[外電] Stoudemire scoring big at center fo …

看板PHX-Suns (鳳凰城 太陽)作者 (阿泰做的好!!)時間20年前 (2004/11/25 01:33), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
: By David DuPree, USA TODAY : The only centers to lead the NBA in scoring in the last 28 seasons are : Shaquille O'Neal and David Robinson, but the way Phoenix's Amare Stoudemire : has been pouring in the points, he could very well be the third. 在NBA過去的28個球季中,能夠在得分這項數據稱王的"中鋒",只有 O'Neal 和 David Robinson 這兩位超級明星,但現在看起來可不只是那樣,麻煩請把鎂光燈照 過來謝謝,太陽隊的新星 *Amare Stoudemire*很有可能成為那第三個。(按:這可憐 的小子真的被定位為中鋒了XD) : Amare Stoudemire leads the NBA with 28.7 points a game. His 58% shooting : also is No. 1. Amare 目前平均每場28.7分的得分和58%的命中率都領先群雄。 : The third-year Phoenix Sun, primarily a power forward last season, has : been the most consistent scorer in the NBA this season. Going into Monday : night's game against the Chicago Bulls, Stoudemire led the league with a : 28.7 average, hadn't scored fewer than 20 points in a game in November and : had a string of four consecutive games of 30 points or more. 今年是阿罵職業生涯的第三個球季,在去年以前都主打大前鋒的他,在今年被迫 改打中鋒後(按:這句是我自己加的),蛻變成為聯盟中最穩定的得分手。 在星期一晚上將要碰上公牛隊的阿罵,以平均28.7分的得分站穩聯盟第一,而且在11 月的比賽中還沒有任何一場得分少於20分,甚至連續4場比賽得分超過了30分!! : Though undersized for a center at 6-10, 245, Stoudemire has shown to be : too quick for most opposing centers and too strong for most power forwards : who try to guard him. He also runs the floor very well, resulting in some : easy baskets. Phoenix spreads the floor, which gives him plenty of room to : operate, and because the Suns have so many good shooters and a great point : guard in Steve Nash, it is often difficult to double-team Stoudemire. He : knows the difference between good shots and bad shots, as he also leads the : league in field goal percentage (58.0). 雖然阿罵那 6-10 245磅的身材在中鋒這個位置上有一點點小號,但阿罵展現出他 自己的優點,對手的中鋒對他來說都太慢了,而如果對方想用隻大前鋒來守他,他會 告訴他什麼是 "Power";同時,阿罵不錯的跑位能力也為自己賺進不少easy baskets 太陽隊有太多好的射手,再加上那個助攻跟喝水一樣簡單的控衛 Steve Nash,對手根 本很難去包夾阿罵,也因此幫阿罵製造出足夠的空間來發揮他的進攻能力。除此之外 阿罵的出手時間也拿捏的很好,不會濫投,也讓他目前在命中率這一項以58%領先。 : The only other players to lead the league in both categories in the same : season in the last 30 years have been O'Neal in 1999-2000 when he averaged : 29.7 points and shot 57.4% and Bob McAdoo, who averaged 30.6 points and : shot 54.7% in the 1973-74 season. 在此之前,能夠在這兩個數據上都考第一的,只有99-00球季的O'Neal(29.7point 57.4%)和73-74球季的McAdoo(30.6pt 54.7%) : "I'm getting to the point where he's going to spoil me," said Phoenix : coach Mike D'Antoni. "He has just been dominating." Mike D'Antoni:"他讓我雀躍不已"(按:我猜的XD) "他可以主宰這個聯盟" : New Orleans coach Byron Scott called Stoudemire "a man-child" and added, : "It's going to be scary to see this guy in a couple of years." 黃蜂隊的教練Scott幫阿罵取了個"大孩子"的暱稱而且補充道 : " 看阿罵成長是一件可怕的事,無法想像他過幾年後的樣子" : Stoudemire isn't the only newcomer to the scoring leaders' list. Kobe : Bryant, second at 27.9 a game, is the only player currently among the top : five scorers who was there last season, as well. 阿罵並不是得分榜上唯一的新手,目前以27.9分排名第2的 Kobe Bryant 是得分榜 前五名中唯一在前一個球季也在榜中的人,就和他往常的表現一樣。 : Last season's leading scorer, Tracy McGrady, has dropped off 6.9 points a : game to 21.1 from 28 and is 21st in the rankings. 而去年的得分王T-Mac則是從平均28分下降到了21.1分,目前排名第21: The biggest increases in scoring belong to two members of the expansion : Charlotte Bobcats, Primoz Brezec and Gerald Wallace. Brezec, who played for : the Indiana Pacers last season, is scoring 12 more a game, and Wallace, who : was with the Sacramento Kings, has increased his average by 10.2 points. 得分榜上最大的驚奇是在擴張選秀中被選入山貓隊的 Brezec 和 Gerald Wallace. 去年還在溜馬效力的 Brezec 目前每場可以比上一季多得12分,而他的隊友 Wallace 去年效力於國王隊的他,今年也將自己的個人得分上升10.2分。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 11/25, , 1F
山貓那部分是說他們得分較上季多出12/10分 11/25, 1F 11/25, , 2F
喔喔..我沒注意到..馬上改!! 11/25, 2F
※ 編輯: Jacobsen 來自: (11/25 03:00)
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