[轉錄][外電] Suns making run to stand amon …

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※ [本文轉錄自 Hornets 看板] 作者: ilovet (黃蜂加油) 看板: Hornets 標題: [外電] Suns making run to stand among elite 時間: Fri Nov 26 22:46:27 2004 原文出自nola.com http://www.nola.com/hornets/t-p/index.ssf?/base/sports-1/1101452146290360.xml Suns making run to stand among elite Hornets eager to slow fast break, Stoudemire Friday, November 26, 2004 By John Reid Staff writer PHOENIX -- In Quentin Richardson's four seasons in Los Angeles, the Clippers never had a winning record in November or played in a playoff game. 在Quentin Richardson過去四年快艇生涯當中,從來沒有哪一次十一月 份是勝場多於敗場,或是嚐過季後賽的滋味. The constant losing took a toll on Richardson. When the guard became a free agent last summer, he was looking for a team with a solid core of players capable of making the playoffs. 經常的敗戰使得這位後衛在夏天做出了決定,以自由球員的身分加入 具有打入季後賽能力的強隊. After the first 11 games of the season, it appears Richardson made the right choice when he joined the Phoenix Suns. The Suns are 10-2, behind only the Seattle SuperSonics for best record in the NBA. 經過了前十一場比賽之後,看來Richardson加入太陽是個相當正確的抉擇, 太陽目前十勝二敗,全聯盟僅次於超音速. The Suns will take a six-game winning streak into tonight's game against the Hornets at America West Arena. 今晚,太陽將挾帶著六連勝的氣勢在美西球場對上黃蜂. Phoenix leads the Pacific Division, helped by Richardson's outside shooting. Point guard Steve Nash, signed this summer as a free agent from Dallas, has been an efficient scorer and leads the Suns in assists. 太陽在太平洋組領先,有一部分歸功於Richardson的外線.控球後衛 Steve Nash今年夏天從達拉斯回到鳳凰城,成為了有效率的得分點, 並且頻頻送出助攻. But it hasn't just fallen on them to win games. Center Amare Stoudemire has been a dominant scorer in the post, and veteran forward Shawn Marion has been an accurate mid-range shooter. 球隊的連勝因子不單是如此而已,中鋒Amare Stoudemire變成了禁區 最有威力的主宰之一,前鋒Shawn Marion則是精準的中距離殺手. "We're out there playing a fun brand of basketball," Richardson said. "Most of our guys can get up and down the court. I wanted to go to a team where we had a chance to be good." ”我們在場上打出漂亮的"太陽流"玩球球風”Richardson說道 ”隊上大 多數人都擁有影響場上情勢的能力.我希望加入一個有機會變得優秀的 球隊” The Suns are winning with the same unrelenting fast-break style that Hornets coach Byron Scott continues to strive to get from his players. The Suns are quicker, younger and appear to be better suited to run for the entire game than the Hornets. 太陽以雷霆萬鈞之勢的快攻拿下勝利,這也正是我們教頭Byron Scott 要求球員們努力對抗的一點.太陽比我們快,比我們年輕,比起我們 適合整場不停跑動得多. The Suns are the highest-scoring team in the league, averaging 107 points per game. 太陽是全聯盟平均得分最高的球隊,每場比賽107分. "If you take bad shots or turn the ball over, these guys are gone," Scott said. "You can't send two or three guys to the glass for rebounds, because these guys get upcourt so quickly." ”如果做了壞的投籃選擇或是失誤了,這些人會轟一聲的從你身旁消失” 教頭說”你沒辦法派兩三個人進去衝搶籃板,因為這些傢伙會迅雷不及 掩耳的突破半場.” Trying to slow the Suns' fast break is not Scott's only worry. A bigger concern is finding a way to contain Stoudemire in the post. 試著慢下太陽的快攻不是教頭唯一得操心的.另一個更大的威脅是要 怎麼在禁區裡牽制住Stoudemire. Nine days ago, Stoudemire, 6-feet-10, shredded the Hornets for a career-high 38 points. He mainly scored on dunks and putbacks against Hornets center Jamaal Magloire in the Suns' 95-84 victory at New Orleans Arena. 九天前,6-10的阿罵攻下生涯新高的38分做翻了黃蜂.大部分來自於灌籃 或是補籃,徹底的把Magloire壓了下去.95-84,太陽在黃蜂主場揚威. Stoudemire leads the league in scoring with a 28-point average, and he has made 59.3 percent of his shots, another league best. In six of the first 11 games, he has scored 29 or more points. 阿罵現在有全聯盟排名第一的每場平均28分.命中率達到了59.3%,另一 項聯盟最佳的數據.過去十一場比賽裡面有超過六場得分29以上. "When you have Amare in there like a wrecking ball inside, it makes things pretty nice," Phoenix coach Mike D'Antoni said. "When things are not going smoothly, he helps us a lot. We're at a nice level, but there are going to be nights when we're not clicking that we have to keep our focus." ”當你有像阿罵這樣的好球員在禁區裡大殺四方,事情就變得容易多了” 太陽教練Mike D'Antoni說道 ”當情形陷入了膠著時他為球隊貢獻良多 ,我們現在有相當不錯的水準層級,不過當然要贏球我們依然需要保持住 我們的專心” Phoenix didn't make the playoffs last season. But most of the Suns' players said Nash is setting up easier shots. 太陽上一季並未打入季後賽.大多數的太陽球員說Nash使得他們投射變 更容易了. "He knows how to play the game," Marion said. "We've got so many weapons out there that we have no choice but to run and gun, and Steve gets everybody involved. In the blink of an eye, he can find you." ”他知道怎麼樣比賽”Marion說道 ”我們在場上的武器實在是多元化到 不得不採用跑轟戰術來武力展示一下.(="=) Steve使得每個人都融入, 他能夠一眨眼就找到你的位置.” Nash showed that ability earlier this month against the Hornets. As he was falling, Nash tossed a pass into the post to Stoudemire that sailed between three Hornets. Stoudemire caught the ball and dunked. Nash在上一次跟黃蜂交手時就充分展現了他的能力.在空中下落的同時 傳出一個穿越三位黃蜂球員的絕妙好球給阿罵.阿罵把球灌進了籃框. "It's always fun when you have the best point guard in the league on your team," Stoudemire said. "He makes the game a lot easier, and that's what he brings to the table. I just go out and play hard, and that's pretty much what it is." ”當隊上有全聯盟最好的控球後衛之一的時候,比賽總是很有趣的” 阿罵說 ”他使比賽簡單的多,這很明顯是他所帶來的效益.我只 需要在場上努力打球,然後一切就水到渠成了” (翻到一半才發現幾乎根本都在講太陽嘛="=,還被人家武力展示,挖咧) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 11/26, , 1F
黃蜂板主義務幫忙XDD Marion改天還一篇吧 11/26, 1F 11/27, , 2F
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