Re: [KIM ] AO 2012 2nd round interview

看板NED-BEL-LUX作者 (= =)時間13年前 (2012/01/18 17:41), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多) Kim Clijsters def. Stephanie Foretz Gacon (60 61) Q. What is your next trick with the fans? What are you going to ask them to do next? 你和球迷的下一個把戲是什麼?你下次會要他們做什麼? (今天Kim賽後叫觀眾一起幫妹妹Elke慶生) KIM CLIJSTERS: Nothing. Nothing. Nothing scheduled. 沒有啦,目前沒有任何安排 Q. It was all fairly comfortable today. 今天打得很順嗎? KIM CLIJSTERS: Yeah. Like I said out there, I felt like in my first match I didn't really have that rhythm that I would have liked to have. So that's usually something that I try to look for in the beginning of the match. 是阿,就像我之前說的,第一輪我沒有打出自己要的節奏,所以這往往是我在比賽一開始 要尋找的部分 Was hitting the ball well; felt that I could keep her under pressure. I didn't really let her play her game. From the beginning till the end, I did what I had to do well. 我的擊球很好,覺得有讓她感受到壓力,我沒有讓她打出她要的比賽。從頭到尾我做我該 做的且做得很不錯 Q. Do you take much notice of rankings? 你有很注意排名嗎? KIM CLIJSTERS: No. 沒有 Q. Doesn't mean anything? 那不重要嗎? KIM CLIJSTERS: No. 不重要 Q. Have you ever? 你曾經(在意過嗎)? KIM CLIJSTERS: No. In the long-term, you know, it doesn't make a difference. I mean, if you can be No. 1, I'm not going to sit here and say, no, it never did anything when I was No. 1. It's nice to be in that position. 不,從長遠的角度來看,這一點都不重要。我的意思不是坐在這說當我是世界第一的時候 這件事沒有任何意義,如果你可以變成世界第一,這是個很棒的位置 But once you've been there, yeah, it's not something that I try to achieve. 但一旦你已經達成過了,恩,這不是我現在的目標 Q. 2003 is a long time ago, when you first became No. 1, and did so without having won a major. What is your memory of it? Was it a burden? 2003離現在有點久了,當你第一次變成世界第一且還沒贏下大滿貫,你對這件事的記憶是 什麼?那是個負擔嗎? KIM CLIJSTERS: No, not at all. It was definitely something I was very proud of. As a young girl growing up, you know, looking at the past No. 1s, was something that I always -- you know, those were definitely people and players that I admired. So for me to be in that position at such a young age was definitely something that made me very proud. 不,一點也不,這是我非常驕傲的事情。當我還小且在成長過程中,看著歷任的球后們, 那些都是一直以來我所崇拜的人。所以對我而言以很年輕的年紀就坐上那個位置是讓我非 常引以為傲的 But obviously, you know, winning a Grand Slam is what kind of tops that feeling. So, yeah, like you said, if you can say, Look, I've been No. 1 in my career; that's good enough. It doesn't matter that much. 但顯然地,贏得大滿貫是多麼棒的感覺,所以你可以說:我已經是世界第一了,這已經夠 好了,但跟大滿貫比起來這好像不那麼重要了 Q. A few players have followed in the same vein who haven't won a major. Have you spoken to Caroline, Jelena, about not winning a Grand Slam and being No. 1? 有一些選手同樣地在贏得大滿貫前就當上球后,你有跟Woz、JJ談過這件事嗎? KIM CLIJSTERS: No, not really, because I don't think there's that much to say about it. Caroline is the girl who has been the most consistent player by far, injury-free, played a lot of tournaments, but also did well in those tournaments. 沒有,因為這沒什麼好講的,Woz一直以來都是最穩定的選手,沒有傷、打很多比賽,而且 有很好的的戰績 She deserves to be up there. When she goes head-to-head against Serena or myself, you know, she has a losing record, but at the end of the day when you become No. 1, that doesn't matter. 她值得在那個位置,雖然她跟小威或是我的對戰紀錄是落後的,但你終究變成世界第一後 這就不重要了 To become No. 1, you need to have the qualities that she has. That is to be consistent and to last throughout a whole season. 要當上球后,你必須要有她的水準,很穩定且維持整個賽季 Q. Are you a type of player who looks at the draw before the tournament starts? If so, did you look at yours? What do you think of it? 你是那種會在比賽開打前看籤表的人嗎?如果是,對於這次的籤表你有什麼想法? KIM CLIJSTERS: No, I don't. That's something that I definitely learned since I was younger. Because in the media people always start to talk about the future, quarterfinal, semifinal, a tough third, fourth round coming up before the tournament even starts. 不,我不是那樣的人,我從年輕一點的時後就見識到媒體總是在開打前就開始討論你的未 來,八強、四強、很硬的第三輪和第四輪(真是太中肯了XD) I don't like to waste my energy on those kind of thoughts, because I can use all that focus on whatever match I have coming up next. 我不喜歡把時間浪費在想這些事情,因為我可以專注在下一輪我將面臨的比賽 So I follow obviously other parts of the draw, see who is playing who, but I don't even think, Oh, this person might play this person in the quarterfinal, because so much can happen in a Grand Slam. 所以我當然會看一下籤表的其他部分,看誰要跟誰打,但我不會去想,喔,這個人可能 會跟我在八強碰到,因為大滿貫會發生很多事 Q. Have you seen the latest Tin Tin movie, and do you think it's Belgian enough? 你有看最近的Tin Tin嗎(是傳說中的丁丁歷險記XD)?(附上IMDb 你覺得這部有表現出比利時的味道嗎? KIM CLIJSTERS: I haven't seen it yet. It was in the movies when we were in Brisbane last week. I wasn't able to go there yet, so that's definitely going to be something that will be on our schedule once we go back home. 我還沒看耶,上禮拜我們在Brisbane時上映了,但我沒空看,這當然是我們回家後一定會 做的事 Q. Are you a fan? 你是Tintin迷嗎? KIM CLIJSTERS: Yeah, I have been. Even when I was a little girl I read all the cartoon books. So, yeah, I've always been a fan. 我一直都是,甚至當我還是個小女孩的時候我看了所有的繪本,所以我是Tintin迷 That's a first (smiling). 那是我第一本繪本(XD) 訪問提到丁丁歷險記好有趣XDD 今天打真棒^^ 保持健康一步一步來 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: huohuo 來自: (01/19 02:33)

01/19 12:44, , 1F
01/19 12:44, 1F

05/29 01:38, , 2F Highlights (second round)
05/29 01:38, 2F
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