advantage of it.” 總仔Baldelli說"卡特、四縫、二縫...他有能力善用這些武器" "可以精熟這些球種、運用自如的人沒有很多,我們希望他更把握這個優勢和強項" Perez was injured for part of last season and then posted a 6.22 ERA with the Rangers before eventually being moved from the rotation to the bullpen. The Twins signed him in the offseason and have made an adjustment with his hips that appears to have helped, too. 去年的Perez因傷只繳出6.22防禦率,而且被拔輪值位置, 不過雙城簽下他後進行一些調整,包括使用臀部(hips)的力量。 “I think I’m using them,” Perez said. “Before, I just used my arms. Now, I ’m using all my body, and you guys can see the results. I don’t miss inside any more. One or two, but before, I missed, like I was trying to use all of my upper body. Now, I just stay on the line and just throw the ball in front of my eyes.” "以前我只靠手臂投球,現在我可以用上我全身能量了。" Through his three spring outings, Perez has posted a 2.00 earned-run average with seven strikeouts across nine innings pitched. “He’s been this guy since he’s shown up to camp,” Baldelli said. “This is kind of what we believe that he is and he can be.” 春訓至今9局只丟2分、投出7K(編按:現在則是13局14安失7分,10K、3BB) Baldelli:"這就是我們認為他應該有(也能成為的)的樣子。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

03/18 22:43, 6年前 , 1F
Wes還有調整他的pitching sequence
03/18 22:43, 1F
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