Re: [新聞] Yankees may try to offer Lackey deal …

看板NY-Yankees作者 ( )時間15年前 (2009/11/12 14:52), 編輯推噓7(705)
留言12則, 11人參與, 6年前最新討論串6/29 (看更多)
※ 引述《siliver (奶茶貓~~)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《cardfat ( )》之銘言: : : 你怎麼不看Hoffman拿多少 : Hoffman可是早照正規程序走完的FA耶, : 跟連仲裁都沒走完就被釋出的狀況有差, : 你怎麼好意思拿來當例子?? : : # 1 year/$6M (2009) : : Saito傷痛疑慮大激勵獎金多 : Hoffman的年紀更大難道疑慮就小了?? : 更何況簽約三年前兩人的成績: : 局數 ERA : Hoffman 06 63 2.14 : 07 57.1 2.98 : 08 45.1 3.77 : Saito 06 78.1 2.07 : 07 64.1 1.40 : 08 47 2.49 : 如果照你的說法, : 那Saito為何拿到一個基本薪差這麼多的(還附一個條件嚴苛的激勵)約, : 而不是照正常的市場價值拿到比Hoffman大的約呢?? Saito當初的傷痛疑慮很大 市場價差不多就這樣了 Saito今年也有可能被釋出 你可以看mlbtr的討論 從來沒看過老外有說因為Saito年資不足 錢要領的少 ymd=20081212&content_id=3716142&vkey=hotstove2008&fext=.jsp Had Saito been tendered, he would have been eligible for salary arbitration and a raise from $2 million to about $3.5 million. Because the right-hander is coming off an elbow injury that sidelined him for two months, the Dodgers were only willing to take as much risk as a $2.5 million contract plus incentives. It really was a "staredown," as general manager Ned Colletti described. There were no negotiations after Tuesday. 查了一下Saito留道奇照算拿$3.5 million 他今年跟Redsox拿6M~~ 要還原去年的事還蠻難的 Dodgers could decide to pursue Hoffman winter_meetings_2008&campaign=rsssrch&source=jayson_stark&action=login &appRedirect= 62725%26searchName%3dwinter_meetings_2008%26campaign%3drsssrch%26sourc e%3djayson_stark The Dodgers' 2007-08 closer, Takashi Saito, is a good bet to get non-tendered Friday. And although Jonathan Broxton looms as their prospective closer, sources who have spoken to the Dodgers' brass say they've considered adding someone like Hoffman if the price and terms are short enough. Saito拿到跟Hoffman差不多的錢 最好有這種奇怪的規則 : : Matsui/Ichiro續約拿到的可是Overpay : : 原來球隊拿釋出後只能年資相仿的錢威脅 : : 還跟他們談到overpay喔 XDDD : Matsui和Ichiro都是在日職成為正式的FA, : 然後來大聯盟都是引用特別條款而擁有MLB正式資格的FA耶, : 跟Saito那種從菜鳥年開始起算的選手資格不同, : 這你也不清楚嗎?? : : 洋基也賭過Dotel : : # 1 year/$2M (2006) : : * signed by NY Yankees as a free agent 12/05 : : * bonuses include $0.25M when activated, $3M based on games, $2.5M for : : games finished (in the event he is traded) : 看到你拿Dotel我又笑了, : 一來他也是個跑完仲裁的FA, : 跟王的狀況又有差(你好怪,怎麼不找non-tender FA的例子?) : 二來, : 洋基賭了他的那年他是大爆炸(IP 10,ERA 10.8,ERA比IP還多), : 不知道你是想暗示什麼?? 就跟你講nontender-FA 就是FA了 Saito就不是日職正式的FA喔 用逃脫條款釋出跟non-tender釋出的還不就是釋出 他們在市場上權利是相同的 如果Matsui他們沒被抽%數為什麼Saito要被抽 洋基有你說的nontender-FA要被抽當籌碼 還談成這樣真是笑死我了 Dotel是告訴你很多GM是會拿小錢出來賭球隊不足的地方 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/12 15:01, , 1F
11/12 15:01, 1F

11/12 15:05, , 2F
11/12 15:05, 2F

11/12 15:06, , 3F
幫你highlight一下 ^^^^^^^^^
11/12 15:06, 3F

11/12 15:09, , 4F
11/12 15:09, 4F
※ 編輯: cardfat 來自: (11/12 15:13)

11/12 15:11, , 5F
11/12 15:11, 5F

11/12 15:21, , 6F
11/12 15:21, 6F

11/12 15:22, , 7F
11/12 15:22, 7F

11/12 15:31, , 8F
沒什麼好吵的吧 三個月內就見分曉的東西
11/12 15:31, 8F
※ 編輯: cardfat 來自: (11/12 15:41)

11/12 15:43, , 9F
11/12 15:43, 9F

11/12 16:30, , 10F
11/12 16:30, 10F

11/12 16:35, , 11F
樓上上想太多了 到時一定沒有任何一方會低頭XD
11/12 16:35, 11F

12/28 13:45, 6年前 , 12F
12/28 13:45, 12F
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