Re: [情報] 熱火特赦 Mike Miller
看板MiamiHeat (邁阿密 熱火)作者jeff790320 (ycheng)時間11年前 (2013/07/17 10:18)推噓1(1推 0噓 6→)留言7則, 4人參與討論串4/7 (看更多)
※ 引述《kart (=\)》之銘言:
: 正式消息出來了 T.T
: 油頭
: "After many discussions internally and a sincere effort to explore
: the trade market, we made a very difficult decision to use our
: Amnesty provision on Mike Miller," Riley said. "Mike had an
: incredible impact on the Miami Heat; helping us to three finals
: appearances and winning back-to-back World Championships. This was
: a very difficult decision for me personally, the Arison family,
: Erik and the entire Miami Heat organization. Mike was one of the
: best we have ever had here, and will be sorely missed. We wish
: Mike, his wife Jennifer and their family nothing but the best."
: 「經過了內部許多討論和誠摯的在交易市場上尋求機會未果後,
: 我們做了一個非常困難的決定:特赦MM。
: Mike對熱火有非常了不起的貢獻,他幫我們挺進三次冠軍賽,
: 拿下二連霸。這對我個人來說是個非常困難的決定,對Arison家族,
: Spo和整個熱火球團也都很困談。Mike是熱火擁有過最好的球員之一,
: 而他的離開會讓我們懷念。我們祝福Mike和他的妻子以及家庭能有
: 最好的未來。」
: MM
: "I understand the business side of basketball," Miller told The
: Associated Press. "It's a combination of being very, very thankful
: for the opportunity that I've had, but it hurts that we had a
: chance to do something very, very special and I'd love to have
: been a part of it."
: 「我瞭解這就是籃球商業性的一面。對我而言我的感觸是兩面的,
: 我非常非常感謝熱火給我的機會,但是同時我也感到受傷,尤其在
: 瞭解我們有機會成為一個非常非常特別的球隊(三連霸)而我會
: 非常樂意成為其中一員。」
: 心得:
: 感覺尼克和馬刺這種球隊可能會想搶...
: 另外油頭說的話代表曾經嘗試交易未果?
: 不過MM的約現在的確不好找到買家
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