[譯文] Okajima has been blowing his inherit …

看板Okajima作者 (.....................)時間17年前 (2008/05/16 15:25), 編輯推噓85(85057)
留言142則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://0rz.tw/e3493 Okajima has been blowing his inheritance BALTIMORE - Hideki Okajima might as well leave his interpreter behind, because after yesterday's 6-3 loss to the Orioles, in which the lefthanded reliever allowed a seventh-inning grand slam to Jay Payton, he couldn't muster a word of explanation. 岡島秀樹也許可以不用他的翻譯,因為在昨天以 6-3輸給金鶯隊的比賽,這位左手後援 在第七局被Jay Payton打了一支滿貫全壘打,他沒有吐出一個字作為解釋。 Payton not only caught a changeup, but apparently Okajima's tongue. Payton不只逮到了一顆變速球,很明顯地還有岡島的舌頭。 It's great that he had worked 9 2/3 consecutive scoreless innings entering yesterday's game, that he had opened the season with 7 2/3 scoreless innings, and that he was 1-0 with a 0.50 ERA (now 0.93). But of the 14 runners he's inherited, 11 have scored, the highest ratio in the American League. He's blown his last four save situations, and is 1 for 5 overall. And he's retired just 11 of 18 first batters he's faced. 在昨天的比賽前他已經很棒地連續9又2/3局沒失分,他開季的時候曾經連續7又2/3局未 失分,那時他戰績一勝, ERA 0.50 (現在則是0.93)。但是他繼承前一個投手的14名壘 上跑者,有11個回來得分,這是美聯最高的比率。他已經搞砸了最近四次後援機會,現 在總計是五次中一次成功。他面對18名打者,解決了11位。 It was a tough way to end a 10-game road swing because the Red Sox had a chance to return to Boston for a weekend series against Milwaukee at .500 for the trip. Instead, they went 4-6. 這樣結束一段客場十連戰是有點辛苦的,因為紅襪隊有機會以五成勝率,回到波士頓跟 密爾瓦基打一個週末系列賽。結果,他們是4勝6敗。 While Okajima was angry enough not to say a word to the media, nobody appears to have any angst about the lefthander, or the fact that Jonathan Papelbon had hiccups in Detroit and Minnesota. 當岡島太生氣而對媒體沒有話說時,沒有人替這個左投感到焦慮,也沒有人擔心Jonathan Papelbon在底特律和明尼蘇達的小突槌。 Nobody seems to be worried that Okajima is not Mr. Automatic, as he was a year ago. 似乎沒有人擔心岡島不再是一年前那個自動機器先生了。 "You have to admit, Okie has come in in some unbelievably difficult situations, " said Papelbon. "You can throw out those numbers all you want, but you can't deny that the situations he's been in this year have been really, really tough." “你必須得承認,岡島遇到了一些難以置信的艱難狀況。”Papelbon說”你可以投出想 要的那些成績,但是你沒辦法否認他今年陷入的狀況是非常,非常艱苦的。” The pitch Payton hit for the grand slam was a changeup, low and inside. Payton is a low-ball hitter, and unless you get it way in, the best thing to do is to keep it away. Catcher Jason Varitek said he hadn't watched a replay of the pitch and couldn't comment on whether it was in a poor location. Varitek reasoned that Payton, a former Georgia Tech teammate, sat on Okajima's changeup, believing he was going to throw it 0 and 1. With Okajima, it's location, location, location. Payton打成滿貫砲的那顆是內角、低角度的變速球。Payton是個愛打低球的打者,除非 你能夠刁鑽,不然最好是避開那裡。捕手 Jason Varitek說他還沒看過那球的重播,所 以沒辦法評論那是不是進壘位置很差。Varitek的理由是,他前喬治亞理工的隊友Payton 逮住岡島的變速球,因為他相信他在沒有壞好球一好球的情況會丟出那顆球。對岡島來 說,就是進壘點、進壘點、進壘點。 "I really can't read much into it," said Varitek of Okajima's problems with inherited runners. "He's throwing the ball pretty well. We've asked him to come on in the seventh a few times [nine], and so we're asking a lot of him. I'm sure it hasn't been easy." “我真的不太能解讀出太多。”Varitek 談到岡島對於壘上跑者的問題”他投出的球還 是很好。我們曾經讓他在第七局上過幾次(九次),所以我們讓他負擔很多工作。我確定 這不是太輕鬆。” It's been more than a season of scouting reports and trends and batters seeing him over and over. Maybe they're starting to figure him out. Maybe they now have an idea of what to expect in different counts. 球探報告、趨勢和打者都已經看了他一遍又一遍地超過一季了。也許他們開始破解他了 。也許他們現在知道在不同球數,要期待什麼球種。 "I'm telling you, that sophomore season is the toughest season," said Papelbon. "You make more adjustments in that year than in any other year. You have to keep making changes because the hitters in the American League are very smart. They study every pitcher, and if you don't change with them, they're going to catch up to you. “我告訴你,第二年是最辛苦的球季。”Papelbon說”你在那年作的調整會比任何其他 年都多。你得要不斷作改變,因為美聯的打者是非常聰明的。他們研究每個投手,所以 如果你不改變,他們就會逮住你。” "I had my problems earlier on this trip and I'm making adjustments right now. I have to. Every pitcher has to go through it. Okie is going to be fine. I'm telling you, he's going to be fine." “我這趟客場稍早也有些問題,所以我現在在作調整。我必須要這樣。每個投手都得經 歷這個。岡島會沒事的。我告訴你,他會沒事的。”(譯註:Papelbon在保護他嗎?好man 喔~XD) Okajima and Papelbon formed one of the most potent combinations in baseball last season. Opposing batters knew that if they didn't get to the Red Sox by the seventh inning, the eighth and ninth might be close to impossible. And they often were. You had Okajima's signature changeup, which made his well-located 88- to 90-mile-per-hour fastball that much tougher. But this season, while you see the same location and some good results, there can be a deviation that gives the hitter more of an advantage at the wrong time. 岡島和Papelbon去年是聯盟最有力的組合之一。對手打者知道如果不能在七局前擺平紅 襪,到了第八和第九局就接近不可能了。而他們的確是不可能。搭配岡島的招牌變速球 ,使得他進壘位置很好,大約時速88到90哩的速球更難打。但是這季,當你看到一樣的 進壘點和一些好結果,也有一些在錯誤時間的偏差,給打者很大的優勢。 Okajima allowed just one hit yesterday in 1 1/3 innings, but it was a big one. It wasn't his fault he entered the game with two outs and the bases loaded. But that's his job - to strand runners. 岡島昨天在1又1/3局只被打了一支安打,但是那支很大。上場時滿壘兩出局不是他的錯 。但是這是他的工作—阻止跑者前進。 Payton, a former Red Sox backup, became a hero in Baltimore with one swing. Just as everyone knows how tough it is to beat Papelbon, the same holds true for Okajima. When you beat him, you feel good. And the Orioles, now 21-19, felt great. 前紅襪隊替補Payton,用一次揮棒就變成巴爾地摩的英雄。就像每個人都知道要打倒 Papelbon有多難,對岡島也是這樣。當你擊倒他,會感覺很好。而現在金鶯隊是21勝19 敗,感覺更好。 "It goes against the percentages," said Payton of the move to bring in Okajima to face him and remove righthander Craig Hansen. "That's probably the first time I've ever had a lefty brought in to face me, but the lefty [Jon Lester] got me out my first three at-bats so they were just playing the numbers. He's been throwing the ball great; he just left a ball over the middle." “這跟數據不合。”Payton說到換下右投Craig Hansen,拿岡島來對付他的動作。”這 大概是第一次有人換上左投來對付我,但是Jon Lester前三次都讓我出局,所以他們大 概想要玩一玩數據。他投的很棒,只是讓那顆球通過本壘板中間。” Payton added, "I faced him maybe twice before. I'm the same against everybody - I just look for a pitch to try to hit hard. Don't try to think too much." Payton補充說”我以前大概遇過他兩次。我對上每個都一樣—看好球然後試著用力揮擊 。不要試著想太多。” Payton obviously made an adjustment against Okajima. Payton明顯對岡島作了些調整。 "It was nice," Payton said. "I feel like I've been swinging the bat decent and haven't had a lot to show for it, so it was nice to get a big one today. When you're able to beat good teams, it does a little for your confidence. We feel like we can compete with anybody. We go out there just like everybody else, thinking we're able to win a ballgame, and fortunately, we came away with a couple wins here." “很好。”Payton說”我感覺我揮棒很適宜,沒有花太多力氣,所以今天能來一支大的 ,感覺很好。當你能擊倒一些好球隊時,對你的信心有點幫助。我們感覺我們能跟任何 隊競爭了。我們就像每個人一樣上場打球,認為我們能贏下一場球賽,很幸運地,我們 帶走幾場勝利。” The Orioles had started well (14-9), then dipped, but now they are buoyed by beating Boston twice. They got their fans excited again. 金鶯隊開季戰績不錯 (14勝9敗),然後有點下滑,現在靠著擊敗波士頓兩次支撐起他們 。他們又讓球迷興奮了。 "Last year when we played the Red Sox, and even the Yankees, we were outnumbered at home," said Payton. "We dominated the crowd today, so it was a good thing for the fans." “去年我們跟紅襪打球時,甚至是對洋基隊,我們在主場加油的人都比客隊少。”Payton 說”今天我們主宰了觀眾,所以對球迷是件好事。” Not a good thing for the Red Sox. 對紅襪就不是好事了。 Their setup man and closer had a rough trip. Maybe things won't seem so bad this weekend when they look out and see Eric Gagne pitching for the opposition. 他們的setup投手和終結者有趟辛苦的客場之旅。也許這個週末他們在對手那邊看到Eric Gagne時,事情感覺就不會這麼糟了。 http://0rz.tw/5247B Red Sox trip on Okajima's slip [上略] That fan in a Boston jersey who high-fived Manny Ramirez after the Sox left fielder's terrific catch at the wall in the fourth inning, which Ramirez turned into a double play? The fan couldn't reach Hideki Okajima after the Sox reliever gave up a grand slam to Jay Payton in the seventh that erased what was left of the lead the Sox had built behind Jon Lester (six innings, two runs). Just as well, because instead of the lucky necklace he customarily wears, Okajima might have found someone's fingers wrapped around his Adam's apple. 在第四局 Manny Ramirez精采的接球來個雙殺之後,跟他擊掌的那個穿紅襪隊球衣的球 迷呢?那個球迷遇不到岡島秀樹,後者被Jay Payton打了一支滿貫砲,丟光了紅襪隊替 Jon Lester (6局,失兩分)打下的領先。除了他一向會戴的幸運項鍊,岡島也許會發現 某人的手指勒住他的亞當蘋果(譯註:指喉結)。 "I'm not real concerned," said catcher Jason Varitek. “我不是很擔心。”捕手Jason Varitek說。 [下略] So far this season, Okajima has treated inherited runners like junk you get rid of at a flea market: Of the 14 runners on base when he has entered to pitch, 11 have scored. That's 78.6 percent, the worst rate in the majors. 這季到目前為止,岡島對待壘上跑者,就好像你把垃圾丟到跳蚤市場一樣:當他上場時 ,壘上的14個跑者有11個被他送回來得分。這是大聯盟最差的78.6%。 "Jay did a good job of staying back on a changeup," Varitek said of Payton's slam, the first by an Oriole since Scott Moore took Daisuke Matsuzaka out of the house last Sept. 8. “Jay對那個變速球等到最後,作的很好。”Varitek說到Payton的滿貫砲,金鶯隊上一 支滿貫是去年九月八日,Scott Moore 從松?大輔手中打出。(譯註:還真跟本隊的日本 投手有仇啊~) Okajima, who has gone mum even around the Japanese media, put up another figurative "Do Not Disturb" sign on his locker after the game. 岡島即使遇到日本媒體都沉默了,比賽後,他在自己的置物櫃前擺上一個象徵”請勿打 擾”的牌子。 [下略] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/16 15:25, , 1F
有錯請指正~ 感激不盡
05/16 15:25, 1F

05/16 16:29, , 2F
推 感謝翻譯....那顆球原來真的是變速球~
05/16 16:29, 2F

05/16 16:31, , 3F
岡島真的辛苦了 加油 GO~ 勇猛的撐過這一季吧!
05/16 16:31, 3F

05/16 16:50, , 4F
05/16 16:50, 4F

05/16 16:55, , 5F
05/16 16:55, 5F

05/16 16:56, , 6F
我也這麼覺得~ 這次只是一顆失投 恰在錯誤時間點...
05/16 16:56, 6F

05/16 16:56, , 7F
05/16 16:56, 7F

05/16 16:57, , 8F
不過可以感受出岡島有多自責了..還 don't disturb :(
05/16 16:57, 8F

05/16 16:57, , 9F
05/16 16:57, 9F

05/16 16:59, , 10F
05/16 16:59, 10F

05/16 17:01, , 11F
他的WHIP SO/9 BB/9還是很亮眼啊
05/16 17:01, 11F

05/16 17:45, , 12F
05/16 17:45, 12F

05/16 17:47, , 13F
05/16 17:47, 13F

05/16 17:51, , 14F
已改正 感謝k姐指正
05/16 17:51, 14F

05/16 17:53, , 15F
阿..歡樂阿金又上工了 ~.~
05/16 17:53, 15F

05/16 17:53, , 16F
說什麼....<(# ̄皿 ̄)╮☆(__ __||)
05/16 17:53, 16F

05/16 17:54, , 17F
感謝寶貝碰的"情義相挺"啊 哭哭
05/16 17:54, 17F

05/16 17:55, , 18F
05/16 17:55, 18F

05/16 17:57, , 19F
05/16 17:57, 19F

05/16 18:02, , 20F
btw 誰知道亞當蘋果那個寓意 請告訴我 感激不盡
05/16 18:02, 20F

05/16 18:03, , 21F
05/16 18:03, 21F

05/16 18:09, , 22F
05/16 18:09, 22F

05/16 18:11, , 23F
05/16 18:11, 23F
※ 編輯: bri 來自: (05/16 18:26)

05/16 18:27, , 24F
已改正及補充說明 感謝k姐和L大~
05/16 18:27, 24F

05/16 18:27, , 25F
我想幸運項鍊就是那條 那是鈦金屬嗎?
05/16 18:27, 25F

05/16 18:28, , 26F
看起來像用縫的耶 O__Oa
05/16 18:28, 26F

05/16 18:32, , 27F
05/16 18:32, 27F

05/16 18:32, , 28F
05/16 18:32, 28F

05/16 18:36, , 29F
是的 前一陣子台灣也很流行XD
05/16 18:36, 29F

05/16 18:36, , 30F
05/16 18:36, 30F

05/16 18:37, , 31F
不過台灣人比較低調,以手環戴的比較多 XD
05/16 18:37, 31F

05/16 18:37, , 32F
好像日本選手都會有~ 在日本挺流行的
05/16 18:37, 32F

05/16 18:38, , 33F
是啊 是從日本流行過來的
05/16 18:38, 33F

05/16 18:41, , 34F
其實我也有 不過是細的手鍊那種....但是真的有用嗎?
05/16 18:41, 34F

05/16 18:42, , 35F
這就見仁見智了XD 前一陣子鈦圈常被當作禮物送唷~
05/16 18:42, 35F

05/16 18:43, , 36F
因為不便宜, 但又好像具有神奇效果 --> 適合當禮物:)
05/16 18:43, 36F

05/16 19:15, , 37F
好像離題了Orz ....切切 回到岡島身上來(__ __||)
05/16 19:15, 37F

05/16 19:55, , 38F
05/16 19:55, 38F
還有 64 則推文
05/16 23:11, , 103F
真的? 他現在在做什麼? 好想看照片>////<
05/16 23:11, 103F

05/16 23:16, , 104F
住LA 在比佛利山莊附近作職業運動員的體能訓練師
05/16 23:16, 104F

05/16 23:17, , 105F
他的客戶有Zito, Jerry Hairston還有一些籃球的
05/16 23:17, 105F

05/16 23:17, , 106F
05/16 23:17, 106F

05/16 23:18, , 107F
-.- Zito..好慘的名字
05/16 23:18, 107F

05/16 23:20, , 108F
沒錯 不過這篇報導會提到他也不是因為太好的原因
05/16 23:20, 108F

05/16 23:20, , 109F
因為他奇蹟的那年 讓他一直受到steriod疑雲的困擾
05/16 23:20, 109F

05/16 23:21, , 110F
當然他否認囉 但是因為米契爾報告就又被翻出來談
05/16 23:21, 110F

05/16 23:21, , 111F
05/16 23:21, 111F

05/16 23:25, , 112F
05/16 23:25, 112F

05/16 23:27, , 113F
那篇太長了 不過還蠻有意思的 但是網路上找不到
05/16 23:27, 113F

05/16 23:28, , 114F
bri有空可以翻譯一下分享在MLB版啊 >3<
05/16 23:28, 114F

05/16 23:30, , 115F
哈哈分享在這就好了 這樣會超離題的XDXDXD
05/16 23:30, 115F

05/16 23:46, , 116F
05/16 23:46, 116F

05/16 23:47, , 117F
還真衰 我聽了好心酸 >__<
05/16 23:47, 117F

05/16 23:48, , 118F
我跟他說岡島昨天被打滿貫砲 他非常驚訝 ...
05/16 23:48, 118F

05/16 23:48, , 119F
原來我弟弟也覺得岡島很強 哭哭
05/16 23:48, 119F

05/16 23:49, , 120F
05/16 23:49, 120F

05/16 23:49, , 121F
05/16 23:49, 121F

05/16 23:50, , 122F
05/16 23:50, 122F

05/16 23:52, , 123F
他是很強啊 不過感覺是個悶葫蘆XD
05/16 23:52, 123F

05/16 23:57, , 124F
心情好時會多講幾句啦 不好時當然很悶 又不是像我一
05/16 23:57, 124F

05/16 23:58, , 125F
05/16 23:58, 125F

05/17 00:00, , 126F
05/17 00:00, 126F

05/17 00:02, , 127F
05/17 00:02, 127F

05/17 00:04, , 128F
其實Okajima的悶 從世界大賽後他自己躲起來哭就知道
05/17 00:04, 128F

05/17 00:04, , 129F
05/17 00:04, 129F

05/17 00:08, , 130F
05/17 00:08, 130F

05/17 00:08, , 131F
http://0rz.tw/3945K 台灣要上映囉 很好看
05/17 00:08, 131F

05/17 00:11, , 132F
我很想說 你看吧 自己還不是推文離題了:p
05/17 00:11, 132F

05/17 00:12, , 133F
....XDrz 我閉嘴
05/17 00:12, 133F

05/17 00:13, , 134F
啊呀沒差啦 (煙) 看習慣了........
05/17 00:13, 134F

05/17 00:16, , 135F
等下 我前幾天沒看 所以你看過囉?
05/17 00:16, 135F

05/17 00:23, , 136F
全家人一起看的 連我娘親都好激動XD
05/17 00:23, 136F

05/17 00:24, , 137F
全家都愛看活屍片 ┐(─_─)┌
05/17 00:24, 137F

05/17 00:33, , 138F
05/17 00:33, 138F

05/17 00:41, , 139F
05/17 00:41, 139F

05/17 00:58, , 140F
( ̄‥a ̄)
05/17 00:58, 140F

05/17 14:35, , 141F
05/17 14:35, 141F

05/17 14:36, , 142F
05/17 14:36, 142F
文章代碼(AID): #18BJRadt (Okajima)
文章代碼(AID): #18BJRadt (Okajima)