[轉錄][News] 關於Peja

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (小包)時間19年前 (2006/01/26 00:13), 編輯推噓6(603)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA_Fantasy 看板] 作者: damnyankees (色大膽小怕狗咬) 看板: NBA_Fantasy 標題: [News] 關於Peja 時間: Thu Jan 26 00:04:47 2006 前面有版友說他可能對國王不滿... 而使他上場時間可能減少.... 不過至少他也講了場面話沒有撕破臉..... Peja Stojakovic, who has been involved in several trade rumors this season, said he'd prefer to stay in Sacramento for the long haul. "I would love to play for the Kings for the rest of my career," said S tojakovic. "That would be a good thing. I think every player that ends with the team he started with, that means something." Peja is set to become a free agent after the season and will likely command the maximum, so the Kings could very likely still move him before the Feb. 23 deadline. Peja for Artest has been a popular rumor lately. Jan. 24 - 10:32 am et Source: Sacramento Bee 另外似乎又有報導說阿泰不反對去國王了.... Ron Artest is now saying that he wouldn't mind playing in Sacramento, it's just that he's letting his agent handle things, and that he would like to be involved in negotiations. 呼呼呼....真好看的連續劇..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/26 00:13,
借轉溜馬版 感謝萬分~~
01/26 00:13
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/26 00:14, , 1F
是怎樣>"< 每天說的都不一樣唷~~
01/26 00:14, 1F

01/26 00:14, , 2F
01/26 00:14, 2F

01/26 00:17, , 3F
01/26 00:17, 3F

01/26 00:17, , 4F
重點是 阿泰不是一般人 他如果說不想去 對方也不敢收~.~
01/26 00:17, 4F

01/26 00:18, , 5F
01/26 00:18, 5F

01/26 00:44, , 6F
阿泰的想法像月亮 初一十五不一樣~~
01/26 00:44, 6F

01/26 01:59, , 7F
01/26 01:59, 7F

01/26 06:05, , 8F
01/26 06:05, 8F

01/26 08:29, , 9F
01/26 08:29, 9F
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