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補個原文,有興趣的看一下吧 大部分前一篇都有翻譯,有些沒說到的地方註記一下 ※ 引述《ksaon (小包)》之銘言: : 大鳥醞釀夏季風暴 04-11 22:32 DarthAnarchy : Larry Bird對手下球員們一場又一場的夢遊表現已經忍無可忍,他宣稱今年夏天要揮舞手術 : 刀,引爆更衣室:「沒時間打什麼高爾夫了,今年的夏天是工作的季節。」據推測Tinsley : 和Stephon Jackson幾乎肯定要收拾東西走人,如果有人出價合適甚至主將Jermaine O'Neal : 也可能被交易。球隊對小O'neal無休止的傷病漸漸喪失耐心,同時他在場外的言論對更衣室 : 氣氛也沒什麼幫助…… [Indianapolis Star] Carlisle will be back, but who'll be gone? Bob Kravitz There will be changes this Indiana Pacers summer, seismic changes that will alter the face of this increasingly stale franchise. Team president Larry Bird doesn't need to see his team sleepwalk through anymore games; he, too, has reached the widely held conclusion that it's time to detonate that locker room. "Won't be much golf this offseason,'' Bird said, standing in a hallway near his team's locker room before the Pacers' 101-82 victory over the New York Knicks. "It's going to be a working summer. To say right now that we're going to trade a bunch of guys, we can't do that because we don't know who's going to be out there. But obviously, we've got to get this thing right.'' Who's gone? Who's back? Bird, naturally, is not going to show that hand or advertise a fire sale. Read between the lines, though, and an offseason plan begins to take shape. They certainly will move Jamaal Tinsley. They likely will move Stephen Jackson. If they can get good value in return, they will try to move Jermaine O'Neal. (That doesn't even include Peja Stojakovic, who will entertain free agent offers.) One area that will not be changed, though, is on the Pacers' sideline, where Bird said coach Rick Carlisle will be back -- even if his players seem intent on getting him fired. Yes, Bird hears the groans of dissatisfaction coming from all corners of the Pacers' locker room. And no, he's not lending a sympathetic ear. 小汀大概非走不可.醜臉也很有可能.如果條件好的話也會考慮交易小歐 能確定的是卡帥會留任 "They didn't complain when we were winning 61 games,'' Bird said. "I didn't hear anything when we were winning 44 games. Rick's had two very good years here, and he's done a good job this year considering what's happened -- the injuries, the Ron Artest thing and everything else. When you start losing, everybody wants to point the finger. ". . . Right now, it's up to the players. We can talk about it until we're blue in the face. I'm happy with our coaching staff. I just think our players need to look in the mirror and say, 'It's on us now.' " When the season began, Bird thought he had a team that could reach the Eastern Conference finals, maybe even the NBA Finals. He knew he had some high-maintenance players who would have their bad moments, but in the end, he figured there was enough talent and depth to go deep into the playoffs. Now, there's a chance the Pacers, who for more than a decade have viewed the postseason as a birthright, may not earn a spot in the dreadful Eastern Conference. "If anybody's going to take the blame, it's got to be me,'' Bird said. "Because I had so much confidence in this team. I just think the team chemistry hasn't been close to what I expected it to be . . . At times, we've looked like we haven't played together all year. "They can tell you they like each other, and they probably do, but they're not playing like they like each other. I can see it, missing guys who are wide open, guys forcing shots, the ball movement isn't there, guys breaking plays and going one-on-one. There's no real trust in one another to play the game. I think they try, they want to win, but they don't trust each other. Some of the Pacers' coming decisions are no-brainers. Tinsley, who (ouch) was taken ahead of Tony Parker in the draft, has to take his act elsewhere. Jackson has had his flashes, including Monday night's 28-point performance, but his volatility continues to be an issue -- especially on a team that lacks a dominant personality. And then there's O'Neal. Think Monday night's performance was instructive? One day earlier, he had called out his team for going through the motions against Detroit. Then against the Knicks, he scored 10 points on 1-of-7 shooting and grabbed five rebounds. 當年選秀會順位在 Parker 之前的小汀大概得準備另謀高就了 醜臉儘管時有佳作,但缺乏穩定性一直是個大問題 至於小歐呢... That, too often, has been the problem -- words, not deeds. Nobody blames O'Neal for getting hurt so often the past two years, but behind the scenes, the Pacers have taken issue with O'Neal's conditioning, and wonder if that hasn't contributed to his long stays on the inactive list. "Some guys can lead and some guys can't,'' Bird said. "I have a lot of trust in Jermaine and I know he wants to be a good leader. But to just throw him in there and say, 'OK, you're our leader,' that's tough, especially when you're injured a lot. You lead by example and not with words, and when you're not out there every day in practice and games, it's hard to lead." For the Pacers, this is not going to be an easy fix. They aren't good enough to think that a little tinkering will make them contenders again. At the same time, they're not bad enough to count on a high draft choice. They will have some salary-cap maneuverability this summer, but not enough to pursue a big-time free agent. 溜馬沒有好到一點小變動就救得起來,也沒爛到能抽高順位選秀 今夏會有一些薪資操作的空間,但不足以網羅大尾的自由球員. Bird doesn't think the Pacers need to take three steps back and return to Lottery Land to take one huge step forward. Ultimately, though, he may have no other choice. The Pacers you see now will not be the Pacers you see in the fall. Not if Bird remakes this roster the way he wants. Golf will have to wait. Bob Kravitz is a columnist for The Indianapolis Star. Call him at (317) 444-6643 or e-mail Copyright 2006 All rights reserved -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pheather 來自: (04/12 01:00)

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