[譯文] Okajima admits that runners are ratt …

看板Okajima作者 (.....................)時間17年前 (2008/05/17 22:16), 編輯推噓62(62049)
留言111則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://0rz.tw/a146X Okajima admits that runners are rattling him By Amalie Benjamin Globe Staff / May 17, 2008 It was a joke. Or was it? 這是在開玩笑吧。是嗎? "I have to pitch with nobody on," Hideki Okajima said, as translated by Jeff Yamaguchi. Then Okajima laughed. “我必須在沒人上壘時投球。”岡島秀樹說出這段話,由山口傑夫先生翻譯。然後岡島 大笑一陣。 But while he was being lighthearted, Okajima has had far more serious problems with runners on base than either he or the Red Sox would like to admit. After being nearly impeccable in that situation last season, Okajima has been merely mortal. He has allowed 11 of his 14 inherited runners to score, culminating in Jay Payton's game-winning grand slam Wednesday afternoon in Baltimore. 當他是這麼輕鬆的樣子,岡島在面對跑者在壘時的問題,比他本人或紅襪隊願意承認的 還要嚴重。經過了去年接近無懈可擊的球季,岡島仍然不過只是凡人。他讓壘上留下的 14名跑者中的11名回來得分,在星期三下午被巴爾的摩Jay Payton打出致勝滿貫砲後到 達最高點。 Though Okajima avoided the media after the game, he discussed his trouble with runners on base yesterday, expressing disappointment with his performance, but also acceptance. 雖然岡島那天在賽後避開了媒體,昨天他討論了壘上跑者的困擾,對自己的表現表達失 望,但是也接受這樣的狀況。 "I feel a little bit uncomfortable with runners behind me, especially when they are not my runners," Okajima said before the Red Sox-Brewers game at Fenway Park was rained out, to be made up as part of a separate-admission doubleheader this afternoon (3:55) and tonight (8:35). "Little bit uncomfortable. All the coaches, manager know I am not successful with a runner behind [me]. So why use me?" “我對於有跑者在我身後不太舒服,尤其是當他們不是我的跑者時。”岡島在對上釀酒 人比賽前說,這場比賽因雨順延到今天變成雙重賽。”有一點不舒服。所有的教練都知 道我在身後有跑者時不成功。所以為什麼還要用我?” While Okajima was clearly serious when he said he did not feel entirely settled while pitching with inherited runners on, Yamaguchi indicated he was joking in the latter part of the statement. But there is still the fact that with men on base, Okajima is allowing opponents a .308 average, with eight hits and 12 runs scored in 26 at-bats. He has struck out eight in such situations. Last season, opponents hit just .168 with men on base, with 30 strikeouts in 113 at-bats. 岡島談到在壘上有跑者的情況下投球,不是完全穩定時是很認真的,不過翻譯山口先生 說,話的後半段是在開玩笑啦。但是事實是有人在壘時,岡島讓對手的打擊率是.308, 在26個AB被打了八支安打,失了12分。他也三振了其中八次。去年,壘上有人時被打擊 率是.168,在113個AB三振了30次。 "I think nobody likes it," Okajima said. "Nobody wants to be in that kind of situation. But that's my job. I've got to do it. Try to do the best. But I am not getting good results all the time. If I can get out of the jam, it is lucky. It is all luck." “我想沒有人會喜歡這樣。”岡島說”沒人想要被丟到那樣的情況裡。但是那是我的工 作。我得努力去作。試著要作到最好。但是我不是每次都有好結果。如果我可以逃離困 境,只是幸運。全都是幸運。” As for last season, he said, "Good things are not going to stay the same forever." 至於去年球季,他說”好事不會永遠發生的。” "It still comes down to execution of pitches," pitching coach John Farrell said. "Obviously, the split he threw the other day to Payton was not a pitch that ended up where he intended. I go back to the pitch he threw against [Marcus] Thames in Detroit. We were trying to go down and away, and [Thames] went out and hooked a fastball through the hole for two runs. “這要回到投球的執行力。”投手教練John Farrell說”很明顯地,那天他投給Payton 的那顆指叉球沒有投到他想要的地方。再回到那天在底特律他投給 Marcus Thames的那 顆球。我們嘗試要走外角的低角度,但是Thames撈到一顆速球,穿出防線掉了兩分。” "He's well aware of the inherited runners situation, as we all are. But I think the one thing we continue to communicate to him is we haven't lost confidence in his abilities." “他非常了解壘上跑者的問題,就像我們全部一樣。但是我想我們持續和他溝通一件事 ,就是我們對他的能力沒有失去信心。” Neither has Okajima. Even though certain situations haven't turned out as Okajima or Farrell or the team had hoped, the Sox will continue to use the lefthander in such cases. Perhaps with a few adjustments, though. 岡島也沒有。即使某些狀況不像岡島或是 Farrell所希望的那樣,紅襪隊仍會繼續在這 些狀況下用這位左投。雖然,可能會作些調整。 "The one thing we have noticed is just the late finish and depth to his split that he showed so consistently last year has been, at times, inconsistent," Farrell said. "That's the one thing in early work, in his throwing program, that we work on, making sure that the grip to that pitch is still as consistent as it was. His mind-set and attitude, how he goes about executing that pitch, is one thing that we continue to review. “我們注意到一件事,去年他的出手完成後動作和指叉球的深度一直很穩定,今年有時 則否。”Farrell 說”在他的投球機制中,我們會改進他出手的早期動作,確定他的指 叉球握法像以往一樣持續。他的心態和態度在投那種球時候是如何,是另一件我們會持 續關注的事。” "While that pitch became such a weapon for him last year, that's at times been a little elusive for him." “去年這種球路對他來說是種武器,今年對他來說有點難以捉摸。” Familiarity might also be part of the problem. While Okajima was new to virtually the entire American League last season, he's been around long enough that most hitters have either seen him firsthand or have extensive video to review. So adjustments have been made - perhaps leading to some of Okajima's struggles. 熟悉度可能也是問題的一部分。岡島去年對整個美聯都很新奇,現在他已經待的夠久, 以致於大部分的打者要不第一手接觸過他,要不有很多錄影帶可以看。所以已經作過調 整了—也許導致了岡島一部分的掙扎。 Still, when asked if he had spoken to the coaching staff about his discomfort on the mound with runners on, Okajima smiled. "No, I have not talked to them," he said. "Maybe I should talk to them." 一如往常,當被問到是否和教練團談過他對跑者在壘時的不舒服,岡島微笑。”沒有, 我還沒跟他們說。”他說”也許我該跟他們談談。” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/17 22:16, , 1F
有錯請指正 感激不盡
05/17 22:16, 1F

05/17 22:26, , 2F
哭哭 >___<"
05/17 22:26, 2F

05/17 22:27, , 3F
乖乖別哭 就先休息一陣子好了
05/17 22:27, 3F

05/17 22:30, , 4F
05/17 22:30, 4F

05/17 22:31, , 5F
05/17 22:31, 5F

05/17 22:32, , 6F
05/17 22:32, 6F

05/17 22:35, , 7F
我就說他很愛自嘲 他也知道自己表線很差勁
05/17 22:35, 7F

05/17 22:36, , 8F
表"現" -_-
05/17 22:36, 8F

05/17 22:38, , 9F
05/17 22:38, 9F

05/17 22:41, , 10F
a few days 沒說幾天 不過應該是到好為止吧
05/17 22:41, 10F

05/17 22:49, , 11F
05/17 22:49, 11F

05/17 22:51, , 12F
對啊 知道自己的錯誤在哪裡總是好的
05/17 22:51, 12F

05/17 22:53, , 13F
也許能趁休息日多跟教練團談談吧 某些想法應該溝通了
05/17 22:53, 13F

05/17 22:55, , 14F
k姐 今年為止他的工作量有比去年同時期多嗎? 因為想
05/17 22:55, 14F

05/17 22:56, , 15F
想中去年是慢慢發現這個玩具很好玩 今年是一開始就
05/17 22:56, 15F

05/17 22:56, , 16F
要搬出來玩 不過理論上也不會這麼快就酸痛吧? ??
05/17 22:56, 16F

05/17 22:56, , 17F
但是我有個問題 他被打GS那球究竟是變速還是指叉呀?
05/17 22:56, 17F

05/17 22:58, , 18F
對啊這篇最妙的就是這個: 快速指叉變速球
05/17 22:58, 18F

05/17 23:00, , 19F
他去年四月和五月都是出賽十二場 差不多
05/17 23:00, 19F

05/17 23:00, , 20F
我猜測他的酸痛應該跟壓力有很大的關係吧? 就像剛爺
05/17 23:00, 20F

05/17 23:01, , 21F
那也許真的是投球機制有點問題吧 不知道耶亂說的
05/17 23:01, 21F

05/17 23:01, , 22F
BS那麼多場後感到很挫折一樣 岡島對自己今年無法承擔
05/17 23:01, 22F

05/17 23:03, , 23F
像去年的好表現 心理壓力對身體某方面會造成影響吧
05/17 23:03, 23F

05/17 23:04, , 24F
正所謂 心理影響生理~
05/17 23:04, 24F

05/17 23:04, , 25F
05/17 23:04, 25F

05/17 23:04, , 26F
05/17 23:04, 26F

05/17 23:05, , 27F
今年 打者幾乎都摸透他
05/17 23:05, 27F

05/17 23:09, , 28F
休息一下不管怎說都是好的 不然有時會鑽牛角尖的感
05/17 23:09, 28F

05/17 23:09, , 29F
覺 雖然自嘲 我想他應該心理也很難受的
05/17 23:09, 29F

05/17 23:10, , 30F
05/17 23:10, 30F

05/17 23:11, , 31F
機 就像去年下半季後段的低潮一樣 要喘口氣好好思索
05/17 23:11, 31F

05/18 00:15, , 32F
05/18 00:15, 32F

05/18 00:16, , 33F
拿了最佳中繼+mlb鎂光燈焦點, 壓力跟去年很大不同..
05/18 00:16, 33F

05/18 00:18, , 34F
05/18 00:18, 34F

05/18 00:19, , 35F
05/18 00:19, 35F

05/18 00:19, , 36F
不過現在牛棚真的告急啦...慘矣 Orz
05/18 00:19, 36F

05/18 00:20, , 37F
寶貝碰除外) 但常常被檢討的只有岡島
05/18 00:20, 37F

05/18 00:20, , 38F
因為大多人只想到他去年那麼威 今年醬子就認為他失常
05/18 00:20, 38F

05/18 00:21, , 39F
因為岡島去年表現太亮眼 所以今年很受矚目啊:p
05/18 00:21, 39F
還有 32 則推文
05/18 00:46, , 72F
05/18 00:46, 72F

05/19 02:20, , 73F
05/19 02:20, 73F

05/19 02:20, , 74F
05/19 02:20, 74F

05/19 11:36, , 75F
05/19 11:36, 75F

05/19 11:37, , 76F
球問題了..四發全壘打 三發是曲球被轟..連主播都逼直
05/19 11:37, 76F

05/19 11:37, , 77F
curveball curveball curveball.....
05/19 11:37, 77F

05/19 12:45, , 78F
therock您講這話小心被圍毆 -_-
05/19 12:45, 78F

05/19 12:49, , 79F
05/19 12:49, 79F

05/19 12:50, , 80F
且我只認為是"部份"原因 投手還是要負責任的
05/19 12:50, 80F

05/19 12:59, , 81F
如果他那顆指叉投不出來 只有速球和變速球的搭配
05/19 12:59, 81F

05/19 13:00, , 82F
自然會有點問題 也不完全是配球的問題 因為拿不出
05/19 13:00, 82F

05/19 13:01, , 83F
來用 所以配球自然稍微單調 我淺見
05/19 13:01, 83F

05/19 13:01, , 84F
我也只是疑惑為何要一直配狀況好像不太好的曲球 個人
05/19 13:01, 84F

05/19 13:02, , 85F
05/19 13:02, 85F

05/19 13:02, , 86F
05/19 13:02, 86F

05/19 13:03, , 87F
不過我沒看昨天比賽 所以只是亂猜的 傳說中隊長的
05/19 13:03, 87F

05/19 13:03, , 88F
05/19 13:03, 88F

05/19 13:03, , 89F
理解..可是不像阿..不知道問題出在哪 希望能趕快解決
05/19 13:03, 89F

05/19 13:03, , 90F
球有無法辯駁的利害 所以我寧願相信他有自己的原因
05/19 13:03, 90F

05/19 13:03, , 91F
昨天是第一次9K 我卻高興不起來的..
05/19 13:03, 91F

05/19 13:04, , 92F
05/19 13:04, 92F

05/19 13:05, , 93F
05/19 13:05, 93F

05/19 13:08, , 94F
05/19 13:08, 94F

05/19 13:09, , 95F
球季還長 希望趕快找出原因吧 雙王牌還是比較安全的.
05/19 13:09, 95F

05/19 13:09, , 96F
05/19 13:09, 96F

05/19 13:11, , 97F
我是覺得他今年表現大好大壞 是不是像某一季???
05/19 13:11, 97F

05/19 13:13, , 98F
06年=..=.. 剛發現我愛的三個投.King失兩分敗投.山大
05/19 13:13, 98F

05/19 13:13, , 99F
05/19 13:13, 99F

05/19 13:14, , 100F
05/19 13:14, 100F

05/19 13:15, , 101F
05/19 13:15, 101F

05/19 13:17, , 102F
秀秀.. 山大王跟岡島同公司>///< 好榮幸
05/19 13:17, 102F

05/19 13:18, , 103F
05/19 13:18, 103F

05/19 13:20, , 104F
還有Jose Reyes也是 他好猛喔>/////<
05/19 13:20, 104F

05/19 13:22, , 105F
wo.Reyes..之前看過一篇報導 聽說是他把這幾年大檸檬
05/19 13:22, 105F

05/19 13:23, , 106F
05/19 13:23, 106F

05/19 13:24, , 107F
很喜歡Reyes速度的壓迫感 希望小帥哥也能在盜壘上好
05/19 13:24, 107F

05/19 13:24, , 108F
05/19 13:24, 108F

05/19 13:25, , 109F
05/19 13:25, 109F

05/19 13:26, , 110F
對啊 居然失敗了 哭哭
05/19 13:26, 110F

05/19 13:27, , 111F
不過還年輕 不怕沒得盜..心理建設做好就好
05/19 13:27, 111F
文章代碼(AID): #18BkYsEr (Okajima)
文章代碼(AID): #18BkYsEr (Okajima)