Re: Manny Ramirez arrested in Florida消失

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者時間13年前 (2011/09/14 00:18), 編輯推噓9(905)
留言14則, 12人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多) Manny Ramirez can't contact wife FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Former World Series MVP Manny Ramirez made his first court appearance Tuesday after authorities arrested him over a domestic dispute at his South Florida home and was ordered to have no direct contact with his wife. Broward Circuit Judge Jon Hurley set bail at $2,500 on the domestic battery charge, but it wasn't immediately clear when Ramirez would leave the Broward County jail. Broward sheriff's officials say 39-year-old Ramirez was arguing Monday afternoon with his wife, Juliana, when he slapped her face, causing her to hit her head on their bed's headboard. She told the deputy she was afraid the situation would escalate Authorities say Ramirez denied hitting his wife. ( 節錄 ) ============================================================================== 昨日涉嫌毆打老婆而被逮捕的 Manny Ramirez 進行了第一次的出庭訊問 判決結果是繳交 2500 美金的保釋金 並且下令禁止直接接觸他的妻子 當地警方說 Manny 在週一下午和他老婆 Juliana 爭吵 Manny 打了她一巴掌 導致她的頭部去撞到床頭 他的妻子說很怕再遇到這種情況 當然 Manny 當庭否認有這檔事情發生 不過最終結果還是判他罰錢以及禁制令的發布 唉 ....... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(

09/14 00:19, , 1F
09/14 00:19, 1F

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09/14 00:32, , 6F
我戒酒了 謝謝!
09/14 00:32, 6F

09/14 01:16, , 7F
胖卡布: 我是被打......
09/14 01:16, 7F

09/14 01:38, , 8F
09/14 01:38, 8F

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09/14 01:47, 9F

09/14 07:31, , 10F
09/14 07:31, 10F

09/14 08:51, , 11F
場內場外一樣 "精彩" 的男人
09/14 08:51, 11F

09/14 09:18, , 12F
英名? (笑)
09/14 09:18, 12F

09/14 12:38, , 13F
讓我想到德國電影 天堂邊緣
09/14 12:38, 13F
※ 編輯: alex2426chen 來自: (09/14 12:41)

09/14 13:28, , 14F
09/14 13:28, 14F
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