[NFL!] 突擊者內部消息:球隊已變成Brady的秀場

看板NFL (國家美式橄欖球聯盟)作者 (祝福雙K 但勇士輸就是爽)時間1月前 (2025/01/15 18:11), 編輯推噓4(406)
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https://shm.to/fuTzYtm Raiders Have Become Tom Brady's 'Show Now' 原文作者:VINCENT BONSIGNORE/LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL(RealGm摘要轉錄) https://i.imgur.com/DQudgXH.jpeg
Tom Brady has a five percent ownership stake in the Las Vegas Raiders and his influence over the direction of the franchise appears to be far greater. 退役球星暨Fox球評-Tom Brady在突擊者的股權佔比僅5%,然而他對球隊走向的影響力 卻比想像中來得大。 “This is Tom’s show now,” a person with knowledge of the situation told the Review-Journal. 有一個熟悉此情形的人對當地媒體透露:這已經變成湯姆大帝的秀場。 The Raiders were widely expected to retain Antonio Pierce and Tom Telesco even after a 4-13 record, but Brady nudged Mark Davis into making the wholesale changes. Brady is expected to lead the decision-making on the next regime. 突擊者儘管今年賽季只繳出4-13的戰績,但原先還被預期會續留總教練Antonio Pierce 與總管Tom Telesco 。然而Brady卻說服球隊老闆Mark Davis ,來一場翻天覆地的重建。 湯姆大帝也被預期會在突擊者下一階段的人事簽約,扮演決定性的領導者角色。 Davis, who has said he wants Brady to have a “huge” voice in the Raiders’ football operations, will still make the final call. Davis now has fewer people advising him than he has in the past. Davis先前曾表示他希望湯姆大帝能在突擊者的運作過程「扮演重大的角色」,不過最後 做主的仍是MD本人—然而,MD目前的顧問人數的確已經比以前少很多。 The Raiders interviewed Ben Johnson, Aaron Glenn and Steve Spagnuolo on Friday. Both Davis and Brady were involved in those interviews. 突擊者最近在教練面試中,完成了3位應徵者的會談: ·雄獅隊進攻組長Ben Johnson · 雄獅隊防守組長Aaron Glenn · 酋長隊防守組長Steve Spagnuolo Davis與湯姆大帝這兩人,在上述三場面談都有出席。 Pate Carroll, Robert Saleh and Todd Monken will also interview. 突擊者近期將會面談的教練還包括: ·前海鷹總教練Pate Carroll ·前噴射機總教練+前49人防守組長Robert Saleh ·烏鴉隊進攻組長Todd Monken ——————————————————————— 心得:突擊者隊的重整工作,能邀請NFL的山羊當顧問,也不能說是壞事啦, 但這當中引發的爭議真的不小就是了 是說還好湯姆大帝簽約的Fox Sports是以國聯賽事為主,比較不會涉及太多利益衝突 就是;不過這也難怪有不少記者,會認為阿湯哥與Fox的球評合約根本走不完XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1736935895.A.5F9.html

01/15 18:48, 1月前 , 1F
01/15 18:48, 1F

01/15 18:54, 1月前 , 2F
最近媒體一直報導Brady非常看好Ben Johnson……
01/15 18:54, 2F

01/17 12:55, 1月前 , 3F
01/17 12:55, 3F

01/17 13:19, 1月前 , 4F
不過Fox有發聲明稿 說阿湯哥會走完主持約啦
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01/17 13:19, 1月前 , 5F
順帶一提 Fox最近內部還蠻精彩的XD
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01/17 13:19, 1月前 , 6F
Skip Bayless離職跟MeToo有關,Joy Taylor被爆出是
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01/17 13:19, 1月前 , 7F
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01/19 01:54, 1月前 , 8F
It's my turn!
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01/21 05:14, 1月前 , 9F
結果Ben Johnson選阿熊!Mark places his trust on wrong
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01/21 05:15, 1月前 , 10F
01/21 05:15, 10F
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