
看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (吞食)時間19年前 (2006/01/28 03:09), 編輯推噓21(2101)
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http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/insid...had&id=2307632 The inside story of the Artest-Stojakovic trade Insider Ford By Chad Ford ESPN Insider Archive ============================================================================ The Ron Artest saga (at least this episode) is finally over. After a six-week wait, Artest is a Sacramento King and Peja Stojakovic is an Indiana Pacer. 六週的等待後,阿泰霹靂火終於下檔(至少本集已經完結)。 阿泰登基為沙加緬度國王,而Peja成為一匹溜馬。 How did it happen? What went on behind the scenes? 這是如何發生的?故事的背後究竟有多少辛酸血淚? Pacers president Donnie Walsh spoke with ESPN.com on the phone on Thursday and laid out what happened and why the Pacers did what they did. 星期四,溜馬總管Walsh以電話向ESPN.com透露事件的始末。 When did the Pacers decide to trade him? Why did it take so long? Did they almost trade for Corey Maggette? What other deals came close? 何時溜馬決定交易阿泰?何以如此曠日費時? 是否他們幾乎簽下馬蓋先? 此外還有什麼可能的合約? And what happened in those last crazy 48 hours when the deal almost happened, died and then was resurrected on Wednesday? 在交易底定前,瘋狂的四十八小時中, 究竟發生了什麼事,讓它在週三死灰復燃? Walsh provides the answers. 請收看:唐尼華許的真情告白。 The trade demand [其之一: 交易要求 ] The Pacers came into this season with high expectations. The team, despite a rash of suspensions and injuries last season, made it to the second round of the playoffs. Confidence was high. 溜馬以相當高的呼聲開始本季。 儘管有著禁賽風波與傷病問題,他們去年仍然打進季後賽第二輪, 因此他們信心滿滿。 All the major starters from the team, with the exception of veteran Reggie Miller, were returning. The Pacers got a draft-day steal with Danny Granger and landed one of the hottest free agents on the market, Euro star Sarunas Jasikevicius. 除了老米神,陣中的主力戰將都已歸隊。溜馬在選秀中偷來了小葛, 並且在市場裡找到最屌的自由球員,歐洲天王---殺了那廝‧也係可以就是 (簡稱小葉)。 Oh . . . and Ron Artest, one of the best two-way players in the league, was coming back from a year-long suspension. 哦哦.....還有阿泰,聯盟頂級攻防一體的球員,從一年的球監中放了出來。 Artest looked great in the summer league. The Pacers felt confident that his off-court problems were finally behind him. He looked focused in the preseason and the Pacers looked poised to provide a serious challenge to the Detroit Pistons for the Eastern Conference title. 阿泰在夏季聯賽中表現搶眼。溜馬對他有信心,認為他的場外風波最終已經平息。 看來他在季前賽十分專注,而溜馬似乎也準備好要成為東區冠軍活塞的勁敵。 Then, out of the blue, in a one-on-one interview with the Indianapolis Star on Dec. 10, Artest suggested the Pacers trade him. The impetus for his request? He had heard a rumor that the Pacers had rekindled year-old talks with the Kings about a Stojakovic-Artest swap. 然而,很唬藍的,阿泰在印城星報12/10的專訪中,他提議溜馬把他交易掉。 是什麼刺激他做出這個要求? 因為阿泰聽到了一個傳聞, 就是溜馬與國王談了一年之久的案子---Peja換阿泰---再度被提起了。 "If the trade rumors, if there is any truth -- maybe it won't be a bad thing," Artest said. "They probably could win more games without me. . . . If I go to the West Coast, I would come back to New York after my contract is up. . . . I would go to Cleveland. I wouldn't mind coming off the bench behind LeBron James. There's a lot of players I wouldn't mind coming off the bench behind." "如果這個交易傳聞是真的,那也不賴。"阿泰說:"沒有我,他們可以贏更多場球...... 如果我到了西岸,合約結束後我會回到紐約......或者我會到克里夫蘭。 我不介意當李博榕的替補....我想呢,我應該不會介意當許多球員的替補。" Artest also criticized coach Rick Carlisle: "I like Coach as a person, but I don't like playing for Coach. I like my team, though. . . . Don't get it twisted. He's a very good coach. He knows what he's doing. I personally don't like playing for him." 阿泰也評論了卡帥: "我喜歡卡帥這個人,但是我不太喜歡為這個教練打球.....雖然我也喜歡我的球隊。 .....別扭曲了我的意思,他是個很好的教練,他知道他在做什麼。 只是呢,我個人不喜歡為他打球。" The Pacers were stunned. According to Walsh, Artest had never approached him with any of the concerns. 溜馬簡直被驚呆了。根據Walsh所言,阿泰完全沒有考慮過後果。 In fact, the rumors weren't true, Walsh says: The Pacers had not spoken with the Kings about Stojakovic in over a year. 事實上,此傳聞並不是真的。Walsh說,溜馬一年來沒有跟國王談過關於Peja的事。 Walsh set up a meeting with Artest on Dec. 11 and tried to calm his fears. Walsh與阿泰在12/11安排了一次會面,並且他試圖安撫慌張的阿泰。 "I told Ronnie that he should have come to me if he had an issue," Walsh told ESPN.com. "That he went about it the wrong way. I told him there wasn't any truth to the rumor and I wanted him to come to practice on Sunday [Dec. 12] and we'd try to work through it." "我跟阿泰講,如果他有意見的話應該先來找我。" Walsh告訴ESPN.com "這樣隨便來實在大錯特錯; 我告訴他那個傳聞不是真的,並且希望他星期天(12/12)能夠回去練球, 然後我們再來搞定這件事。" Walsh described Artest as apologetic, and Walsh thought that the issue could be resolved. However, on the evening of the 12th, Walsh saw Artest on TV, reading statements that seemed to contradict what was said in the meeting. Artest appeared to still be standing by his trade request. Walsh說阿泰當時看起來似乎頗有歉意,且Walsh認為這個問題可以解決。 然而,12號晚上,Walsh在電視上看到阿泰的發言,跟會面時說的不一樣。 阿泰顯然還是執意他的交易要求。 Walsh said it was at that moment that he knew Artest couldn't play for the Pacers again. Walsh說,正是那一刻,他知道阿泰不能再為溜馬打球了。 "I just couldn't keep him," Walsh said. "We had gone out of our way to help Ronnie. Probably too much so. We were so in love with his talent and I thought, and still think, that he's a really good kid. After all the things we did to help him, I finally realized, we can't help him." "我終究沒能留下他,"Walsh說。"我們用盡一切方法來幫助阿泰.....也許太多了。 我們太喜歡他的天賦,而且我認為他真的是個好孩子---直到現在都這麼認為。 在我們做完一切可以幫助他的事之後,我終於瞭解,我們還是幫不了他。" Walsh, after consulting with Larry Bird and his owners, acted quickly. 徵詢了大鳥和老闆的意見後,Walsh即有所行動。 "I called Ronnie back up and told him that we were going to trade him," Walsh said. "I also told him we were going to keep him away from the team until we found a trade partner. He seemed OK with it." "我把阿泰叫回來(back up?),告訴他我們要交易他," Walsh說:"我也告訴他,在找到交易對象之前,我們不會讓他回到隊上。 他似乎對此還蠻OK的。" Early offers [其之二:初期提案] The Pacers have taken some heat for their decision to put Artest on the inactive list. Many in the media have claimed that it hurt his trade value. 因為將阿泰放在不啟用名單上的決定反而激勵了溜馬, 許多媒體宣稱這會降低交易價值。 Walsh didn't see it that way. Rather, he was pleased to be able to take advantage of the inactive list, a new option provided in the collective bargaining agreement, which did away with the injured list. Walsh並不這麼想,他倒是很高興不啟用名單竟然可以帶來好處。 "不啟用名單"是CBA契約所提供的新選項, 這個新選項所帶來的好處是傷兵名單所沒有的。 (collective bargaining agreement的正式翻譯是?我不懂GM啊) "It was a blessing," Walsh said. "Before the rule change, you had two choices. You could either suspend a player or put him on the injured list. If Ronnie was healthy, he could refuse to be put on the list. If we suspended him, it would've gone to arbitration and would've been a mess. By putting him on the inactive list, it bought us time to get the right deal." "老天保佑,"Walsh說:"在規則改變之前,你有兩個選擇:你可以將球員禁賽, 或是把他放到傷兵名單上。如果阿泰健康,那麼他就能夠拒絕你把他放在傷兵名單, 如果我們把他禁賽,就會進入仲裁程序而搞得一團糟。 藉由把他放在不啟用名單,我們可以有充裕的時間來完成正確的交易。" The Pacers needed the time. Walsh said that they received inquiries from "about half" of the teams in the league. But the offers were neither good nor concrete. 溜馬需要時間。Walsh說,各方的詢問來自聯盟中"將近一半"的隊伍, 但是這些提案不但不好而且不具體。 Walsh ended up making some calls of his own, trying to persuade teams that Artest would help them -- that they were overestimating his problems and underestimating his talent. 最後,Walsh自己打了幾通電話,告訴那些隊伍阿泰可以帶來幫助。 Walsh試圖說服他們:阿泰的麻煩被過度誇大,而才能被過份低估。 "A lot of GMs told me they thought or heard he was crazy," Walsh said. "I told all of them he's not. He's very emotional, but he's not crazy. That's not fair to Ronnie." "許多總管說,他們認為或聽說阿泰是個狂人,"Walsh談到: "我告訴他們所有人並非如此。阿泰的確很情緒化,但他並不瘋,那樣說對阿泰不公平。" One of those early calls was to Kings GM Geoff Petrie. According to Walsh, Petrie said he wasn't interested. 這些電話裡有一通是打給國王總管Geoff Petrie。據Walsh所言, Petrie說他不感興趣。 As time passed, Walsh said he was beginning to get nervous. 時間日日夜夜地過去,Walsh說他開始感到緊張。 "We were willing to patient," Walsh said. "But we had a drop-dead date of the trade deadline. I was starting to get worried about it." "我們希望能保持耐心,"Walsh說, "但是交易截止日一分一秒地迫近,我開始擔心起這件事。" The deal that almost happened [其之三:毫釐之差] While reports were flying around the Internet about imminent deals with the Denver Nuggets, Atlanta Hawks and Minnesota Timberwolves, Walsh said that only one other deal ever came close to happening. 雖然網路報導曾經宣稱過溜馬與金塊、老鷹、灰狼的交易即將完成, Walsh說,當時只有一個交易可能發生。 The Pacers had strong interest in Los Angeles Clippers swingman Corey Maggette, and after a foot injury sidelined him, the Clippers decided they would be willing to swap him for Artest. 溜馬對快艇搖擺人Maggette很有興趣, Maggette因為腳傷而被閒置,快艇希望能夠以他來交換阿泰。 "We would've done the deal," Walsh said. "However, when we got the MRI on his foot, we sent it to one of the leading authorities on this particular type of injury. His opinion was that Maggette would be out months, and likely the season. When we couldn't get a clear answer on how long the rehab would take, we decided that it wasn't worth the risk. Having just been through [a similar situation] with Jonathan Bender, there were just too many question marks." "我們即將完成交易,"Walsh說:"但是,當我們拿到Maggette的MRI, 就送到頂級的專門傷科去看。他們的診斷是這傷要養好幾個月,也許本季報銷。 因為無法得知確定的復元時間,我們認為不值得冒這個險。 特別是剛經歷過小班的事,我們有太多疑問。 While the Pacers (and the Clippers) were disappointed that the deal didn't go down, the fact that it leaked ended up helping Indiana. 當溜馬(以及快艇)對於無法完成交易而感到失望時, 消息的洩露最後反而幫了印地安那。 "The offers started getting better," Walsh said. "People started offering players of that caliber for Artest. I started to get confident that we were going to get a deal that worked for us." "提案開始變得比較好。"Walsh說:"大家開始提出與Artest能力相配的交易, 而我則開始擁有自信,我們將會完成對我們有幫助的交易。" After the Maggette deal fell apart, the Pacers focused much of their attention on two other Pacific division teams. 與Maggette的交易破裂之後,溜馬更加專注於另外兩支太平洋分區的球隊。 The Warriors had shown interest in Artest from the beginning. While Walsh refused to speak about the specific players talked about in his conversation with the Warriors, rumors had been floating since the beginning that the Pacers were after rookie forward Ike Diogu and Frenchman Mickael Pietrus. 勇士從一開始就表示了對阿泰的興趣。 雖然Walsh拒絕透露他們的對談究竟牽涉哪些球員, 但傳聞說溜馬想要新人前鋒Ike Diogu和Frenchman Micael Pietrus。 "I had some good talks with Mully [Warriors GM Chris Mullin]," Walsh said. "I don't think he ever was sure whether he could take the risk with Artest. I think Ronnie would've been a great fit there and I think Mully could've been a great mentor to Ronnie. They both played at the same school [St. John's] and I know that Ronnie respects guys who can get on the floor and work with him. But they never made us the offer we were looking for, so it didn't happen." "我跟小穆有些不錯的商談,"Walsh說:"我不認為他很確定要或不要冒阿泰這個險。 我想阿泰很適合那裡,並且我認為小穆可以成為阿泰的導師;他們出身同一所學校, 而且我知道阿泰尊敬那些可以下場跟他一起打球的人。 不過他們從未提出我們想要的交易過,所以交易並沒有發生。" The Lakers were also in hot pursuit of Artest. Walsh declined to discuss the specifics of those talks either, making it unclear whether it was the Lakers who refused to part with Lamar Odom or whether it was the Pacers who were uncomfortable taking on his huge contract. 湖人也很熱衷於阿泰。Walsh仍然拒絕透露相關球員, 是否為湖人拒絕跟Odom同隊那位?是否為溜馬合約巨大難以加碼那位? Walsh並沒有清楚地說明。 Shortly after the leak, another team entered the fray. Walsh received a call from Petrie roughly two weeks ago. According to Walsh, Petrie said that his owners, the Maloof brothers, were big fans of Artest and might be willing to do a deal. 消息洩露後沒多久,另一支球隊卻跑來淌渾水。 Walsh約兩週前接到一通Petrie的電話,據Walsh所言, Petrie說他的老闆Maloof兄弟是阿泰的大球迷,也許會願意作這筆交易。 The Peja deal [其之四: 佩甲] Walsh said Stojakovic had a lot of fans in the Pacers organization. He was the type of player they were looking for. Walsh說Peja在溜馬人裡有很多球迷,他是眾望所歸。 "We actually worked out Peja the year he entered the draft," Walsh said. "He really had an amazing workout for us and we almost drafted him. Had he been able to come over right away [it took another two years for Peja to make it to the NBA], we probably would've drafted him. I remember Mel Daniels standing next to me in the workout and saying that Peja was the best-shooting forward he'd seen since Larry Bird. I think he was right." "當年Peja加入選秀時,我們確實曾努力想選到他。"Walsh說: "他在我們的練習賽中表現驚人,而我們幾乎得到他, 如果他那時能馬上來這裡,我們也許早就簽到他了。 我記得練習賽時Mel Daniels站在我旁邊, 說Peja是自大鳥以後他看過最棒的射手前鋒;我想他是對的。 Walsh said the team was also looking for a player who had a great work ethic, could score and would be a good citizen on and off the court. Walsh說,這支球隊也需要有絕佳工作倫理的球員, 能夠得分,在場外也能當一位好公民。 "The team has really struggled with all the distractions they've been put through," Walsh said. "We really needed a player like him. I think he brings a lot more than a jump shot to the table." "這支球隊真的是歷盡滄桑,"Walsh說: "我們正需要像Peja這樣的球員,我認為他帶來的遠遠不只他帳面上的跳投。" While Walsh declined to elaborate, sources told ESPN.com 18 months ago that the Pacers were willing to swap Artest for Stojakovic and that the Kings had cold feet then, too. 雖然Walsh不肯詳細說明,但是資料告訴我們, 十八個月以前,溜馬想用阿泰換Peja,而國王那時也曾止步過。 After Petrie's call earlier this month, the trade talks between the Kings and Pacers got hotter. By Jan. 21, the talks had progressed to the point that the Kings sent over MRIs of Stojakovic's back so that the Pacers' doctors could make sure that Stojakovic was healthy enough to justify the trade. 與Petrie通過電話的本月初,國王與溜馬的交易討論趨於熱烈。 在一月二十一號,商議已經進展到要國王拿Peja的MRI出來, 讓溜馬的醫生來確定Peja是否夠健康而適合交易。 Things got even hotter on Monday, when the Pacers signed off on the deal. By Tuesday morning, Jan. 24, the Kings were ready to pull the trigger. 一切在星期一變得更加風風火火,溜馬開始簽合約, 星期二早上,1/24,國王已經準備好要讓事情發生了。 Walsh said that the Pacers scheduled a trade conference call with the NBA for 4 p.m. for the league to approve the trade. When the league tried to get Petrie to join the call, he was on the phone. Walsh說溜馬已經排訂好,在下午四點跟NBA通電話,讓聯盟批准這項交易案。 當聯盟在找Petrie來加入時,Walsh正在線上。 "We waited for about an hour and half," Walsh said. "By then, I knew there was trouble. Geoff got on the phone at about 5:30 p.m. and told me that the deal was off. That Ronnie's agent [Mark Stevens] had called and told him Ronnie didn't want to play there and then called the owners. It scared them both off. "我們等了一個半小時,"Walsh說:"那時我就知道出問題了。 Petrie在5:30上線,告訴我交易終止,阿泰的經紀人打電話給Petrie, 說阿泰不想在那裡打球,然後又打電話給Petrie的老闆們, 而這嚇到了那對兄弟檔。" "I told Geoff that I didn't think that Ronnie meant what his agent was saying and asked him if they'd wait until the morning for us to get this sorted out. But, to be honest, I thought it was dead. And I thought it might scare off the rest of the teams we had been talking to. I wasn't happy." "我告訴Petrie,我認為阿泰的意思並不是他的經紀人所說的那樣, 並且問他Meloof兄弟能不能等到早上,讓我們先搞清楚。 不過,說老實話,我認為這已經吹了, 而且這可能嚇走其他我們洽談過的球隊;我很不高興。 Walsh scheduled a 10 a.m. meeting the next day with Artest and Stevens. Over the course of the 12 hours or so before the meeting, the Pacers explored their legal options with the league. They believed Artest, or his agent, had violated parts of the collective bargaining agreement, and they were exploring whether they could suspend Artest without pay. Walsh訂在隔天早上十點會見阿泰和Stevens。 在會面前的十二小時之間,溜馬尋求聯盟的法律途徑: 他們認為阿泰或他的經紀人違反了CBA契約, 並且想知道他們能不能依此將阿泰停薪禁賽。 Late Tuesday, Stevens issued a statement saying that Artest didn't want to play in Sacramento: 週二稍晚,Stevens發表了一篇聲明,說阿泰不想在沙加緬度打球: "Ron Artest did not want to be traded to Sacramento weeks ago, and he does not want to be traded to Sacramento now. Basketball is Ron Artest's passion. In order for Ron to fully demonstrate his natural skills and abilities, to the best of his abilities, he not only must be in an environment that is conducive to his growth and development as a player, he must also ensure that his family is happy and content as well. Ron does not believe that will be the case if he were in Sacramento. Period." "朗‧阿泰斯特數週前就不想被交易到沙加緬度,這個時候也是一樣。 朗‧阿泰斯特熱愛籃球,為了讓朗能夠展現它全部的天賦技巧與能力, ......為了展現他最棒的能力,作為一個球員, 他不僅必須處在一個能引導他成長的環境,也必須保證他家庭的快樂與滿足。 朗不相信他在沙加緬度能夠得到這些,以上。" Walsh still didn't believe that Artest actually meant that. Walsh仍然不相信這真的是阿泰的意思。 "I basically wanted to find out whether Ronnie felt the way his agent said he felt about the deal," Walsh said. "I tried to explain to Ronnie why the deal would be a good one for him. I really got the impression that Ronnie didn't have any real hang-ups about going to Sacramento." "基本上,我想知道阿泰對交易的想法是否跟他的經紀人一樣。"Walsh說: "我試著解釋過給阿泰聽,這個交易對他來說是好的。 我真的還有印象,阿泰並沒有確實表現過他不想去沙加緬度。 According to Walsh, he believed something else was at play. 根據Walsh,他相信這件事有暗盤。 "I think people were telling Ronnie that if he held out, we would deal him to a team that he really wanted to go to, like one of the teams in L.A.," Walsh said. "I can't prove it. But I really felt, and I think Geoff felt, like there was something else going on. It didn't really have anything to do with Sacramento. I think he thought if this deal didn't work out, he'd get what he wants. I made it clear to him that it wasn't the case and that we had recourse available to us. He needed to get on with his career and start playing again. The path that he was taking wasn't going to allow that." "我認為有人告訴阿泰,如果他拒絕交易, 我們就會把他交易到他想去的地方,例如洛杉磯的某一隊。" Walsh說:"我不能證明,但我真的覺得是這樣, 我認為Petrie也這樣想,有些什麼在搞鬼。 事實上,沙加緬度不會再有動作;我想阿泰認為如果此交易不成,他就能得到他想要的。 我則擺明跟他說事情不是這樣,而且我們有法律的追索權。 他必須繼續他的職業生涯且重新開始打球, 他所採取的方式並不能允許他得到他想要的。 While Walsh said that he never threatened Artest with a suspension, it appears he did turn up the heat a bit. For their part, Artest and Stevens left the meeting without giving a firm indication which way they were leaning. 雖然Walsh說他從未以禁賽威脅阿泰,但看來Walsh讓交易出現一線生機。 當會面結束時,阿泰和他的經紀人不再像之前一樣發表立場堅定的聲明。 In the meeting, Artest and Stevens had agreed to speak with the Maloofs by phone. During that phone call, Walsh said he received an e-mail from Artest saying that he wanted the trade to go through. Shortly thereafter he received a call from Sacramento saying the deal was back on. 會談中,阿泰和Stevens同意和Maloof兄弟通電話。 在那通電話裡,Walsh說他接到一封阿泰的E-mail說他希望這樁交易進行。 不久,Walsh接到沙加緬度的來電,說議案可以繼續。 Postscript [後記] The day after the trade, Walsh says that the both teams are better off. 交易後那天,Walsh說兩隊都會更好。 "I think Ronnie will be great for them," Walsh said. "They're a much better team with Ronnie on it. I think he'll love Sacramento; it's kind of Indy West. He'll get there and be fine. He won't do the big things that got him in so much trouble here. As long as the team is playing well, I think they'll be surprised at how good a teammate he can be. It's just when the team is losing, Ronnie starts feeling pressure, and he loses it. They're going to have to be prepared for it." "我想阿泰對他們來說是很棒的,"Walsh說:"有阿泰,那支球隊會更好, 而阿泰會喜歡沙加緬度,那就像是西區的溜馬隊一樣。 他將會到那裡,且過得很好,他不會再惹上他曾在這裡遇過的麻煩。 只要球隊打得不錯,他們將會驚訝於阿泰是多麼好的一位伙伴。 只是說,倘若球隊狀況不佳,阿泰就會感受壓力,並且輸給壓力。 他們必須準備好來應付此狀況。" With that said, when asked what he learned from the experience, Walsh said something that should frighten the Kings. 接著,當被問到從"阿泰經驗"中學到了什麼時, Walsh所說的大概會嚇到國王。 "I learned that when you add a dysfunctional person to a functional group, sooner or later, the whole group is dysfunctional," Walsh said. "I thought I knew that before, but I really know that now. You think the group will help the one player, but it's really the other way around." "我學到的是,當你把一個有官能障礙的人放到一個機能團隊,或遲或早, 這個團隊也會變得有官能障礙。"Walsh說。 "我以為我早就知道這件事,但其實是現在才知道。 你以為團隊可以影響一個球員,但情形往往是相反的。" As for the Pacers, Walsh said that adding Stojakovic will allow them to open up the floor as they did when Reggie Miller and Chris Mullin played for them. 對於溜馬隊,Walsh說,Peja的加入可以拉大半場攻擊範圍, 就像神米和Mullin所做的一樣。 "I'm not sure he's a perfect fit on our team as it stands right now," Walsh said. "But Rick is going to pull out some of the old plays and eventually I think we'll move to a different style of play. Peja will help us spread the floor, give [Pacers forward Jermaine O'Neal] more room to operate and free us up." "我不確定他是否如現在所預期的一般,能完美適應我們的球隊," Walsh說:"但是小卡將會先用一些老戰術,而最後我們會有完全不同風格的打法。 Peja可以把戰線拉開,給內線球員更多自由的空間施展身手。 Walsh emphasized that the Pacers still believe Stojakovic, 28, has plenty of good years left in him. Injuries, not age, have kept him from playing up to his potential the past season and a half. With a change of scenery, a chip on his shoulder, and pending free agency, Stojakovic should have plenty of motivation to return to his former self. Walsh強調,溜馬仍然相信Peja --- 一個二十八歲而有許多輝煌過往的球員。 不是年齡,而是傷病,使他從上季至今都無法打出水準。 現在藉由一個新的視野,肩上的嵌片,以及自由球員的決定權, Peja有許多砥礪自己回到之前身手的理由。 For Indiana, this might present a new problem: If he does thrive, the Pacers might not be able to afford to keep him this summer when he hits unrestricted free agency. 對於印地安那,這產生了一個新問題: 如果他真的成功了,如果他選擇成為不受限的自由球員, 這個夏天溜馬可能無法應付薪資爆表。 Walsh said that because of NBA rules, he hasn't been able to discuss Stojakovic's impending free agency with him. Walsh wants to see how Stojakovic fits with his teammates and the coach before making a decision. But he seems pretty confident about this. Walsh說,因為NBA的規則,他還沒辦法跟Peja討論他成為自由球員後的動向。 Walsh想在做決定之前先看看Peja與隊友和教練的搭配情形如何, 然而他似乎對此充滿信心。 "If Peja returns to his old form," Walsh said, "Believe me, I'll find a way to pay him to come back next year." "如果Peja回復往日雄風,"Walsh說: "相信我,明年我會想辦法給出滿意的數字來留住他。" Chad Ford covers the NBA for ESPN Insider. 原文出處為付費網頁:http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/insid...had&id=2307632 盜引自: http://www.pacersdigest.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18752 (太長了,翻得頭昏腦脹.....有錯請指正。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/28 12:12, , 1F
01/28 12:12, 1F

01/28 12:14, , 2F
01/28 12:14, 2F

01/28 12:14, , 3F
01/28 12:14, 3F

01/28 12:19, , 4F
01/28 12:19, 4F

01/28 12:41, , 5F
推 Walsh 果然是個聰明人
01/28 12:41, 5F

01/28 12:47, , 6F
01/28 12:47, 6F

01/28 13:07, , 7F
01/28 13:07, 7F

01/28 13:18, , 8F
太讚了,可以轉錄到 NBA 板嗎!!
01/28 13:18, 8F

01/28 14:22, , 9F
01/28 14:22, 9F

01/28 14:40, , 10F
01/28 14:40, 10F

01/28 14:51, , 11F
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01/28 16:42, , 14F
01/28 16:42, 14F

01/28 16:57, , 15F
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01/28 17:19, , 16F
翻的真好~好幽默XD... 過去的就讓它過去吧
01/28 17:19, 16F

01/28 19:21, , 17F
01/28 19:21, 17F

01/28 19:38, , 18F
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01/28 21:01, , 19F
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