[外絮] Luka Doncic坦言這則交易讓他難以接受

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (TrunksHOPE)時間1天前 (2025/02/05 03:59), 編輯推噓52(53120)
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https://clutchpoints.com/mavericks-news-luka-doncic-honest-trade-lakers “Honestly it was hard, that first day was really hard,” Doncic said of the t rade. “I felt like these last 48 hours was one month, like two days ago was o ne month ago. Emotionally it was really hard, but today was much better. I'm j ust really happy to be here… It's the Lakers, it's one of the best clubs in h istory, so I'm excited to be here.” The move was shocking to say the least. Trading one of the best players at onl y 25 years old was not something that was certainly not expected. The trade le ft many players around the NBA surprised, including Luka Doncic. “Everybody was surprised, so you can imagine how surprised I was,” Doncic sa id. He later added that he had to check that it was not April 1 to confirm the trade was not a joke. 「老實說,這真的很難受,第一天特別難熬。」談到這筆交易時,Doncic說道。「感覺這 48小時像過了一個月,兩天前就像是一個月前一樣。情感上真的很難受,但今天好多了。 我真的很高興能來到這裡……這是湖人隊,歷史上最偉大的球隊之一,所以我對來到這裡 感到興奮。」 這筆交易可謂震驚了整個聯盟。交易一名年僅25歲的頂級球星,完全出乎所有人的意料。 這筆交易讓許多NBA球員感到驚訝,包括Luka Doncic本人。 「大家都很驚訝,所以你可以想像我有多驚訝,」Doncic說道。他還補充,他甚至確認了 一下當天不是4月1日,以確保這筆交易並不是一個玩笑。 “I didn't really believe it at first,” Luka continued. “It was a big shock, it was hard moments for me, it was home. It was really hard moments for me, e specially the first day.” Mavs general manager Nico Harrison has received no shortage of backlash from f ans following the Luka Doncic trade. Sure, the Mavs acquired star forward Anth ony Davis, and he is a great player, but Mavs fans are upset about the face of the franchise being traded. So how did Doncic feel about Harrison's decision? 「一開始我真的不敢相信,」Luka繼續說道。「這對我來說是個巨大的衝擊,那是一段艱 難的時刻,因為那裡是我的家。對我來說真的很難受,特別是第一天。」 獨行俠總經理Nico Harrison在交易Luka Doncic後,遭到了不少球迷的抨擊。誠然,獨行 俠換來了明星前鋒Anthony Davis,而他確實是一名出色的球員,但球迷仍對球隊交易掉 當家球星感到不滿。那麼,Doncic對Harrison的決定有何看法呢? “That's their decision so I have no comment… They made the decision, I don't know why. That's their decision so I can't do nothing about it.” Did Doncic give the Mavs any indication that he would not sign a super-max con tract during the upcoming offseason? “Absolutely not,” Doncic said. 「那是他們的決定,所以我無可奉告…… 他們做出了這個決定,我不知道原因。這是他 們的選擇,我無能為力。」 那麼,Doncic是否曾向獨行俠透露過,他在即將到來的休賽季不會簽下超級頂薪合約呢? Doncic回答「絕對沒有」。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1738699171.A.EF0.html

02/05 04:02, 1天前 , 1F
it was home
02/05 04:02, 1F

02/05 04:03, 1天前 , 2F
I can’t do nothing about that.
02/05 04:03, 2F

02/05 04:05, 1天前 , 3F
悲傷五階段才剛開始 最倒楣的受害者
02/05 04:05, 3F

02/05 04:06, 1天前 , 4F
what can i say
02/05 04:06, 4F

02/05 04:06, 1天前 , 5F
02/05 04:06, 5F

02/05 04:12, 1天前 , 6F
不能簽Super Max虧爛
02/05 04:12, 6F

02/05 04:18, 1天前 , 7F
02/05 04:18, 7F

02/05 04:18, 1天前 , 8F
還好沒黑化 看他樣子真的打擊超大
02/05 04:18, 8F

02/05 04:19, 1天前 , 9F
02/05 04:19, 9F

02/05 04:19, 1天前 , 10F
02/05 04:19, 10F

02/05 04:19, 1天前 , 11F
02/05 04:19, 11F

02/05 04:19, 1天前 , 12F
02/05 04:19, 12F

02/05 04:20, 1天前 , 13F
02/05 04:20, 13F

02/05 04:21, 1天前 , 14F
其實壓到稅線以下是不會賠錢的 因為NBA是分潤制
02/05 04:21, 14F

02/05 04:22, 1天前 , 15F
02/05 04:22, 15F

02/05 04:23, 1天前 , 16F
賭場老闆沒有不精明的 靠湖人賣票她就保底了
02/05 04:23, 16F

02/05 04:29, 1天前 , 17F
02/05 04:29, 17F

02/05 04:29, 1天前 , 18F
02/05 04:29, 18F

02/05 04:30, 1天前 , 19F
02/05 04:30, 19F

02/05 04:30, 1天前 , 20F
健康打下去損失不會到100M 損失的是差額
02/05 04:30, 20F

02/05 04:30, 1天前 , 21F
02/05 04:30, 21F

02/05 04:35, 1天前 , 22F
不管多少錢,你各位薪水少5%還去重稅州 誰會開心啦
02/05 04:35, 22F

02/05 04:36, 1天前 , 23F
沒事 大家都不能接受==
02/05 04:36, 23F

02/05 04:36, 1天前 , 24F

02/05 04:39, 1天前 , 25F
02/05 04:39, 25F

02/05 04:52, 1天前 , 26F
02/05 04:52, 26F

02/05 05:03, 1天前 , 27F
02/05 05:03, 27F

02/05 05:11, 1天前 , 28F
02/05 05:11, 28F

02/05 05:44, 1天前 , 29F
02/05 05:44, 29F

02/05 05:50, 1天前 , 30F
我好難受 我好難受
02/05 05:50, 30F

02/05 05:53, 1天前 , 31F
02/05 05:53, 31F

02/05 06:56, 1天前 , 32F

02/05 07:03, 1天前 , 33F
02/05 07:03, 33F

02/05 07:06, 1天前 , 34F
一億鎂無法簽下去就是事實啊 入袋為安 沒簽約前當作
02/05 07:06, 34F

02/05 07:06, 1天前 , 35F
02/05 07:06, 35F

02/05 07:06, 1天前 , 36F
02/05 07:06, 36F

02/05 07:13, 1天前 , 37F
看了真難過 這樣對待一個球隊巨星 小獨真扯
02/05 07:13, 37F

02/05 08:04, 1天前 , 38F
02/05 08:04, 38F

02/05 08:11, 1天前 , 39F
02/05 08:11, 39F

02/05 08:14, 1天前 , 40F
02/05 08:14, 40F

02/05 08:15, 1天前 , 41F
02/05 08:15, 41F

02/05 08:17, 1天前 , 42F
但他不算巨星 那聯盟沒幾個巨星了
02/05 08:17, 42F

02/05 08:23, 1天前 , 43F
02/05 08:23, 43F

02/05 08:24, 1天前 , 44F
連續五年第一隊不是超巨 厲害了 整個nba拿過五次一
02/05 08:24, 44F

02/05 08:24, 1天前 , 45F
隊的都不知道有沒有30人 還連續的這種人不是超巨
02/05 08:24, 45F

02/05 08:40, 1天前 , 46F
02/05 08:40, 46F

02/05 08:43, 1天前 , 47F
02/05 08:43, 47F

02/05 08:51, 1天前 , 48F
02/05 08:51, 48F

02/05 08:58, 1天前 , 49F
02/05 08:58, 49F

02/05 09:07, 1天前 , 50F
不算巨星都講得出來 呵呵
02/05 09:07, 50F

02/05 09:12, 1天前 , 51F
02/05 09:12, 51F

02/05 09:12, 1天前 , 52F
02/05 09:12, 52F

02/05 09:13, 1天前 , 53F
希望獨老闆兩頭空+1 不能只有球迷受傷要死一起死
02/05 09:13, 53F

02/05 09:13, 1天前 , 54F
02/05 09:13, 54F

02/05 09:13, 1天前 , 55F
02/05 09:13, 55F

02/05 09:15, 1天前 , 56F
胖子不是巨星 跟尼可說他不是核心一樣好笑
02/05 09:15, 56F

02/05 09:22, 1天前 , 57F
他不是巨星 那聯盟巨星一隻手就數得完了
02/05 09:22, 57F

02/05 09:27, 1天前 , 58F
77不是巨星 TD神經刀 阿肥沒球商 VC不懂灌籃
02/05 09:27, 58F

02/05 09:37, 1天前 , 59F
02/05 09:37, 59F

02/05 09:41, 1天前 , 60F
02/05 09:41, 60F

02/05 09:52, 1天前 , 61F
02/05 09:52, 61F

02/05 09:58, 1天前 , 62F
02/05 09:58, 62F

02/05 10:21, 1天前 , 63F
02/05 10:21, 63F

02/05 10:27, 1天前 , 64F
77當然不是巨星啊,他已經是歷史級神獸( ̄▽ ̄)拿
02/05 10:27, 64F

02/05 10:27, 1天前 , 65F
02/05 10:27, 65F

02/05 10:27, 1天前 , 66F
02/05 10:27, 66F

02/05 10:34, 1天前 , 67F
02/05 10:34, 67F

02/05 10:40, 1天前 , 68F
一億美金噴掉 太苦了
02/05 10:40, 68F

02/05 10:54, 1天前 , 69F
02/05 10:54, 69F

02/05 11:43, 1天前 , 70F
02/05 11:43, 70F

02/05 11:57, 1天前 , 71F
他應該早就被Dirk 洗腦完了,要成為下一個20年
02/05 11:57, 71F

02/05 12:27, 1天前 , 72F
02/05 12:27, 72F

02/05 13:23, 1天前 , 73F
02/05 13:23, 73F

02/05 18:20, 1天前 , 74F
在洛杉磯多賺的錢絕對比那張合約的錢多 放心
02/05 18:20, 74F
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