Re: [情報] 巨人對Burnes有高度興趣

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (FTTB)時間1天前 (2024/12/13 02:39), 1天前編輯推噓4(404)
留言8則, 4人參與, 23小時前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
Ken Rosenthal on the Giants' pursuit of Corbin Burnes: "The thing I've heard in recent days is that he would prefer to return to the We st Coast. He has a home in Arizona. He's from Bakersfield, California. He attend ed Saint Mary's in the Bay Area. West Coast guy. The Giants are the obvious favo rites here. It is all lining up for them. The question is, do they want to pay h im?" Ken Rosenthal 談巨人對Corbin Burnes的追求 「最近我聽到的消息是,他比較傾向於回到美國西岸。他在亞利桑那州有一處住所,他來自 加州貝克斯菲爾德,並曾就讀於灣區的聖瑪麗學院。可以說他是個西岸人。巨人隊在這裡是 最明顯的熱門選擇,一切似乎都在朝這個方向發展。問題是,他們是否願意支付他所要求的 薪資?」 來源: s=19 ※ 引述《jclee0000 (孟潔我老婆)》之銘言 : The San Francisco Giants are the heavy favorites for Burnes while the Mets are : trying to bring back Alonso. : 巨人隊對Burnes 來說是個高度喜愛的隊伍 : 而梅子正在嘗試簽回Alonso : -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: BayAreaUnite ( 臺灣), 12/13/2024 02:43:03

12/13 05:21, 1天前 , 1F
12/13 05:21, 1F

12/13 07:47, 1天前 , 2F
12/13 07:47, 2F

12/13 08:53, 1天前 , 3F
12/13 08:53, 3F

12/13 08:54, 1天前 , 4F
輪值已經很不錯了,Gallen, Kelley, ERod, Pfaadt, 芒
12/13 08:54, 4F

12/13 08:54, 1天前 , 5F
12/13 08:54, 5F

12/13 08:55, 1天前 , 6F
12/13 08:55, 6F

12/13 09:40, 23小時前 , 7F
蛇蛇那輪值 一不小心就是三號海了 Gallen已經沒有ACE的樣子
12/13 09:40, 7F

12/13 10:16, 23小時前 , 8F
12/13 10:16, 8F
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