[NFL!] 比起選秀,布朗隊更想簽Kirk Cousins補Q

看板NFL (國家美式橄欖球聯盟)作者 (祝福雙K 但勇士輸就是爽)時間1周前 (2025/02/26 07:13), 編輯推噓6(602)
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https://shm.to/ldQzQ9N Browns Interested In Kirk Cousins Over Selecting QB In Draft 原文作者:TODD MCSHAY/THE RINGER(RealGM摘要轉錄) https://i.imgur.com/M3ig0uI.jpeg
The Cleveland Browns own the No. 2 overall pick in the 2025 NFL Draft, but are believed to prefer to acquire a veteran bridge quarterback rather than select any of the prospects that might be available to select on draft day. Both Cam Ward and Shedeur Sanders are expected to be quality NFL starters, but they do not rival the options from 2024. 克里夫蘭布朗隊在今年選秀會上,擁有首輪的榜眼籤,不過聯盟不少人都預期:比起 這一梯的小鮮肉們,布朗隊更想用一名資深QB來度過這一階段。今年天花板最好的 Cam Ward跟Shedeur Sanders,儘管仍被看好成為合格的先發QB,但評價跟24梯首輪 的相比仍略顯遜色。 Kirk Cousins could be a veteran quarterback the Browns could acquire to buy them time, according to sources that spoke with Todd McShay. 資深記者Todd McShay在他最近的專欄指出:有不少人曾經推薦Kirk Cousins是布朗 隊可以逢低買進的老將QB。 “I’ve heard from multiple sources: Cleveland… they’re not pulling the trigger on a quarterback," writes McShay. "They don’t believe that this is the year to do that. That they are not a quarterback in this class away. If it had been last year’s class, they feel really good that they can take off and run.” 以下是他文章中對於此傳言的摘要:「有不少人在跟我討論布朗隊的近況時,都提到 他們(指布朗隊高層)不會把榜眼籤押寶在QB上,因為他們並不相信今年是做出這決定 的時刻,尤其球隊現在又不是換了QB就能增加贏球機率的等級。當然,如果新人QB的 等級跟去年一樣強,他們是樂意不惜重本也要拿到手的。」 ——————————————————————— 心得:看起來布朗隊對於DeShawn Watson的對戰能力,也沒有抱持太大的信心了 表哥去年在獵鷹,的確是把身價打壞了,所以布朗應該用低價就可以簽到他。 不過布朗隊在QB安排很常做錯誤的決定(Watson就是一例),可以確定布朗在QB的 換血上又要蹉跎一年了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1740525234.A.AC8.html

02/26 07:32, 1周前 , 1F
看看布朗怎麼對Baker Mayfield 就知道了
02/26 07:32, 1F

02/26 18:14, 1周前 , 2F
如果要簽表弟,那當初不乾脆留Joe Flacco就好
02/26 18:14, 2F

02/26 19:41, 1周前 , 3F
02/26 19:41, 3F

02/26 20:56, 1周前 , 4F
Kirk Cousins層級還是比Joe Flacco 高的
02/26 20:56, 4F

02/26 21:27, 1周前 , 5F
我倒認為相反欸 Flacco 光有總冠軍 成就就比表哥高
02/26 21:27, 5F

02/26 21:27, 1周前 , 6F
02/26 21:27, 6F

02/26 22:14, 1周前 , 7F
02/26 22:14, 7F

02/26 23:30, 1周前 , 8F
Cousins也快沒什麼實力可言了 半斤八兩
02/26 23:30, 8F
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