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看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (Faith)時間19年前 (2006/01/20 18:47), 編輯推噓6(600)
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出處:www.nba.com/pacers 作者:Conrad Brunner Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2006 Q. Why do we seem to have several good rebounders, but always seem to get outrebounded? Is it simply effort, or is it an unfortunate result of an offensive scheme that places players out of position for a good rebound? (From Travis in Columbus, Ind.) Q:為什麼有那麼多籃板好手的我們卻老是搶輸人?這是很單純的用心不夠,   還是更不幸的結果-我們進攻系統設計錯誤讓球員站位無法有效的衝搶籃板? A. Overall, the Pacers are tied for 24th in the NBA in rebound percentage but, given the primary problem has been on the defensive boards, that has little to do with the offensive scheme. All too often, the Pacers play good defense, get a stop, and then give up a second shot on the defensive glass. A:整體而言,溜馬在籃板衝搶率上排名第24,但是,由於問題發生在防守   籃板的部分,籃板弱跟我們的進攻系統並沒有太大相關。我們常常可以看   到球員守得不錯,擋住對手進攻,卻在衝搶防守籃板時給對手可趁之機。 This seems to happen most frequently in the closing minutes of close games, or perhaps it's just more obvious in those situations. Regardless, rebounding is a major issue. In their 20 victories, the Pacers have outrebounded opponents by an average margin of 2.5 per game. In their last 15 losses, they've faced a 6.3 rebound deficit. That's a swing of nearly nine per game between wins and losses.   這種情況在比分接近的比賽快要分出勝負時更是明顯,或者,這種情況   總是讓人特別注意任何小事。不論如何,籃板是個問題點。在20場勝   利中,溜馬平均搶贏對手2.5個籃板,在15場敗北中,平均搶輸對手   6.3個籃板。在勝負間幾乎有9個籃板的差距。 Or, to present it in a more straightforward manner, the Pacers are 11-2 when they outrebound their opponent, which also means they're 9-14 when they do not. It's clear, then, how critical rebounding has been and will be to the team's ability to achieve any kind of success this season.   簡單一點來說好了。當溜馬在籃板部分贏過對手時,戰績是11勝2負。   這表示,當籃板搶輸人時,戰績是9勝14負。很明顯的,籃板一直都是   也將繼續會是我們能不能在本季的競爭中脫穎而出的關鍵。 A big part of the problem has been available personnel. Jeff Foster, the team's best rebounder on a per-minute basis, has only recently rounded into form after offseason hip surgery. Oddly, when Foster and Jermaine O'Neal have started together, the Pacers have gone 0-3, but all of those games came before Foster was back to full strength.   這個問題的核心有大部分是關於可用的人手有多少。球隊每分鐘平均籃板   王 Jeff Foster 之前還在手術後復健期,最近才完全回復身手。 很詭異   的是,當 Foster 與 Jermaine O'Neal 一同先發時,溜馬竟然0勝3負。   不過,這樣的數據發生在 Foster 還沒回復健康時。 Because of the variety of injuries that has befallen the team, particularly in the frontcourt, Coach Rick Carlisle has been forced to go smaller than planned, with Austin Croshere spending quite a bit of time at power forward with O'Neal (or, lately, David Harrison) at center.   由於傷兵困擾著球隊-特別是前場部份, Rick Carlisle 教練被迫要使用   較小的陣容, Austin Croshere 就已經在大前鋒打了一段時間,而 O'Neal 成了中鋒(最近是 David Harrison)。 Even at full strength, however, it would be unfair to lay the full responsibility for rebounding on the post players. To be sure, it is one of their primary duties, but the difference between a team with good rebounders and a good rebounding team is the collective commitment to the task.   即使全員健康,把責任全部歸在禁區、大個兒球員身上也不公平。當然,   籃板的掌握是禁區球員的主要任務之一,但是「球隊全員對衝搶籃板的認知」   是區分”有籃板好手的球隊”與”籃板搶得好的球隊”的關鍵。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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