Re: 接上篇..part 2

看板Nets (布魯克林籃網)作者 (你們覺得好就好)時間21年前 (2003/06/03 19:18), 編輯推噓5(501)
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※ 引述《lovebp (Brad&Jen4ever)》之銘言: Everyone whoops: It's over. Kidd spends the next few minutes as the perfect host,making contact with all the people in the room, asking what flights they 're taking, their plans for the night.One cameraman, a Nets fan, puts out his hand. "Thank you for saving our franchise," he says. But Kidd turns that around too."Thanks, guys," he says again and again. "Sorry you had to put up with me." 大家歡呼道:"終於結束了."Kidd在接下來的幾分鐘完美扮演東道主的角色--跟房間裡 的每個人都有交談、問他們搭乘的班機、他們再來要去幹嘛.一個同時是藍網球迷的攝 影師伸出他的手:"謝謝你拯救了我們的球隊".但是Kidd連這個都有所回禮."謝謝大家" 他一遍又一遍的說著"很抱歉你們必須要容忍我." It began the way it always begins. She was beautiful, and he had to have her. He saw her, and it all became clear: They would get together, and one thing would lead to another. Soon he lost his head a bit and saw the two of them together forever, the ballplayer and the Bud girl.That was what she was then, something she calls a "promotional model," which meant she would show up at Bay Area events wearing less than most other people and push beer in that friendly-but-not-too-friendly way that promotional models learn. He was a 19-year-old and thinking like one, not getting much beyond the fact that, as his best friend, Andre Cornwell, puts it, in the Bay Area in 1992 "she was just it. She was known as the hot thing." 就像一切愛情故事發生的過程.她很漂亮,而他想要擁有她。他看到她的同時,一切都變 的很清楚:他們將會在一起,而考驗將會接踵而來。他有點慌張失措,但很快的看見他 們會永遠在一起--一個籃球員跟一個百威女孩.她那時候的工作就是一個促銷模特兒-- 這代表著她要參加在Bay Area的活動並且穿的比誰都少,然後用每個促銷模特兒學會的 友善但不會太友善的方式推銷啤酒。1992年在Bay Area的他那時十九歲,想的東西也像 十九歲少年所想的。他跟他最好的朋友--Andre Cornwell都認為:"she was just it. 大家都知道她是搶手人物." So was he, and that's what made it all so perfect. Jason Kidd was only a freshman at Cal, but he'd been a legend for years. He was the reason that tiny St. Joseph of Notre Dame had won two straight California high school championships, and its crowds had outgrown its gym, and the team had been forced to play in the Oakland Coliseum. He was the reason that Cal basketball suddenly had students camping out overnight for tickets. He'd grown up worshiping Magic Johnson, sitting mesmerized before the TV during Los Angeles Lakers games and then hitting the court to make himself in Magic's image. Now his time was finally coming; he'd be going pro soon, and then he could live what he'd been watching all his life. 而他也一樣,這也是為何一切都那麼完美的原因.Kidd只是一個Cal.的大一新生,但他 將在未來幾年成為傳奇人物.他是為何小小的St. Joseph of Notre Dame可以連拿兩年 加州高中籃球比賽冠軍的原因.而由於他的球迷成長的太快速,原來的體育場無法承載, 使球隊不得不移師Oakland Coliseum進行比賽。他也是Cal突然開始有學生搭帳棚熬夜 排隊買票看球賽的原因。他是魔術強森的球迷,每當湖人比賽,他就像被蠱惑般地坐在 電視前。而他之後在球賽上也希望表現的像Magic.現在他的機會來了;他馬上就會成為 職業球員,而他將活在他從小看著的世界。 He would be the game, and she'd be what happened when the game stopped --the beer commercial come to life -- and that would be that, right?She hated him. She hated the mention of his name, she hated seeing posters of him in bars, she hated what he represented. At 23, Joumana Samaha had met her share of athletes and had no interest in becoming a cliche. "I didn't want a husband who sleeps around, who thinks the world revolves around him, who's dumb, has no education -- all the stereotypes in one," she says. She hated that Jason sent Andre to talk to her for him, that he invited her to a "party" that ended up being only three other people;she lasted there about five minutes. He was arrogant. "I couldn't get far enough from him," she says. 他出現在比賽中,而她出現在比賽暫停--當啤酒廣告播放時。而事情會一直這樣持續 下去,不是嗎?她那時很討厭他,討厭有人提到他的名字,討厭在酒吧看到他的海報、 討厭他所代表的一切。Joumana Samaha在23歲時見夠了運動員而且不想走向那條老路。 她說道"我不希望睡在一旁的先生以為世界是以他為中心,是個笨蛋,沒受過教育的傢 伙,而且具備所有的刻板印象."她討厭Jason派Andre來幫自己跟她說話,邀她去參加一 個最後只剩三個人的派對。她只停留了五分鐘,而他十分傲慢."我想離他越遠越好"她 說道。 He won her over. Never was a verb more apt: Kidd, his old friends will tell you, is the most competitive person they've ever met. He made every walk to the street corner a race he had to win. For four years he came at Joumana, even after her suspicions were confirmed by the news, during his rookie year with the Dallas Mavericks, that he had fathered a son out of wedlock; by reports that he had fled the scene of an accident, leaving behind two acquaintances and a wrecked car (he would plead no contest to hit-and-run and speeding charges);by allegations that he had drunkenly hit a woman at a party (due to lack of evidence, no charges were filed). For four years Joumana said no. Finally,in 1996, bored, she agreed to go out with Jason and some friends. 他說服了她。沒有一個字能比"win"更適合Kidd.他的老朋友會告訴你Kidd是他們見過 最好勝的人,他將每次走到巷口都當作一場他非贏不可的競賽。這四年來他不斷的去找 Joumana,即使許多報導使得她更加確立她的懷疑:當Kidd在小牛的第一年,新聞指出他 是一個孩子的爸爸;有傳聞說他從車禍現場溜走,只留下兩個好友及汽車殘骸(他並沒有 對肇事逃逸及超速提出抗辯。);也有人指出他在一場派對上醉酒毆打一位女性。(由於 證據不足,罪名都沒有成立)這四年來Joumana一直說不。直到1996,Joumana厭煩了, 她終於答應與Kidd及其朋友出去。 This was his shot. Kidd fashioned himself a winning personality. "He laid it on so thick, just so intelligent and sensitive and meek," Joumana says. "We talked about marriage that night, and he said, 'My goal in life is to be married and have a family.' I ate it up like candy, and then I thought, 'He's laying it on. There's no way.' Every time after, I thought, 'Today I'm going to see his true colors.'" 這是他的大好機會。Kidd塑造出一種成功的人格。"他太誇張了,表現的那麼聰明、敏感 又溫柔."Joumana說."我們那晚談到了婚姻,而他說他人生的目標就是結婚並且組織一個 家庭。我覺得這句話很貼心,然後接著我想:'他又再誇大其詞了.這不可能.'而每次我都 會這樣想著:今天我將會見到他的真面目。'" : She didn't. That's because there's no one sweeter than Kidd when he wants to be. He's famous for his acquiescence to the barrage of demands an NBA star faces from fans, autograph hounds, reporters and charities -- and it never comes off as fraudulent, because at that moment of bestowing kindness, no one is more sincere than Kidd. Joumana didn't stand a chance. For their second date he picked the gooiest chick flick he could find, How to Make an American Quilt, and even watched it a few days before so that nothing would take him by surprise. He didn't just notice her shoes; he bought her a pair of boots she liked. He asked if he could hold her hand. "He even took me to Barnes & Noble," she says. Kidd hears this and laughs. "You don't like to read?" he asks. "Have we been back since?" 後來並沒有如她所願。因為沒有任何人能比Kidd更貼心。他總是達到球迷、狗仔隊、 記者或慈善機構對於一個NBA巨星的要求,而這些表現從不虛假。因為當Kidd做這些好 事時,沒有人能比他更真誠。Joumana一點機會都沒有.而第二次約會前Kidd找了一部最 感傷的少女電影--How to Make an American Quilt,這樣約會時便沒有什麼事能夠嚇得 了他.他不只是注意她的鞋子,他買了一雙她喜歡的靴子給她。"他甚至帶我去Barnes & Noble(一家連鎖書店),"她說.聽到這的Kidd笑了出來"你不喜歡看書嗎?"他問道."我們 之後有再去過嗎?" What clinched it for her was meeting his parents,Steve and Anne, middle-class and strong as steel. The father was black and the mom white, but neither carried the bitter defensiveness often seen in mixed-race couples. Steve,then a 32-year employee of TWA,was quiet but strikingly solicitous.Anne,a computer analyst at Bank of America,was firm and suspicious of her son's growing fame. Joumana, convinced that she could read Jason's character in his parents' solidity, allowed herself to fall. 而讓她確定這段感情的是與Kidd的父母--Steve和Anne見面.他們是中產階級而且像鐵一 般的堅強。 父親是黑人而母親是白人,但他們卻沒有異族婚姻中常見的防備性。Steve 為TWA工作了32年,是個安靜但十分熱情的人。Anne是美國銀行的電腦分析師,對兒子 越來越大的名氣感到高興但又有點懷疑。Joumana認為與Kidd的父母見面可以看出Kidd 的個性十分和善,所以她與Jason更進一步交往。 What she didn't think about then, of course, was that neither Steve nor Anne played NBA ball. Nor did Joumana know that being one of the league's best players requires a meanness cultivated like a cherished flower. All great athletes carry the seed of cruelty; it's their job and their passion to beat the other guy, undress his weaknesses, reveal him as a loser in public. How could she know? Kidd's peers speak so lavishly about his unselfishness, his need to put everyone else first, that it's easy to perceive him as the rule's exception,easy to hear his soft voice and see his placidity and miss the fact that, as Nets coach Byron Scott says, "inside he wants to take your heart out ." It's not that Joumana didn't see Jason's true colors. He was courting, so she saw only those colors he wanted her to see. 當然了,她沒有想到不管是Steve或是Anne都沒有打過NBA。而Joumana也沒有想到要 成為聯盟中的巨星需要像照顧花朵般培育惡意。所有偉大的運動員都懷有殘酷的種子; 他們必須要擊敗對手,看穿他的弱點並且公開的使其成為輸家。她怎麼可能知道呢? Kidd的同僚總是大方的談論他的不自私,他總是把別人擺在第一位,很容易你就會認為 他與別的運動員不同,很容易你可以聽到他輕聲說話以及他的溫和,卻忽略了正如同 Byron Scott所說的"inside,他希望將你的心帶走."並不是Joumana沒有看到Jason的真 面目,只是因為他正在追求她,因此他只讓她看到他所希望她看到的.(好繞口啊~~) Then, too, there was the flaw that even he didn't know about. How could he? Nearly everyone who matters in the game adores him. Players love how good he makes them look, coaches love how he makes passing contagious and teammates better, general managers love how he instantly turns bad teams into good ones .You've never heard so many macho men speak so openly of love. Kidd is considered the NBA's best point guard, a talent on a par with alltime assists leader John Stockton, as well as a defensive jewel and a rebound hound who will likely end his career trailing only Magic and Oscar Robertson in triple doubles. 但是,有些缺點是Kidd自己都想不到的.他怎麼可能想的到?幾乎每個與比賽有關的人都 喜愛他.隊友愛Kidd因為他讓他們看起來很棒。教練愛他因為他讓傳球成為一種美德而且 讓球隊更好。GM愛他因為他可以立刻讓一支萬年爛隊鹹魚翻身。你不曾聽到那麼多大男 人開口說愛.Kidd被認為是NBA最好的控球後衛,具有與助攻紀錄保持人Stockton同樣的 天分。同時他也是個防守專家,並且時常追逐籃板球,他十分希望在他退休的那一天, 他的大三元次數只會落後給Magic跟Oscar Robertson. "He plays with passion, he plays with love, he's a winner," says Washington Wizards coach Doug Collins. "He's going to win games for you. He transforms a whole team. If I couldn't vote for Michael, I'd vote for Jason for MVP.""He's one of my favorite players," says former Phoenix Suns coach Danny Ainge. "You look at Jason's fundamentals, they're not great.You look at his shooting,it's not great. The guy just finds ways to win, defensively and offensively. And his greatest asset to an organization, other than his will to win,is that all the players love playing with him." 他充滿熱情的打球,他熱愛打球,他是個贏家,"華盛頓教練(not anymore...)Collins 說."他將會為你贏的比賽,他改造了整支球隊.如果我不能投MVP票給MJ,那我將會投給 Kidd."他是我最喜愛的球員之一,"前太陽總教練Ainge說,"你看看Jason的基本動作,並 不是很完美.看看他的投籃,也不是很完美.他只是知道怎麼贏球,不論是攻守兩端。除 了他贏球的意願以外,他對組織最大的貢獻就是所有的球員都喜歡跟他一起打球." -- 這篇口語好多..真難翻啊.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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02/14 09:28, , 6F
叫你們板主不要傳水球來鬧 罵不過人又寄垃圾信來 有夠卑劣
02/14 09:28, 6F
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