Re: [問題] JaMychal Green 的 QO 計算方式

看板NBAGM作者 (Fundamental)時間7年前 (2017/05/03 17:40), 編輯推噓2(203)
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※ 引述《Jeffy (傑飛)》之銘言: : 他在2012年選秀落選,之後拿到正式NBA合約(然後有在正規賽上場) : 是在2014-15年;然後他有滿足「先發標準」:先發41場或打滿兩千分 : 鐘,QO比照同踢首輪21號籤的金額: : : 想提問的問題是:他的QO是比照2012-13落選球季的21st pick,還是 : 比照有正式上場的 2014-15 球季?因為照hoopsrumors 的計算方式 : (是兩者皆非(囧)。 : 網站上列出的QO金額 $2,820,497,是照 2013-14球季計算的... : 21 $1,127,200 $1,177,900 $1,228,700 59.3% 44.1% : $1,228,700 x 1.593 x 1.441 = $2,820,496.8231 進位到整數。 : 很奇怪的計算方式啊.... 有趣的問題,我想我找到解答了。 在這段中有一句話 If a second round pick or undrafted player met the starter criteria following his second or third season in the league, his qualifying offer equals the amount of the qualifying offer applicable to the 21st pick in the first round of the draft class whose rookie scale contract is now finishing(3), if this amount is higher than the qualifying offer he otherwise would have received. 符合先發標準資格的二輪選秀或落選球員,獲得的QO價碼等同於當年第一輪的第21順位 哪一年呢?和這位球員一起成為RFA的那年梯次。 在底下的附註也有提到: For example, in 2014 a qualifying offer is based on the scale amount for the 21st pick in the 2010 draft class, since the rookie scale contracts for the 2010 draft class are finishing in 2014. The amount is determined by taking 100% of that pick's scale amount for the third season, adding the percentage raise for the fourth season specified in the salary scale, and then adding the percentage raise for the qualifying offer specified in the salary scale. 如果是2014年的QO,會和2010梯次的首輪21順位價格相同。 以Green的例子來說,17年的QO,確實是要和13梯的21順位一樣 所以結論是:和他的選秀梯次或出賽時間無關,取決於進入市場的時間。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/04 10:54, , 1F
05/04 10:54, 1F

05/04 10:54, , 2F
05/04 10:54, 2F

05/04 10:57, , 3F
還好他的鳥權年資是三年,不然又有一個 early bird RFA
05/04 10:57, 3F

05/04 10:57, , 4F
05/04 10:57, 4F

10/29 20:30, , 5F
10/29 20:30, 5F
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