[外絮] 為什麼巴弟希望勇士交易他而不是圍巾

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 ( 朗報實習記者)時間6小時前 (2025/03/13 12:58), 編輯推噓65(66125)
留言92則, 78人參與, 2小時前最新討論串1/1
https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/nba/golden-state-warriors/andrew-wiggins-jimmy- butler-trade-buddy-hield/1834517/ Why Hield wishes Warriors traded him instead of Wiggs for Butler On this episode of “Dubs Talk,” Bonta Hill and Monte Poole discuss Andrew Wigg ins being traded to the Miami Heat and how he changed his NBA reputation during his time in Golden State. 在這一集的《Dubs Talk》中,Bonta Hill和Monte Poole討論了Andrew Wiggins被交易到邁 阿密熱火的事件,以及他在金州勇士期間如何改變了自己在NBA的聲譽。 The Warriors' blockbuster trade to acquire Jimmy Butler at this year's deadline struck players emotionally after realizing what they had to give up for the six- time NBA All-Star. 金州勇士在今年交易截止日前為了獲得六屆NBA全明星Jimmy Butler進行的大手筆交易,讓球 員們情緒激動,尤其在意識到他們必須為此付出什麼。 The move included parting ways with fan and team favorite Andrew Wiggins, in add ition to shipping Kyle Anderson, Dennis Schröder and Lindy Waters III away in th e deal. A little more than one month later, Warriors guard Buddy Hield confessed he wished he was among those players if it meant the Warriors got to keep Wiggi ns. 這筆交易包括與球迷和球隊最愛的Andrew Wiggins分道揚鑣,並將Kyle Anderson、Dennis Schröder和Lindy Waters III一同交易出去。約一個月後,勇士後衛Buddy Hield坦言,如果 這樣能讓勇士保住Wiggins,他寧願自己被交易。 "When guys were traded, it was a rough day for [Warriors coach Steve Kerr]," Hie ld said Wednesday on 95.7 The Game's "Steiny & Guru." "Especially with Wiggs, it was emotional in that locker room. I was even more emotional because I wish it was me that got traded because Wiggs did so much for this franchise. For a guy l ike that, I hated to see him go like that because he's done so much for this fra nchise. Hield在週三接受95.7 The Game的《Steiny & Guru》節目時表示:「當球員被交易時,對( 勇士主教練Steve Kerr)來說是艱難的一天。尤其是交易包含了圍巾,當時更衣室裡的情緒 非常激動。我則更為情緒化,因為我寧願是我被交易,因為圍巾為這支隊伍做了這麼多。對 於像他這樣的球員,我真的很不忍心看到他以這種方式離開,因為他為這支隊伍做了那麼多 。」 "And I said, 'Man, I wish that was me,' because he's put his mark on this franch ise, and I know how much he meant to this franchise and the city of San Fran." 「我當時心裡想,『天啊,我希望是我』,因為他已經在這支隊伍上留下了深刻的印記,我 知道他對這支隊伍和舊金山這座城市有多麼重要。」 A very selfless outlook from Hield on an emotional trade. 這是Hield對這筆充滿情緒的交易的一種無私的看法。 Wiggins spent five-plus seasons with the Warriors and undeniably helped them win their fourth title during his impressive 2021-22 NBA season and playoff perform ance. But after the Warriors' 2024-25 campaign quickly was headed downhill, they had to make a dramatic move to see a dramatic change. Wiggins在勇士效力了五年多,以其令人印象深刻的表現幫助勇士的2021-22賽季並在季後賽 中贏得了第四座總冠軍。然而,在勇士的2024-25賽季迅速走下坡後,他們不得不做出劇烈的 改變來尋求變化。 Brandin Podziemski revealed that emotions were high when the team learned of the trade on Feb. 5, admitting tears were shed when they had to say their goodbyes. Brandin Podziemski透露,當球隊在2月5日得知交易消息時,情緒非常激動,甚至有人流下 眼淚與隊友告別。 Steph Curry also joined "Steiny & Guru" to detail the emotional rollercoaster he and his teammates endured in the aftermath of the trade. Steph Curry也加入了《Steiny & Guru》節目,詳細描述了他和隊友在交易後所經歷的情緒 震盪。 "That was a whirlwind of a day," Curry recalled. "We were about to play Utah, an d [there were] rumors, talks, conversations, what-ifs -- and then it happened. S o first, you're upset because you're losing guys that you went to war with, Wigg s especially. He helped us win a championship and we saw him flourish for the fi ve years he was here. Dennis, Kyle, Lindy, seeing those guys go who were a big p art of [us] earlier in the year. 「那真的是一天的旋風,」Curry回憶:「我們本來要與猶他爵士比賽,然後有傳聞、討論、 各種『如果』的情況——然後它發生了。所以首先,你會感到難過,因為你失去了那些和你 並肩作戰的夥伴,特別是圍巾。他幫助我們贏得了冠軍,我們也看到他在這裡的五年裡茁壯 成長。Dennis、Kyle、Lindy,看到這些在今年早些時候對我們幫助很大的球員離開,也讓人 心情低落。」 "And then you think about the future. We were excited that Jimmy was here. We we re understanding of who he was as a superstar, and the idea that he plays basket ball a very similar way, trying to, as he would say, make the right play. But he demands a presence, and it's a guy you have to worry about on the floor. You ca n see it's helped me and Draymond, but I think overall it's helped everybody els e more because he makes guys around him better. And he does it really naturally. " 「然後你會開始思考未來。我們很高興Jimmy來了。我們理解他作為超級巨星的身份,並且認 識到他打球的方式與我們類似,如他所說,都是在尋求做出正確的決策。但他也展現出強烈 的存在感,他是一個場上必須提防的球員。你可以看到他對我和Draymond的幫助,但我認為 總的來說,他對其他人的幫助更大,因為他能讓身邊的球員變得更好。他做到這一點很自然 。」 It's safe to say Golden State shipping Wiggins to South Beach struck a chord for the Warriors, but Hield, too, is an important part of this team as his high ene rgy and good vibes are respected around the locker room. 可以說,將Wiggins送往邁阿密對勇士隊來說是一個重擊,但Hield也是這支隊伍中不可或缺 的一部分,他那充滿活力的能量和積極的氛圍在更衣室中備受尊重。 - 圍巾QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741841932.A.A16.html

03/13 12:59, 6小時前 , 1F
03/13 12:59, 1F

03/13 13:00, 6小時前 , 2F
8D不要妄自菲薄 剛開季一堆人說你>K湯
03/13 13:00, 2F

03/13 13:00, 6小時前 , 3F
03/13 13:00, 3F

03/13 13:01, 6小時前 , 4F
Wiggins 和你的價值差很多耶
03/13 13:01, 4F

03/13 13:01, 6小時前 , 5F
03/13 13:01, 5F

03/13 13:01, 6小時前 , 6F
03/13 13:01, 6F

03/13 13:01, 6小時前 , 7F
03/13 13:01, 7F

03/13 13:02, 6小時前 , 8F
03/13 13:02, 8F

03/13 13:02, 6小時前 , 9F
03/13 13:02, 9F

03/13 13:02, 6小時前 , 10F
頂多跟李凱爾同級的 圍巾一定要包出去
03/13 13:02, 10F

03/13 13:03, 6小時前 , 11F
工三小 想被交易還打那麼鳥
03/13 13:03, 11F

03/13 13:03, 6小時前 , 12F
03/13 13:03, 12F

03/13 13:03, 6小時前 , 13F
勇士:我也希望出你就可以換到吉巴 ..
03/13 13:03, 13F

03/13 13:04, 6小時前 , 14F
可是大哥 你比不上圍巾
03/13 13:04, 14F

03/13 13:05, 6小時前 , 15F
03/13 13:05, 15F

03/13 13:05, 6小時前 , 16F
03/13 13:05, 16F

03/13 13:05, 6小時前 , 17F
03/13 13:05, 17F

03/13 13:05, 6小時前 , 18F
03/13 13:05, 18F

03/13 13:05, 6小時前 , 19F
老哥 你三分50%今天被交易的就是你了 但就是沒有啊
03/13 13:05, 19F

03/13 13:06, 6小時前 , 20F
03/13 13:06, 20F

03/13 13:07, 6小時前 , 21F
03/13 13:07, 21F

03/13 13:07, 6小時前 , 22F
外面要的是圍巾跟苦命 8D頂多是配菜
03/13 13:07, 22F

03/13 13:07, 6小時前 , 23F
薪資匹配問題 先不考慮熱火要不要 要能達成交易 不
03/13 13:07, 23F

03/13 13:07, 6小時前 , 24F
03/13 13:07, 24F

03/13 13:07, 6小時前 , 25F
動圍巾換巴弟 那還要再搭幾個球員出去
03/13 13:07, 25F

03/13 13:07, 6小時前 , 26F
已經沒出多少東西了 連圍巾都不出是要賺到哭?
03/13 13:07, 26F

03/13 13:08, 6小時前 , 27F
而且薪資來看難道出嘴綠 還得再多丟人
03/13 13:08, 27F

03/13 13:09, 6小時前 , 28F
03/13 13:09, 28F

03/13 13:10, 6小時前 , 29F
03/13 13:10, 29F

03/13 13:12, 5小時前 , 30F
你是換吉巴的主菜 那萊利會被球迷打暈
03/13 13:12, 30F

03/13 13:12, 5小時前 , 31F
03/13 13:12, 31F

03/13 13:13, 5小時前 , 32F
03/13 13:13, 32F

03/13 13:14, 5小時前 , 33F
不就場面話 表達我們是兄弟
03/13 13:14, 33F

03/13 13:15, 5小時前 , 34F
03/13 13:15, 34F

03/13 13:17, 5小時前 , 35F
03/13 13:17, 35F

03/13 13:19, 5小時前 , 36F
不動圍巾要換吉巴 大概就是要出苦命了
03/13 13:19, 36F

03/13 13:20, 5小時前 , 37F
如果熱火要你 一定是你去啊
03/13 13:20, 37F

03/13 13:21, 5小時前 , 38F
這樣說 真的對休息室氣氛大加分欸 愛8D
03/13 13:21, 38F

03/13 13:21, 5小時前 , 39F
03/13 13:21, 39F

03/13 13:21, 5小時前 , 40F
你薪資又不夠填 你走圍巾也還是得走
03/13 13:21, 40F

03/13 13:22, 5小時前 , 41F
03/13 13:22, 41F

03/13 13:22, 5小時前 , 42F
03/13 13:22, 42F

03/13 13:22, 5小時前 , 43F
就只是一種感情流露 不用真的當真 畢竟做交易的不
03/13 13:22, 43F

03/13 13:22, 5小時前 , 44F
是他 本來就沒決定權 更別說薪資匹配問題 他只是有
03/13 13:22, 44F

03/13 13:23, 5小時前 , 45F
種我才剛來如果我能代替他 大家就不會這麼傷感了…
03/13 13:23, 45F

03/13 13:23, 5小時前 , 46F
03/13 13:23, 46F

03/13 13:26, 5小時前 , 47F
03/13 13:26, 47F

03/13 13:30, 5小時前 , 48F
03/13 13:30, 48F

03/13 13:30, 5小時前 , 49F
可是巴蒂 你才拿9M 薪資根本不能平衡
03/13 13:30, 49F

03/13 13:30, 5小時前 , 50F
哭完了看到78來了就笑了啦 都成年人了 別演成醬...
03/13 13:30, 50F

03/13 13:32, 5小時前 , 51F
03/13 13:32, 51F

03/13 13:32, 5小時前 , 52F
吉巴頂薪 根本不可能不動圍巾
03/13 13:32, 52F

03/13 13:32, 5小時前 , 53F
03/13 13:32, 53F

03/13 13:34, 5小時前 , 54F
不是 對方不要你呀老哥
03/13 13:34, 54F

03/13 13:36, 5小時前 , 55F
03/13 13:36, 55F

03/13 13:42, 5小時前 , 56F
圍巾感覺已經心不在籃球了 當打卡日常了
03/13 13:42, 56F

03/13 13:43, 5小時前 , 57F
圍巾這倒是任勞任怨沒得說 但是八弟啊 你的交易價值
03/13 13:43, 57F

03/13 13:43, 5小時前 , 58F
03/13 13:43, 58F

03/13 13:48, 5小時前 , 59F
They tried, believe me…..
03/13 13:48, 59F

03/13 13:52, 5小時前 , 60F
03/13 13:52, 60F

03/13 13:54, 5小時前 , 61F
圍巾不是心不在籃球吧 是他的能力沒有buff隊友
03/13 13:54, 61F

03/13 13:54, 5小時前 , 62F
可以自己繳出公務員數據 但也就這樣
03/13 13:54, 62F

03/13 13:57, 5小時前 , 63F
你去熱火0-8 還不被火迷噴到自願離隊
03/13 13:57, 63F

03/13 13:58, 5小時前 , 64F
03/13 13:58, 64F

03/13 13:59, 5小時前 , 65F
03/13 13:59, 65F

03/13 14:00, 5小時前 , 66F
好喔 可以準備小醬包囉
03/13 14:00, 66F

03/13 14:03, 5小時前 , 67F
勇迷現在可爽的 沒差吧 一個普通球員
03/13 14:03, 67F

03/13 14:03, 5小時前 , 68F
老哥還真別說 看看你領多少
03/13 14:03, 68F

03/13 14:08, 5小時前 , 69F
8D算是吉巴buff受益者耶 投丟三分吉巴還撿籃板再投
03/13 14:08, 69F

03/13 14:10, 5小時前 , 70F
03/13 14:10, 70F

03/13 14:13, 4小時前 , 71F
03/13 14:13, 71F

03/13 14:17, 4小時前 , 72F
03/13 14:17, 72F

03/13 14:29, 4小時前 , 73F
03/13 14:29, 73F

03/13 14:36, 4小時前 , 74F
圍巾球迷比吉巴還多啊 交接沒問題
03/13 14:36, 74F

03/13 14:44, 4小時前 , 75F
03/13 14:44, 75F

03/13 14:45, 4小時前 , 76F
你拿吉巴來比圍巾得出圍巾爛的結論 好喔
03/13 14:45, 76F

03/13 15:00, 4小時前 , 77F
03/13 15:00, 77F

03/13 15:10, 4小時前 , 78F
QQ 哭了 不得不的決定
03/13 15:10, 78F

03/13 15:10, 4小時前 , 79F
圍巾哪有爛 角色定位不同 這幾年圍巾私事影響他的
03/13 15:10, 79F

03/13 15:10, 4小時前 , 80F
能力和成長 但人家該做的也都做了 到底喊什麼爛
03/13 15:10, 80F

03/13 15:12, 3小時前 , 81F
03/13 15:12, 81F

03/13 15:16, 3小時前 , 82F
哎 勇迷基本都不捨圍巾的 22冠他太重要
03/13 15:16, 82F

03/13 15:21, 3小時前 , 83F
一個超骰 一個超穩
03/13 15:21, 83F

03/13 15:27, 3小時前 , 84F
感到失落 然後思考未來 真香
03/13 15:27, 84F

03/13 15:48, 3小時前 , 85F
03/13 15:48, 85F

03/13 15:49, 3小時前 , 86F
03/13 15:49, 86F

03/13 16:09, 3小時前 , 87F
圍巾近年來家庭事情太多 遠離鎂光燈對他也好
03/13 16:09, 87F

03/13 16:15, 2小時前 , 88F
03/13 16:15, 88F

03/13 16:43, 2小時前 , 89F
03/13 16:43, 89F

03/13 16:46, 2小時前 , 90F
03/13 16:46, 90F

03/13 16:48, 2小時前 , 91F
03/13 16:48, 91F

03/13 16:48, 2小時前 , 92F
開季的8D的話可能熱火願意啦 但現在別鬧了
03/13 16:48, 92F
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