
看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (Faith)時間19年前 (2005/12/14 16:50), 編輯推噓2(202)
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QOD By Conrad Brunner | Dec. 13, 2005 http://www.nba.com/pacers Q. I am not sure I really understand Ron Artest's desire to be traded. He mentioned that he did not get enough credit or have the ability to grow offensively with the limits that Coach (Rick) Carlisle places on him. He also mentioned that he would not mind coming off the bench behind LeBron James. These two statements seem to contradict themselves. Is this just part of Ron's confusing personality? (From Blaise in Medina, Ohio) Q:我不確定我真的能搞懂 Artest 想要被交易的動機。他提到在 Carlisle教練的指揮 下自己的進攻能力會被限制,或者自己的進攻能力沒有機會成長。他又提到不介意當 LeBron James 的替補。這兩句話似乎自相矛盾。這只是他令人搞不清楚的個性在作怪 嗎? A. In a word, yes. His stated reasons for wanting the trade offer nothing but contradictions. He says he wants a fresh start somewhere else because he feels he'll always be haunted by his past here. Yet he admits he has been treated exceedingly well, to the point that his family wants to maintain its Indianapolis home. He made the comment about feeling stifled, offensively, under Rick Carlisle, then volunteered to be a reserve in Cleveland. A:一句話,您說得對。他講到的這些理由,這些想要被交易的理由充滿矛盾。他提到要 「重新開始」,因為在這裡,他的過去總是影響著他的現在。然而,他承認在這裡得到的 照顧的確相當優渥,事實上,他的家人願意把在印第安那的家留住。他談到在Carlisle教 練的指揮下覺得進攻上被限制住,然後提到願意在騎士隊當替補。 You want contradictions? Go back to his statements heading into this season, when he talked about how he owed the franchise a championship, that he didn't care about scoring, that he'd do whatever it took, fill whatever role necessary to help the team. When it comes to Artest, it's better to put the words aside - they tend to change from day to day - and evaluate his actions. 你要矛盾?回到季初看看,他談到欠球隊一個冠軍,他談到不在意得分,他願意水裡來、 火裡去,願意為球隊無私付出。談到 Artest 最好把他說的話放一邊,從他的行為來下 判斷,因為他的說法經常變動。 Though he has played very well for most of this season while studiously avoiding anything remotely resembling a controversy, giving the impression that all was well, that was only a facade. If he can't be happy as merely a co-star, so be it. If he can't be happy playing within a structured system on a competitive team, so be it. If he really believes there's an NBA city that doesn't receive ESPN's signal and won't be bombarded by tireless replays of the network's Nov. 19 footage after he's traded, so be it. 雖然他本季打的相當好,還學著避免講出任何有爭議性、或是可能會有爭議性的話,不過 這些印象只是表象。如果當個最佳配角沒辦法讓他開心,那就走吧。如果他不想在爭冠希 望濃厚的球隊打系統戰術,那就走吧。如果他真的認為有哪個有NBA球隊的地方沒有 第四台,沒有ESPN,不會有人每次提到他就重播大亂鬥..那就走吧。 Here's hoping he finds whatever he's looking for. He's made some bad decisions, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. In fact, on a personal level, it's very difficult not to like him. As a player, he's a terrific talent who undoubtedly will make his next team better. 希望他得到心中想要的。他做了些錯誤的決定,但是這些錯誤決定並沒有把他變成一個 壞人。事實上,以個人的角度來看,很難不去喜歡他。毫無疑問的,他的天份絕對會讓 下一支擁有他的球隊變的更好。 Given all of that, the ultimate contradiction is trading him away will make the Pacers better. 而在這之外,最大的矛盾、諷刺在於,把他換走,會讓溜馬更好。 New Pacers is forming~~~ Q. I am a season-ticket holder and consider myself a loyal, sometimes even fanatical Pacers fan. I can't begin to tell you how hearing about Ron Artest's request for a trade made me feel. I was driving home from the Memphis game when I heard it. I have been one of his biggest supporters. I even bought his jersey, but now I feel betrayed. He made a comment at the beginning that he owed this organization a championship and now just 19 games into the season the true Ron Artest has again reared its ugly head. I never thought I would say this, but enough is enough. Do you think Donnie Walsh and Larry Bird will honor his request, and if so, can they trade for anybody that will immediately help this team? Also, how quickly can such a deal be made? (Brenda from New Castle, Ind.) Q:我買季票,我認為自己是個忠心、甚至有些狂熱的溜馬球迷。我無法敘述聽到 Artest 想要被交易的瞬間,我心中是什麼感受。那時候,剛看完對灰熊的球賽吧..我正開著車 ,從廣播上聽到這消息。我一直是 Artest 的大球迷,我還買了他的球衣,現在我覺得自 己被人背叛。他季初談到欠球隊一個冠軍,而現在,球季才打到第19場,而 Artest 心中的小惡魔已經迫不及待的現身。我從來沒想過我會這麼說,但是,我受夠了..你 覺得 Donnie Walsh 和 Larry Bird 會答應他嗎?如果真的答應他,我們可以換來一個 立刻有幫助的人選嗎?還有,交易多快會底定? A. It's clear enough by now that there is no going back, at least in Artest's mind. After granting his initial trade-request interview with The Indianapolis Star, he affirmed his stance live on WXIN television Sunday night. When host Chris Denari asked him point-blank if there was any way this situation could be resolved without a trade from the Pacers, Artest said "No. Not at all." So, what now? A:我們都很清楚,談交易這檔事沒有回頭路的,至少在 Artest 心中是這樣的。在接 受印城星報訪問首度紕漏想被交易的 Artest 在週日晚間又一次確認自己的想法,而且 是在 WXIN電視台Live專訪裡面。當主持人 Chris Denari 很明確的問他:「有沒有 可能最後你的問題、意見被解決而不用被交易走?」, Artest 回答:「沒有可能,完 全沒有可能」。所以,你說呢? Since Donnie Walsh has been at the top of the front-office depth chart in 1986, he has been consistent in honoring the rare requests of players who wish to be moved along. What's unusual about this situation is that is isn't about money or playing time. Ron Anderson (1988), Antonio Davis (1999) and Al Harrington (2003) all wanted the opportunity to start, had been very good soldiers for the Pacers and approached Walsh privately with their concerns. Dale Davis (2000) went public, expressing unhappiness shortly after signing a large contract extension. 從 Donnie Walsh 在1986接管球隊事務以來,對於球員想走的要求一直都抱持同樣 態度-成人之美,即使相關案例不多。不過,這次情況比較不同,這次無關薪水、無關 上場時間。Ron Anderson (1988), Antonio Davis (1999) 和 Al Harrington (2003)通 通希望有先發的機會,通通是溜馬隊上的好手,通通私下向 Walsh 表達想要轉隊的意願 。只有一個例外,就在簽下大筆延長合約之後,Dale Davis (2000)選擇公開講白自己的 想法,還帶有些許不滿。 Given Artest's adamant public stance, then, it's reasonable to assume he'll follow the others out of town. Just what the Pacers can get in return and how quickly a deal could be consummated are very large and difficult questions to answer at this point in time. It's tougher to move quickly during the season because teams have less roster flexibility. And teams generally aren't in a trading stance this early in the season because there has been relatively little time to draw conclusions about personnel and chemistry. 在 Artest 把話說的那麼死的情況下,他應該會跟其他人一樣離開球隊。而溜馬能夠換 來怎樣的球員,多久能夠確定是個很難回答的大問題。球季已經開打的情況下,一切彈 性都變的比較少,因為每隊的陣容大致上都已經確定。而且,季初向來不是個交易的好 時機,因為很難判定交易的結果,還有新加入的成員如何影響到全隊的打法、默契。 While many fans feel Artest has betrayed the franchise that took a big hit because of his actions last season while offering unequivocal support, he also has betrayed himself. If he truly wanted to be traded, the best way to make that happen would've been to express that desire to Walsh and Larry Bird privately while continuing to play well. By going public he has undermined his own position, reducing not only his trade value but the team's leverage. Because he is a talented player with a relatively moderate contract, Artest will attract interest. But his actions have limited his and the team's options. 在球迷感覺到他背叛了球隊,這支因為他上季無法出賽蒙受重大損失的溜馬隊的同時, 他其實也背叛了自己。如果他真心想要被交易,最好的方法是好好打球,私底下跟 Walsh 還有 Larry Bird 講。把話講開了,不但讓自己的優勢給犧牲掉,球隊能進行 操作的空間也同樣被壓縮。他是一位薪水低於應有水準的好球員, Artest 是有身價的 。但是,他的動作限制了他自己還有球隊的選擇。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/14 17:08, , 1F
12/14 17:08, 1F

12/14 17:22, , 2F
推推推 如果交易不掉 把它冰起來好了 這樣搞我們
12/14 17:22, 2F

12/14 17:24, , 3F
我們可以培養他 也可以毀了他 ^^"
12/14 17:24, 3F

12/14 19:19, , 4F
12/14 19:19, 4F
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