Re: kidd生涯part8

看板Nets (布魯克林籃網)作者 (你們覺得好就好)時間21年前 (2003/07/21 12:19), 編輯推噓4(400)
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※ 引述《lovebp (Brad&Jen4ever)》之銘言: Who could've seen it coming? Who could've read Jason's eyes and delivered the hard words before the assault happened? Maybe his high school coach, Frank Laporte, the man who got Jason ready and wanted nothing in return. That's why it felt so pure, back in 1996, for Jason to keep his longtime promise to the man, pulling up in a big gold Cadillac and handing him the keys; Laporte couldn't speak for crying. So maybe Coach Laporte could've steered Jason straight, except that in '97 bone cancer ate him alive. 有誰可以預見此事的發生呢?是否有人能在暴力事件發生前,就注視著Jason的眼睛並且 告訴他本身問題所在?如果真的有這麼一個人,也許會是他的高中教練,Frank Laporte. 他讓Jason準備好面臨未來各種挑戰卻不要求任何回報。在1996年,當Jason實現他長久 以來的諾言,將一輛金黃色的凱迪拉克開到Laporte面前並且將鑰匙交給他時,由於他倆 的關係,這一切看起來是那麼的簡單自然。Laporte沒有做任何回應,因為他早已哽咽的 說不出話來。所以也許Laporte是那個可以直言給Jason建議的人--如果他沒有死於97年 的骨癌的話。 Then there was Jason's godfather and his dad's running mate, Big Jim Hadnot, a scout for the Sacramento Kings and, later, the Nets.But prostate cancer got Hadnot in '98, and it was an ugly chase. "I truly think that's what took my dad, seeing his best friend deteriorate," Kidd says. "Mr. Hadnot used to tell Willis Reed about me.He used to send out tape of me when I was in high school . My dad watched him, a seven-foot giant, go down to bones almost. That took the wind out of my dad. He knew my two sisters were fine. I think he felt it was time to go." 另外一個人選是Jason的教父,同時也是他父親的好伙伴,Big Jim Hadnot.他先在沙加緬 度國王隊擔任球探,之後為籃網隊工作。但是Hadnot在'98年得了前列腺癌,而病魔在後 追趕他的過程令人十分不忍。"我認為讓我父親過世的真正原因是看著他的好友一天一天 的惡化。"Kidd說,"Mr. Hadnot過去時常跟Willis Reed談到我。他不時就會寄些我高中 時打球的錄影帶過去。我爸就看著像他這樣的七呎巨人一天一天的消瘦成皮包骨。這也 使得我爸喪失了求生意志。他知道我的兩個姊妹都過的還不錯。我想他覺得是離開的時 候了。 Steve and Jason had this routine. Steve, thanks to his TWA job, could fly anywhere for free, so he'd pop into towns where Jason was playing, and they'd stay in the same room, lie on the same bed and snore away the afternoons before games. Steve stayed with Jason during the 1999 playoffs, such as they were; Phoenix got swept by the Portland Trail Blazers in the first round, and two days later Jason drove his dad to the airport."I can still see us driving down the street, and I can still see him talking to me: 'Don't worry about this. You'll get them next year,'" Jason says."I told him we'd be home by the weekend, and he was talking about going horseback riding.It's as clear as day : His getting out of the car, my getting out of the car and giving him a hug, then watching him walk away. It's very weird, like slow motion. That was the last time I saw him alive." 而Jason的父親,Steve也遭遇同樣的不幸。由於在TWA工作,他可以免費飛去任何地方,因 此他常常出現在Jason出賽的城市。在比賽前,他倆會呆在同一個房間,躺在同一張床上 ,用打鼾聲來度過一個下午。就像以往,在1999年的季後賽,Steve一直在Jason身旁。 那年太陽在第一輪便被波特蘭拓荒者橫掃出局[那年的拓荒者實在強啊~],而兩天後 Jason開車送他爸到機場。"我仍然可以看見我們開著車,我仍然可以聽到他對我說:'別 煩惱,明年你一定可以擊敗他們的。'"Jason說."我告訴他這週末我們就會回家,他說要 一起去騎馬.一切都還歷歷在目:他下了車,我也下了車並給了他一個擁抱,然後便看著 他離去。那一刻的感覺非常詭異,就像是慢動作一樣。那是他生前我最後一次看到他。 Kidd is sitting on a couch in his family room in Saddle River, N.J. Joumana sits at the kitchen table with her back to him. Christmas is coming,and she's signing and addressing a stack of cards adorned with the family picture. T.J. shoves his Buzz Lightyear doll at Jason, asks him to open the wings so Buzz can fly, then makes his daddy get on the floor to play Pig and Flower. The Kidds' newborn twin girls, Miah and Jazelle, are in bed. Yes, Jason says, he came too close to losing his family. He wonders if things would have whirled so out of control had his dad been alive. "He would've known," Jason says. "He would've said, 'This isn't what you should be doing.' He was my closest comrade. We did everything together. It hurt me that he was gone." 在紐澤西的Saddle River旁,家庭娛樂室中的Kidd正坐在沙發上。Joumana背對著Kidd坐 在廚房桌旁。耶誕節即將到來,她正忙著為堆積如山且附有他們全家福照片的卡片簽上 名字並且寫上地址。[我也想要一張]T.J.將他的巴斯光年玩偶塞給Jason,央求他將翅膀 打開這樣巴斯才可以飛。接著T.J.又要他爸爸趴到地上一起來玩Pig and Flower[這是啥 ?]。而Kidd剛出生的孿生女兒,Miah和Jazelle正躺在床上。是的,Jason表示,他差一點就 失去了他的家庭。他自問如果他爸還在世的話,事情會如此失去控制嗎?"他一定會在事 情發生前便預知一切。"Jason說."他一定會說,'這不是你該做的事。'他是我最親密的伙 伴,我們做什麼都在一起。當他過世的時候我真的很傷心。" It hurts, too, that Steve never got to see T.J. grow and that the only men Jason ever really cared about impressing won't see him play this season, at his peak.But Christmas and its consolations are coming to the Kidd household, and these holidays will be unlike any others. Jason's sisters will fly in,and for the first time the entire family will be in the same room to open presents. Anne Kidd is coming, too, after a year in which her son has reached out to her as never before. Often she has arrived at work to find a message from Jason. "I'm thrilled," Anne says. "I've never enjoyed my trips back to see them as much as I have this year. I can't wait." Steve從來沒有機會看到T.J.長大,而身為Jason最關心也對他影響最大的人,他也無法 在這季看到Jason處於顛峰的表現。這都同樣讓Jason傷心。但是聖誕節的慰藉將會降臨 在Kidd一家人身上,而且這幾天的假日將會完全不同以往。Jason的姊妹將會坐飛機來看 他,而有生以來第一次全家人都將會聚在同一個房間一起拆禮物。Anne Kidd也會前來。 在過去這一年她的兒子第一次向她伸出了親情之手。當她在工作時常會收到Jason捎來的 訊息。"我真的很感動,"Anne說,"我從來沒有像今年一樣這麼期待能夠去探望他們. I can't wait." Jason and Joumana still argue. But, Joumana says, he is communicating so well that the arguments never last long, and the silences melt away. She doesn't want to jinx it,but she thinks she might have finally grabbed the brass ring. "This is how life is supposed to be," she says. "You're supposed to be happy, communicate, be best friends, soul mates. I almost want to go around saving marriages:'Are you sure? Have you tried everything?'"Jason won't go that far. He's still "under construction," he says. He's happy, the Nets are in first place, and when he's home, T.J. can't go to sleep without Jason lying next to him. T.J. hasn't started snoring yet, but that will come, the father and son drifting off together. Jason knows: He did serious damage, but some things remain. The boy still needs him by his side to sleep. His eyes still shine with the certainty that Daddy is the greatest man in the world. Jason跟Joumana之間依然會有爭吵。但是Joumana表示,Jason現在很善於溝通,因此他們 之間的爭論通常不會持續太久,而冷戰也隨之融化消失。她並不想觸霉頭,但她認為在 經過了層層的考驗之後,她終於實現了她的目標。"生命就該是這樣。"她說,"你們倆應 該要很快樂、互相溝通、成為彼此最好的朋友、靈魂上的伴侶。我甚至想要四處走動去 拯救別人的婚姻'你確定嗎?你真的試過一切可行的辦法了嗎?'"Jason當然不會想跟 Joumana一樣去做這些事。因為根據他的說法,他還在「重建中」。他很開心,籃網是東 區老大,而當他在家時,如果他不躺在T.J.旁邊,T.J.便無法入睡。T.J還不會打鼾,但 他終究有一天會。這對父子就這樣慢慢的進入夢鄉。Jason知道:他曾經造成了很嚴重的 傷害,但有些事卻是不變的:這孩子依然需要他在一旁才可入睡。他的眼中依然閃耀著 那麼堅定的光芒:Daddy is the greatest man in the world. Issue date: January 28, 2002 -- 終於翻完了~~好累..... -- 再來就可以翻一些關於Zo跟kidd的文章囉! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jupee 來自: (07/21 14:39) ※ 編輯: jupee 來自: (07/21 14:41) ※ 編輯: jupee 來自: (07/21 14:42)

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辛苦了~~~感謝~~~<(_ _)>
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