[花邊] Darvin Ham暫不考慮讓DLO坐冷板凳

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (無名的ㄈㄓ王)時間10月前 (2024/04/21 13:11), 10月前編輯推噓126(1482291)
留言261則, 188人參與, 10月前最新討論串1/1
來源:Lakes Show Life https://lakeshowlife.com/posts/darvin-ham-troubling-dangelo-russell-comments- lakers-nuggets https://tinyurl.com/23p8c6jv by Jason Reed 原標題: Darvin Ham's troubling D'Angelo Russell comments are frustrating for Lakers fans Darvin Ham給D'Angelo Russell的說法讓人很不安,這會讓湖迷很沮喪 https://i.imgur.com/2OeALcx.jpg
▲洛杉磯湖人Vs.丹佛金塊-G1/Matthew Stockman/GettyImages The Los Angeles Lakers dropped Game 1 of the team's first-round series against the Denver Nuggets on Saturday night in large part due to D'Angelo Russell's poor play. Russell shot 1-9 from three, 6-20 from the field and looked like a shell of his regular-season self. 洛杉磯湖人在週六對陣丹佛金塊,輸掉了首輪的第一場比賽,這很大的原因來自於 D'Angelo Russell糟糕的發揮:三分球投九中一,field goal投20中6,跟季賽相比起來, 就像是只剩下軀殼而已,三魂不見七魄。 Russell's poor showing truly was the difference in this game where the Lakers looked like a better team at points. If Russell goes 4-9 from three and makes the blown lay-up that he missed it would have been an 11-point swing for LA. The Lakers lost by 11. Russell不佳的表現確實讓這場比賽看起來不太一樣,湖人應該是個得分能力更好的隊伍。 如果Russell能夠三分球投9中4,而且能在他上籃沒進的球製造犯規,將會幫湖人挹注11 分,湖人就是以11分的分差輸掉這場比賽。 With how poorly Russell was playing, many Lakers fans were calling for the team to go to one of the team's other guards. After all, this was more than just one bad game for Russell, as he struggled mightily in this exact same matchup last year in the Western Conference Finals. 由於Russell打得不理想,很多湖迷希望球隊能夠換上陣中的另一名後衛。畢竟,這不是 Russell第一次在比賽中表現不理想了,他在去年西區冠軍系列戰同個對戰組合中,也是 表現得相當掙扎。 That thought never seemed to cross head coach Darvin Ham's mind. Russell played 41 minutes (second on the team) and took more shots than anyone not named Anthony Davis. When asked about whether or not he considered pulling Russell after the game, Ham gave a rather frustrating runaround answer. 這個想法看來在總教練Darvin Ham的腦袋中沒考慮過,Russell打了41分鐘(全隊第二高), 而且投籃次數是除了Anthony Davis以外最多的。當在賽後訪問是否會考慮讓Russell坐冷 板凳,Ham給了像是在打發人、讓人很沮喪的答案: https://twitter.com/michaelcorvo_/status/1781884087340572908 Darvin Ham on D'Angelo Russell: "DLo is a huge reason why we're here in the first place. I'm not gonna bail out on my player just because he's missing the shots he normally makes ... It wasn't his night. Shooters are gonna have nights like that. But I want him to remain aggressive. That was a good thing I saw. He remained aggressive. His energy remained great. He remained positive. " Darvin Ham提到了D'Angelo Russell:「DLO是讓我們能走到這個階段的重要原因,我不會 因為他投丟了球就把他丟到板凳上。今天不是屬於他的夜晚,射手們也是會有這種狀況。 但我希望他保持侵略性,在我看來他還有鬥志,他的活力還很充沛,他的態度還是很積極, 這是好事。」 Darvin Ham's explanation for not sitting D'Angelo Russell is outrageous for Lakers fans Darvin Ham不讓D'Angelo Russell不坐冷板凳的理由對湖迷來說太離譜了 From a 10,000-foot perspective, Ham's comments might not seem too bad. After all, everyone has an off night in the NBA and to punish every single player every time they have an off night would be asinine. 從正常的情況來看,Ham的說法聽起來不太差。畢竟,在NBA的賽場上,每個人都有不屬於 自己的日子,因為這種日子對每個球員做懲罰性調度是很不明智的。 That being said, there are multiple factors here that Ham is outright ignoring . Russell struggled against the Nuggets last year so this was more than just a one-game sample size. Plus, it is not like Russell is a superstar who is always consistent like LeBron James or Anthony Davis. He has not earned the right to get penciled-in for 41 minutes even when he is playing poorly. 話雖如此,有很多因素是Ham徹底忽略掉的。Russell在去年對陣金塊就表現得很掙扎,所 以這不是一場比賽的單一樣本。再來,Russell不是像LeBron James或Anthony Davis那樣 能夠有穩定表現的球星,他沒有資格在表現不好的時候,還能有權利得到41分鐘的上場時 間。 The worst part of this answer, though, is the deeper ramifications it has about Russell. Sitting a cold player down in a playoff game is not "bailing" on that player. It is putting the team in the best position to succeed on that specific night. (Ham會這樣說的)最糟的原因是這會對Russell產生的連鎖反應。在季後賽讓手感冰冷的球 員坐下來,不是在趕跑那名球員,這是讓球隊能處在絕佳狀態以在這個特別的夜晚取得勝 機。 The problem is that Russell would probably have reacted terribly to this. After all, there were reports in the playoffs last year that the Lakers were worried about benching Russell due to the fear of "losing him". 問題是Russell可能對這件事做出可怕的反應。據去年季後賽的報導記載,湖人很擔心讓 Russell擔任替補會導致失去他。 So this team was worried that if Russell was benched at all he would quit on the team? That is not the attribute of a winning player and makes Ham's comments even worse. Ham didn't want to sit Russell in key spots because then he would be "bailing" on him. If any player thinks his coach is bailing on him simply for sitting him while he is struggling then that says more about the player than the team. 所以這支球隊在擔心如果Russell擔任替補就會使他離開球隊?這不是名想求勝的球員該 有的特質,這讓Ham的說法變得更糟。Ham不希望讓Russell在關鍵時刻坐板凳就因為他不 想把他趕跑。如果任何一名球員幻想著,教練在自己在掙扎的時候要他坐板凳是在趕跑他, 這個說法比起球隊,更多的只是為了單一球員著想。 But hey, at least Gabe Vincent got eight minutes after he excelled against the New Orleans Pelicans in the play-in! Doesn't seem like he is worried about being bailed on. 但是,嘿,至少Gabe Vincent在附加賽中對陣紐奧良鵜鶘的絕佳表現,讓他得到了八分鐘 的上場時間。他似乎不用擔心被球隊踢掉。 DLO要領繩了 幫QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1713676274.A.739.html ※ 編輯: ralfeistein ( 臺灣), 04/21/2024 13:12:40

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04/21 13:12, 10月前 , 5F
一場烙賽而已 希望別跟去年一樣烙四場
04/21 13:12, 5F

04/21 13:12, 10月前 , 6F
+/-小教室 上課
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04/21 13:13, 10月前 , 8F
一樣都輸 不如讓他骰到進為止
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04/21 13:14, 10月前 , 13F
繼續敗球 金塊:好香好好吃
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04/21 13:14, 10月前 , 14F
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04/21 13:14, 10月前 , 15F
Gabe不就買來對金塊的 怎麼不多用
04/21 13:14, 15F

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04/21 13:14, 10月前 , 20F
主要是其他人的出手太少 八村四次 丁丁文森0次
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04/21 13:15, 10月前 , 28F
第一場而已 如果下一場還是如此 就真的要考慮
04/21 13:15, 28F

04/21 13:15, 10月前 , 29F
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04/21 13:15, 10月前 , 30F
讓DLO 他打好打滿四場然後領繩,火腿安全下莊
04/21 13:15, 30F

04/21 13:15, 10月前 , 31F

04/21 13:15, 10月前 , 32F
Gabe 德軟 Dlo目前可能比較相信Dlo
04/21 13:15, 32F

04/21 13:15, 10月前 , 33F
只能放場上吧 這系列dlo沒發揮就沒機會
04/21 13:15, 33F

04/21 13:16, 10月前 , 34F
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04/21 13:16, 10月前 , 35F
畢竟吃了這麼多出手數 該分些出來吧
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04/21 13:16, 10月前 , 37F
一場就坐冷板凳 沒那麼嚴格吧
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04/21 13:16, 10月前 , 39F
04/21 13:16, 39F
還有 182 則推文
04/21 16:27, 10月前 , 222F
哪次沒人領繩?dlo 走後就是AD領
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04/21 17:11, 10月前 , 233F
這才是正常的火腿 繼續保持
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04/21 17:45, 10月前 , 236F
沒差 剩三場
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04/21 17:47, 10月前 , 237F
火腿只是有樣學樣 如果Kobe鐵成這樣你們會讓他坐板
04/21 17:47, 237F

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04/21 17:55, 10月前 , 240F
其實老詹打的更傷害球隊 但山羊不會被檢討
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04/21 19:21, 10月前 , 241F
DLO 換 吹羊
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04/21 19:27, 10月前 , 242F
拜託不要 金塊需要你
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04/21 21:38, 10月前 , 246F
哇靠 你詹不是三分回春嗎 怎麼不自己投??
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04/21 22:47, 10月前 , 250F
只想說一句 Dlo快逃 湖人不適合你
04/21 22:47, 250F

04/21 22:49, 10月前 , 251F
因為不管怎樣你都是領繩子的那位 畢竟老詹犯錯沒人
04/21 22:49, 251F

04/21 22:49, 10月前 , 252F
會去檢討他 只會檢討他附近的隊友跟教練
04/21 22:49, 252F

04/21 22:52, 10月前 , 253F
整場7失誤 第四節就沒力還在場上散步當旋轉門被對
04/21 22:52, 253F

04/21 22:52, 10月前 , 254F
手吃爽爽 最後第四節怒砍2分
04/21 22:52, 254F

04/21 23:48, 10月前 , 255F
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04/22 00:11, 10月前 , 256F
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04/22 00:57, 10月前 , 257F
DLO 加油啊
04/22 00:57, 257F

04/22 02:18, 10月前 , 258F
冰他本來就不合理 今天也沒打得多糟 就是鐵
04/22 02:18, 258F

04/22 04:47, 10月前 , 259F
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04/22 07:00, 10月前 , 260F
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04/22 11:13, 10月前 , 261F
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