[外絮] 10位尚未簽約的最佳自由球員(2024)

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (克朗)時間2月前 (2024/07/25 14:08), 編輯推噓42(42030)
留言72則, 48人參與, 2月前最新討論串1/1
NBA’s 10 best free agents still unsigned on the open market NBA 10位尚未簽約的最佳自由球員 第一段前言略過。 另外這是5天前的文章,那時Dinwiddie尚未簽約, 因此這篇也會略過已經回小牛的Dinwiddie 10. Markelle Fultz, guard: Fultz looked like he was turning his NBA career around with the Orlando Magic before the wheels fell off last year. The former No. 1 overall pick has just never gotten over his shooting woes, and he looked more tepid from deep than ever last season, finishing only 4-of-18 from three-point range on the season. Fultz can still be a determined driver, crafty finisher, and capable playmaker when he gets into the paint. Still only 26 years old, it’s fair to wonder if there’s another chapter of Fultz’s NBA career, or if time really has run out. 去年在奧蘭多魔術,Fultz看起來似乎正扭轉他的 NBA 職業生涯。這位前狀元一直沒有 克服自己的投籃困境,而且他在三分線外的表現比之前的賽季更冷,本賽季三分球18投4中 。當Fultz進入油漆區,他仍然可以成為一個堅定的突破手、狡猾的終結者和有能力的組織 者。年僅26歲的Fultz,我們有理由懷疑他的NBA職業生涯是否能再翻開新的篇章,或者時 間是否真的不多了。 9. Talen Horton-Tucker, guard: THT’s progress has stalled since moving to Utah. He struggles to get all the way to the rim on his drives, lacks a reliable mid-range game, and has never made progress as a three-point shooter. Still, Horton-Tucker is only 23 years old and has a ton of great reps under his belt with nearly 250 NBA games play and 55 starts. With a huge frame and long arms for a guard, there’s still some upside here for a team with a real development plan. 自從來到猶他,THT的進步就陷入了停滯。他很難在切入時一路突破到籃框,缺乏可靠的中 距離投籃,並且在三分投射方面從未取得進步。儘管如此,Hirton-Tucker只有23歲,但已 經打了近250場NBA比賽並先發了55場比賽,取得了許多出色的成績。一名擁有壯碩身材和 長臂的後衛,對於一支有真正發展計劃的球隊來說仍然有一些優勢。 8. Spencer Dinwiddie, guard:(略) 7. Javonte Green, forward: Green was unsigned for most of last season as he recovered from a knee injury, but he immediately looked like his old self upon joining the Chicago Bulls in March. The 6’4 forward is an explosive athlete who brings energy on every possession and plays much bigger than his size. He ’s an improved three-point shooter (37 percent each of the last two seasons), an elite leaper, a solid defender, and a threat in transition to make a big play. Green上賽季大部分時間都沒有簽約,因為他剛從膝傷中恢復,但在三月份加盟芝加哥公牛 隊後,他立即看起來像以前的自己。這位身高6尺4寸的前鋒是一名爆發力十足的運動員, 每次控球都充滿能量,而且能打出優於他原有身材的球賽內容。他的三分球命中率有所提 高(過去兩個賽季命中率為37%)、優秀的彈跳手、可靠的防守者以及在攻防轉換能發揮重 要作用的威脅。 6. Davis Bertans, forward: Bertans is an elite three-point shooter with size. The 6’10 forward is a career 39.6 percent shooter from behind the arc in his career. He can’t do much else offensively, and is a big liability defensively , but there’s usually a roster spot out there for a knockdown shooter like him. Bertans是一名高大的優質三分射手。這位身高6尺10寸的前鋒在他的職業生涯中三分命中 率為39.6%。他在進攻上不能做太多其他事情,並且在防守上也是一個很大的負擔,但通常 一個像他這樣有威脅性的射手,聯盟名單會有他的位置。 5. Luke Kennard, wing: Kennard is legitimately one of the best three-point shooters in the league. He’s shot better than 44 percent from three each of the last five seasons. He’ll likely come back to the Grizzlies, but the fact that he’s still out there gives an opportunity for another team to steal him. Kennard無疑是聯盟中最好的三分射手之一。過去五個賽季他的三分球命中率都高於44%。 他很可能會回到灰熊隊,但事實上他仍是自由球員身,這給了其他球隊插手的機會。 4. Precious Achiuwa, center: Achiuwa is a bouncy 6’9 big man with just enough length to handle small ball five duties. He’s a ‘garbage man’ style big who can attack the glass, make hustle plays, and finish feeds inside. The Knicks still need a backup center behind Mitchell Robinson, so it seems likely Achiuwa will get a deal to return to New York eventually. Achiuwa是一位體能勁爆的6尺9寸大個子,且足以承擔小球的五號。他是一個「garbage man」型的大個子,可以攻擊籃框,快攻,並在完成內線接應終結。尼克隊仍然需要 Mitchell Robinson身後的替補中鋒,因此Achiuwa最終很可能會返回紐約。 3. Lonnie Walker IV, guard: Walker is an athletic scoring guard who can fill it up all over the floor. The 25-year-old shot 38.4 percent from three last year, and also finished better than 66 percent of his rim attempts. If you need a microwave scorer off the bench, Walker is the best option left on the market. Walker是運動型得分後衛,可以在場上填補各種空缺。這位25歲的球員去年的三分球命中 率為38.4%,籃下命中率也高於66%。如果你需要一名替補搶分手,Walker是市場上最好的 選擇。 2. Isaac Okoro, wing: Okoro hasn’t lived up to the hype as a former top-5 draft pick, but he’s made some subtle progress over the last year in Cleveland. Always a tenacious on-ball defender who can check speedier guards and stronger wings, Okoro finally looked hesitant as a three-point shooter last year, knocking down 39.1 percent from deep. He still needs to up the volume before teams take him seriously behind the arc, but at least his stroke is looking much better when he has enough time to get his shot off. 作為一名前五順位選秀球員,Okoro並沒有達到人們所期待的那樣,但他去年在克利夫蘭取 得了一些微妙的進步。Okoro一直是一名強悍的持球防守者,可以抵擋速度快的後衛和強壯 的側翼球員,他去年在三分線終於開始像個三分射手,三分球命中率達39.1%。在球隊認真 看待他在三分線外之前,他仍然需要提高外線水準,但至少當他有足夠的機會投籃時,他 的投籃看起來要好得多。 1. Tyus Jones, guard: Jones is a True Point Guard who does a great job protecting the ball, making the open pass, and hitting an open shot. He was the NBA’s leader in assist-to-turnover ratio last season, and he also hit 41. 4 percent of his threes. He’ll always have limitations in terms of size and athleticism, but Jones is so smart and skilled that he’s a perfect buy-low candidate at this point in the offseason. Jones是一名真正的控球後衛,他在護球、空檔傳球和空檔投籃方面做得很好。上季他的 助攻失誤比是全聯盟第一,三分球命中率也高達41.4%。他在身材和運動能力方面總是受到 限制,但Jones非常聰明且技術精湛,因此他是休賽期此時完美的逢低買進候選人。 來源:https://reurl.cc/6vpWEr 心得 原文第一段本有提到,各隊的球員格子和薪資空間都差不多了,這些球員必須要注意 這些還只是比較知名且有實績的幾名球員,還有更多自由球員準備失業 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1721887685.A.78D.html

07/25 14:12, 2月前 , 1F
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07/25 14:14, 2月前 , 3F
07/25 14:14, 3F

07/25 14:15, 2月前 , 4F
Tyus Jones再怎樣都會有球隊要啦
07/25 14:15, 4F

07/25 14:16, 2月前 , 5F
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07/25 14:17, 2月前 , 6F
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07/25 14:18, 2月前 , 7F
如果最後是灰熊逢低簽回他 那真的爽翻 當初為了聰
07/25 14:18, 7F

07/25 14:19, 2月前 , 8F
07/25 14:19, 8F

07/25 14:19, 2月前 , 9F
灰熊薪資很炸裂吧 不太可能
07/25 14:19, 9F

07/25 14:20, 2月前 , 10F
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07/25 14:21, 2月前 , 11F
07/25 14:21, 11F

07/25 14:21, 2月前 , 12F
1-5應該都能找到球隊啦 價格可能不好但一定有人要
07/25 14:21, 12F

07/25 14:22, 2月前 , 13F
07/25 14:22, 13F

07/25 14:22, 2月前 , 14F
THT連Hardy救兩季都救不起來 大概就...........
07/25 14:22, 14F

07/25 14:23, 2月前 , 15F
灰熊用小皮就好了 反正身材差不多
07/25 14:23, 15F

07/25 14:24, 2月前 , 16F
我認為1-5如果最後被低薪簽 那真的是算是撿到寶
07/25 14:24, 16F

07/25 14:24, 2月前 , 17F
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07/25 14:48, 2月前 , 22F
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07/25 14:53, 2月前 , 23F
Lonnie 來台灣吧 我願意進場看你
07/25 14:53, 23F

07/25 15:01, 2月前 , 24F
07/25 15:01, 24F
lovecomics:轉錄至看板 Spurs 07/25 15:04

07/25 15:04, 2月前 , 25F
金塊可以底薪撿Bertans 試試看
07/25 15:04, 25F

07/25 15:08, 2月前 , 26F
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07/25 15:33, 2月前 , 36F
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07/25 15:35, 2月前 , 37F
脫鞋6'7.5 比OG Randle都矮 難怪尼克不要留
07/25 15:35, 37F

07/25 15:35, 2月前 , 38F
還有Sims 加減操一下就好
07/25 15:35, 38F

07/25 15:36, 2月前 , 39F
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07/25 15:59, 2月前 , 49F
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07/25 16:12, 2月前 , 50F
Lonnie Walker 怎麼會失業 真慘
07/25 16:12, 50F

07/25 16:15, 2月前 , 51F
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07/25 16:18, 2月前 , 52F
07/25 16:18, 52F

07/25 16:19, 2月前 , 53F
這兩個一直都是指不一樣的 f就側翼 w搖擺人
07/25 16:19, 53F

07/25 16:48, 2月前 , 54F
TJ絕對是價碼不滿意吧 不然他怎麼能沒人要
07/25 16:48, 54F

07/25 16:53, 2月前 , 55F
感覺wing是2~3,forward是3~4 (吧)
07/25 16:53, 55F

07/25 17:00, 2月前 , 56F
超大年狀元富兒子淪落到沒球打 真慘
07/25 17:00, 56F

07/25 17:01, 2月前 , 57F
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07/25 17:02, 2月前 , 58F
07/25 17:02, 58F

07/25 17:02, 2月前 , 59F
拜託>MVP票選第二的男人欸 各坦隊不撿來圍繞建隊嗎X
07/25 17:02, 59F

07/25 17:02, 2月前 , 60F
07/25 17:02, 60F

07/25 17:18, 2月前 , 61F
Jones 之前還是馬刺一直想要的,結果有CP3
07/25 17:18, 61F

07/25 17:18, 2月前 , 62F
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07/25 17:18, 2月前 , 63F
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07/25 17:37, 2月前 , 64F
07/25 17:37, 64F

07/25 18:12, 2月前 , 65F
07/25 18:12, 65F

07/25 18:19, 2月前 , 66F
THT 記得當初湖人小將包吹很大
07/25 18:19, 66F

07/25 18:51, 2月前 , 67F
07/25 18:51, 67F

07/25 21:28, 2月前 , 68F
07/25 21:28, 68F

07/25 21:55, 2月前 , 69F
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07/25 22:23, 2月前 , 70F
07/25 22:23, 70F

07/26 00:04, 2月前 , 71F
TJ 真的好用,就只是約的價錢談不攏吧
07/26 00:04, 71F

07/26 12:47, 2月前 , 72F
當初湖人留TNT 丟caruso 真的很有趣的操作
07/26 12:47, 72F
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