[NFL!] Khalil Mack考慮引退

看板NFL (國家美式橄欖球聯盟)作者 (祝福雙K 但勇士輸就是爽)時間4周前 (2025/01/13 22:58), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 5人參與, 4周前最新討論串1/1
https://shm.to/7WqO5Mo Khalil Mack Will Consider Retirement In Offseason 原文作者:KHRIS RHIM/ESPN(RealGM摘要轉錄) https://i.imgur.com/gAWsaSP.jpeg
Khalil Mack, who will be an unrestricted free agent for the first time in his 11 -year career, said Sunday he is unsure about his football future. 11年球員資歷後,將在今年首次成為「完全自由球員」的Khalil Mack,在昨天受訪時坦承 他也不確定自己是否還會延續球員生涯。 https://i.imgur.com/EElRioS.png
"Man, it's a lot of different thoughts in my head right now," Mack, 33, said. "I can't really speak on a definitive decision in terms of what I'm going to do because I don't know if I'm going to play football moving forward, so there's so me things I got to talk through with my wife, spend some time with my kids and try not to make a rash decision after a loss." 已經33歲的Mack表示:「我現在腦子充滿了不同的想法,我現在也無法說出未來明確的 目標,因為我根本不知道接下來要不要繼續打球。我除了要跟老婆討論這件事情外,還要 利用這段時間陪小孩,讓我不要在輸球後就草率做決定。」 Mack said his lack of team success might lure him back for Year 12 but that spending more time with his family and two sons, who are 2 and 3 years old, could prove to be more important. Mack並補充:他效力的球隊無緣冠軍,對於讓他重返球場的確有吸引力,但用更多時間 陪伴家人—尤其他分別才2與3歲的兩個兒子,對他來說可能更為重要。 Mack joined the Los Angeles Chargers from the Chicago Bears in 2022. Mack在2022年透過交易,從芝加哥熊轉隊到洛杉磯電光。 ——————————————————————— 心得:也是一名防守界的活傳奇(9次入選明星賽),可惜Mack在季後賽沒有像Aaron Donald那麼幸運,至今指上仍無冠軍戒 話說回來,防守組球員似乎比進攻組還要折壽,在這範圍能夠在聯盟工作超過15年頂尖球星 ,也算鱗毛鳳角了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1736780283.A.9A6.html

01/14 00:07, 4周前 , 1F
蠻喜歡他的. 畢竟Madden中蠻猛的XD
01/14 00:07, 1F

01/14 00:41, 4周前 , 2F
01/14 00:41, 2F

01/14 03:07, 4周前 , 3F
He mulled retirement last offseason
01/14 03:07, 3F

01/14 07:42, 4周前 , 4F
美國運動員蠻願意為家庭犧牲球員生涯! Bobby Wagner
01/14 07:42, 4F

01/14 07:42, 4周前 , 5F
01/14 07:42, 5F

01/14 12:28, 4周前 , 6F
說到Wagner 他今年還入選防守第二隊 真的猛
01/14 12:28, 6F
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