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看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (鯖)時間19年前 (2006/04/19 21:00), 編輯推噓14(1406)
留言20則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今日謠言 April 19. Golden State and Indiana could not consummate a Ron Artest trade before Sacramento swooped in for No. 93. 金州沒有搶在沙加緬度前和印城談妥 Ron Artest 的交易 But you can bank on the Warriors and Pacers talking again this summer, if not sooner, regarding another big-name trade possibility: Jermaine O'Neal. 但你可以相信勇士和溜馬今年夏天--假如沒有提前的話--會提及另一樁明星球員 交易的可能性: Jermaine O'Neal The Warriors believe a lot of their problems, as they faded from a 12-6 start to a 12th consecutive season out of the playoffs, stem from the lack of a low-post scorer with real size. O'Neal, as a result, is said to be high on Golden State's list, with general manager Chris Mullin a natural trading partner with Indiana given his close ties to the franchise as a former Pacer. 勇士隊相信他們從開季的 12-6,到現在連續第 12 個無緣季後賽的年頭,有很大一 部分問題在於他們缺少一個真正的低位得分手. 因此,小歐在金州的名單排名是相 當前面的,這也和總管 Chris Mullin 因為球員時代身為溜馬明星球員的人脈有關 It remains to be seen whether the Pacers are indeed prepared to part with O'Neal to start over completely, but it doesn't hurt that Mullin has several young trade assets -- such as Ike Diogu (deemed off-limits in the Artest talks) , Mickael Pietrus and the fast-rising Monta Ellis -- in spite of the club's postseason drought. 有待觀察的是,溜馬是否真的準備完全放棄小歐重新出發. 但這不影響 Mullin 手上有很多年輕的交易籌碼 -- 像是 Ike Diogu (在 Artest 的交易案中似乎被當作非 賣品),Michael Pietrus,以及快速崛起的 Monta Ellis,即使這支球隊陷入季後賽困境 --- 感想: 看到這篇文章我先去確認一下日期是 4/19 不是 4/1... 雖然大家關起門來對小歐都有很多意見,但這種交易案也太... 合約對得上的 Baron Davis 或 Jason Richardson 都沒放進來 Troy Murphy 儘管並不耀眼,但也是個紮實的大前鋒,以薪水來講很划算了 缺乏低位攻擊手?? 先問問 Mullin 到底 Foyle 哪裡值 8M 吧.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pheather 來自: (04/19 21:40)

04/19 21:42, , 1F
Troy Murphy應該是勇士會放的籌碼
04/19 21:42, 1F

04/19 21:43, , 2F
04/19 21:43, 2F

04/19 21:43, , 3F
薪資來講要 Murphy+J-Rich 才夠,不過這篇都沒提到
04/19 21:43, 3F

04/19 21:52, , 4F
還沒放暑假, 大家就開始放風聲要搶人了 XDDD
04/19 21:52, 4F

04/19 22:32, , 5F
爛交易啊 我們隊上的一哥好歹也換一個不是一哥就是二哥的ꐠ
04/19 22:32, 5F

04/19 22:33, , 6F
04/19 22:33, 6F

04/19 22:47, , 7F
04/19 22:47, 7F

04/19 22:58, , 8F
潛力真的是很夠,Diogu 和 Pietrus 查得到的評價都很好
04/19 22:58, 8F

04/19 22:58, , 9F
04/19 22:58, 9F

04/19 22:58, , 10F
Ellis 是不太認識...不過潛力和實力之間有多少差距是另一
04/19 22:58, 10F

04/19 22:59, , 11F
04/19 22:59, 11F

04/19 23:39, , 12F
04/19 23:39, 12F

04/19 23:51, , 13F
04/19 23:51, 13F

04/20 00:19, , 14F
04/20 00:19, 14F

04/20 01:47, , 15F
04/20 01:47, 15F

04/20 02:45, , 16F
換J-Rich吧 -_-  附贈Diogu ...
04/20 02:45, 16F

04/20 03:35, , 17F
說小歐是有力的低位得分手真是太抬舉他了= =||
04/20 03:35, 17F

04/20 04:45, , 18F
04/20 04:45, 18F

04/20 07:24, , 19F
04/20 07:24, 19F

04/20 09:44, , 20F
04/20 09:44, 20F
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文章代碼(AID): #14HZHPN_ (PACERS)