
看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (Faith)時間19年前 (2006/01/07 20:40), 編輯推噓1(101)
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January 7, 2006 Bird expects to trade with 1 team Pacers president thinks deal for Artest most likely will bring 1 or 2 players Bird期望跟單一球隊交易 溜馬總裁認為 Artest 將可以帶進來一到二位球員 By Mark Montieth mark.montieth@indystar.com Larry Bird was cool in the clutch as a player and dramatically dispassionate as a coach. 關鍵時刻 Larry Bird 總是一派輕鬆,身為教練時更是思緒清楚。 It shouldn't be surprising, then, that he's not panicking as a team president. 所以,看到成為球隊總裁的 Bird 很少有太多情緒上的起伏應該不令人意外。 While trade speculation involving Ron Artest swirls through the NBA, Bird and Indiana Pacers CEO Donnie Walsh calmly work the phones. They plan to make a deal someday, but can't say when someday might come. The Pacers have gone 7-6 since Artest last played Dec. 6. 當NBA聯盟中充斥著 Ron Artest 交易六百題題庫之類的消息時, Bird 跟溜馬隊CEO Donnie Walsh 只是平靜的做事、接聽電話。他們打算會在 某一天成交,但是不確定到底是哪一天。 Artest 在去年十二月六號最後一 次上場以來,溜馬隊戰績7勝6負。 "We're talking to teams, but to say we're going to put a date on it, we're not," Bird said in a telelphone interview Friday. "We're getting some good offers, but we're talking about an All-Star player. Bird 在週五進行的電話訪談中說:「我們跟許多隊談過,但是關於確切的時間, 我們並沒有任何確定的答案。我們的確有不少好的選擇,但是,我們可是拿出一 位全明星等級選手在談。」 "We'd like for it to be over with so Ron can get back to playing and we can get going. But from the beginning our strategy has been that a trade has to be right for our franchise. To me it's like Ronnie's injured." 他繼續說到:「我們希望一切塵埃落定, Ron 可以回到場上打球,我們也可以 繼續我們的球季。但是,從頭開始,我們的做法一直是”替球隊做出對的選擇” 。對我來說,我像是當 Ronnie 受傷了來思考整件事。」 Bird said he's open to trading for a player at any position. The most likely scenario is obtaining one or two players for Artest, as opposed to a larger deal involving other Pacers. Bird doesn't rule out any possibility. Bird 說他對於哪個位置的球員沒有特別偏好。最有可能的情況是以 Artest 換 來一到二位球員,而不是牽動更多溜馬隊球員。 Bird 沒有設限,什麼組合都有 可能。 "What's interesting is that you'll be talking about the Ronnie trade and (other teams) bring up other players," Bird said. Bird 說:「有趣的是,你會提到 Ronnie 即將被交易,然後,你會提到其他 球員(也可能被打包送走)。」 "I can't guarantee all our guys are going to be here, but the way we've been talking it seems like it will be a one-player-for-one or one-for-two trade. We'd like to keep all of our players." 他繼續說:「我無法保證所有溜馬的球員都會留下來,但是,我們試著談出 一個「一對一」或是「一對二」的交易,我們希望能夠留下所有的球員。」 Bird and Walsh believe their options will improve as the Feb. 23 trade deadline approaches, as teams get a better handle on their prospects for this and future seasons. Bird 跟 Walsh 相信隨著二月23號交易截止日接近,他們會看到更多更好的 提議,因為聯盟中的球隊開始比較了解自身的需求、對未來的規劃也較為清晰。 "This is what I expected," Bird said. "It could take a lot longer. Once you get to February, teams know what they're going after." Bird 說:「我是這麼想。有可能這交易會再拖上一陣子。但到了二月,每 支球隊都會知道他們要什麼。」 Call Star reporter Mark Montieth at (317) 444-6406. Mark Montieth 老師電話是 (317) 444-6406 Copyright 2005 IndyStar.com. All rights reserved 本文所有權利屬於 IndyStar.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hsupohsiang 來自: (01/07 21:02)

01/07 21:16, , 1F
01/07 21:16, 1F

01/07 21:41, , 2F
因為..題庫嗎?我........沒有啦( ̄﹁ ̄)
01/07 21:41, 2F
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