Re: [外電] Bender's career may be coming to an end

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (reggia)時間15年前 (2009/07/28 16:34), 編輯推噓10(10012)
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※ 引述《PiGFAcE (被遺忘在沙灘上的腳印)》之銘言: : 老文重貼回顧一下 : ※ 引述《mygodmiller (我神米勒)》之銘言: : : /1088 : November 30, 2005 : Bender's career may be coming to an end : Forward, slowed by injuries 4 seasons in a row, to meet with : team execs next week : Bender的職業生涯可能結束 : 四個球季以來因傷所累的前鋒將在下週聽候球隊決議 : By Mark Montieth : : Indiana Pacers forward Jonathan Bender is awaiting word on MRI results that : could determine whether he'll be able to continue his NBA career. : 印第安那溜馬隊前鋒Jonathan Bender正在有關等待MRI結果的消息 : ,那可能會決定他將是否能繼續他的NBA生涯。 : Bender, the fifth pick in the 1999 draft, has a loss of cartilage in both : knees and has missed a significant number of games in each season since : 2001-02. : 1999年選秀會上的第五順位Bender,他的雙膝軟骨都有損傷,而且 : 自從2001-02年球季已經缺陣非常多場比賽。 : He has played in just two games this season for a total of 21 minutes, and : for the first time has not accompanied the team on a trip. : 本季他只出賽 2場,總上場時間21分鐘,而且他首度並未隨隊出征 : 。 : "We're going to see," Bender said when asked whether he thinks he will play : again. : 「我們還要再考慮,」Bender在被問及他認為是否能再度上場時說 : 。 : "I'm not going to even talk about that yet." : 「我甚至還不想談。」 : Pacers CEO Donnie Walsh said Tuesday that the results of Bender's latest MRIs : have been sent to his agent in Los Angeles, and that a meeting with Bender : and doctors is scheduled for next week. Bender's agent, Thaddeus Fucher, did : not return phone calls Tuesday. : 溜馬隊CEO Donnie Walsh在星期二表示Bender最新的MRIs結果已經 : 送到他在洛杉磯的經紀人手上,而且將會有一場已排定和Bender以及 : 醫生們的會議。星期二Bender的經紀人Thaddeus Fucher並未回電。 : "Right now, we're putting his tests in front of people to get opinions on : where they think he is," Walsh said. "When we have enough information, we'll : make a statement." : 「現在,我們把他的測試放在人們面前以獲得他們認為他的情況為 : 何,」 Walsh說。「當我們擁有足夠的資訊,我們將發表一份聲明。 : 」 : Bender said he remains optimistic, but he has little medical evidence on : which to base that hope. : Bender表示他仍保持樂觀,但是他沒有多少醫學證據來支持這個希 : 望。 : "That's just the way I am," he said. : 「我也只能這樣了,」他說。 : "I'll see what the MRI shows compared to last year." : 「我將查看MRI所顯示的和去年做比較。」 : Pacers forward Jermaine O'Neal expressed sympathy when asked whether Bender : might have to retire. : 溜馬隊前鋒Jermaine O'Neal在被問及 Bender是否必須退休時表達 : 同情。 : "That's up to him to talk about," O'Neal said Tuesday in Salt Lake City, : where the Pacers played the Utah Jazz. "Whatever his decision is, I wish the : best for him. : 「那得取決於他所說的,」星期四O'Neal在鹽湖城說,溜馬隊將和 : 猶他爵士隊比賽。「不論他的決定是什麼,我希望那會是對他來說最 : 好的決定。」 : "He's talked to his teammates to let us know what's going on. It's a hard : thing and my heart goes out to him because he's worked so hard and he's not : getting that opportunity." : 「他告訴了他的隊友們,讓我們知道情況會怎樣。這是件難受的事 : ,我的心熄滅了,因為他是這麼努力卻苦無機會。」 : Bender said he has dealt with painful and swelling knees since high school, : and has had to take anti-inflammatory medication. After playing 78 games in : the 2001-02 season, he played in just 46, 21 and seven games in the three : succeeding seasons. : Bender表示他自從高中起便受膝蓋疼痛及腫脹所擾,而且他必須服 : 用消炎藥物。在 2001-02年球季出賽78場之後,他在接下來的三個球 : 季分別只出賽了46、21及7場。 : "It's been happening over and over," Bender said. : 「那總是一次又一次發生,」Bender說。 : "It looks like it's catching up with me." : 「看起來就好像對我產生預期的壞影響了。」 : Bender said his injuries aren't frustrating. : Bender表示他的傷並未令他洩氣。 : "God moves in mysterious ways," he said. : 「總會有奇蹟出現,」他說。 : Bender has two seasons, including this one, remaining on a four-year, $28 : million contract. He is due $7,175,000 this season and $7.7 million next : season. Insurance would cover his salary if he's forced into retirement by : injury. : Bender包括本季在內還有兩季,這紙為期 4年,總值2800萬元的合 : 約才到期。他本季薪資為717.5萬元,而下季是770萬元。如果他被迫 : 退休,他的薪水將由保險公司支付。 : Bender -- a 7-footer with a 39-inch vertical jump and an accurate perimeter : shot -- has shown flashes of potential. : Bender ─身高7呎,垂直起跳39吋,還有準確的投籃能力─潛力曾 : 曇花一現。 : But his constant absences have made him a target of frustrated fans. : 但是他的常態缺陣讓他成為失望的球迷們眾矢之的。 : "I know it's a hard time for him," O'Neal said. "He has so much ability and : people from the outside are hard on him because he hasn't played. He hasn't : (not) played because he doesn't want to play. He hasn't played because he : physically can't play. : 「我知道對他來說很難熬,」O'Neal說。「他是這麼全能,而外面 : 的人卻因為他不能上場而嚴厲苛責他。他並不是因為他不想上場而沒 : 上場。他不能上場是因為他的身體不允許他上場。 : "Anybody who has seen J.B. play knows what type of player he is. He has : unbelievable ability and it's just unfortunate that it's an issue that was : given to him from a higher level." : 「任何看過J.B.打球的人都知道他是什麼樣的球員。他擁有不可思 : 議的能耐,只是不幸的他有更高層次的問題。」 : Star reporter Mike Wells contributed to this article. Call Star reporter Mark : Montieth at (317) 444-6406. : Copyright 2005 All rights reserved 不知為何,如果可以的話,我是真的很希望溜馬再給他一次機會。 也許,他會是小葛最好的替補。而且他其實也也不過28歲。 再給他一次機會吧,Pacers 說真的,如果不是傷,不是一下要他打控球、得分、小前、大前的 我真的覺得他應該會有雷霆KD般的成就 而且他還高了些... 七呎一的小班...溜馬迷多少的期待~多少人期待他是幫神米那到戒指的那個人 現在回來輔助小葛吧 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: todaynow 來自: (07/28 16:35)

07/28 16:35, , 1F
如果他能來我一定超支持 如果他去尼克 我會覺得...
07/28 16:35, 1F

07/28 16:35, , 2F
07/28 16:35, 2F

07/28 16:36, , 3F
一方面又覺得他在溜馬打這樣退休 然後跑去尼克 我會想噓他
07/28 16:36, 3F

07/28 16:43, , 4F
我是覺得復出就好 在哪隊都沒關係 很想再看他打球
07/28 16:43, 4F

07/28 16:44, , 5F
還是祝福他.... 只是應該不能再當彈簧人了
07/28 16:44, 5F

07/28 16:48, , 6F
不過他實在是很高... 冏
07/28 16:48, 6F

07/28 16:49, , 7F
現在好像很少見了... 這種身材打這種位置的人
07/28 16:49, 7F

07/28 16:57, , 8F
如果來當小葛替補 我們鋒線就變超殺的..
07/28 16:57, 8F

07/28 17:06, , 9F
07/28 17:06, 9F

07/28 17:46, , 10F
07/28 17:46, 10F

07/28 18:33, , 11F
07/28 18:33, 11F

07/28 18:33, , 12F
07/28 18:33, 12F

07/28 18:38, , 13F
07/28 18:38, 13F

07/28 18:49, , 14F
07/28 18:49, 14F

07/28 18:54, , 15F
07/28 18:54, 15F

07/28 19:48, , 16F
07/28 19:48, 16F

07/28 19:49, , 17F
他半場進攻標準動作就是切到油漆區邊緣 停球
07/28 19:49, 17F

07/28 19:51, , 18F
然後就翻身跳投而且是翻360度 但身體都會縮起來 像蝦子
07/28 19:51, 18F

07/28 20:09, , 19F
他內線功夫一直練不起來 但她身材實在太好了
07/28 20:09, 19F

07/28 20:10, , 20F
快攻跑沒幾步就扣籃了 3分也沒人蓋得到
07/28 20:10, 20F

07/29 13:01, , 21F
07/29 13:01, 21F

07/29 13:02, , 22F
07/29 13:02, 22F
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