[ 王 ] AI接受將從板凳出發的安排

看板Pistons (底特律 活塞)作者 (StreetRock)時間16年前 (2009/03/06 11:24), 編輯推噓11(11014)
留言25則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Iverson says he's fine with coming off bench (短篇) 原文鏈結:http://0rz.tw/uTflR By CARLOS MONARREZ ‧ FREE PRESS SPORTS WRITER ‧ March 5, 2009 Pistons guard Allen Iverson might not miss the whole two weeks doctors have suggested he use to recover from a sore back. AI將因為背酸,休養兩周。 插圖:http://0rz.tw/ASbur Iverson returned to the team and was at practice today after visiting doctors at Georgetown University in Washington. Coach Michael Curry said Iverson — who averages 18 points but has missed the past three games with the back injury — was targeting an early return. 在華盛頓看完喬治城大學的醫生後,AI在今天的練習日回到隊上會合。 咖哩認為平均每場可拿下18分卻連續因背傷缺席三場的AI也衷心希望能早日歸隊。 “He doesn’t think that he’s going to have to be out the entire two weeks,” Curry said. “He wants to get out there as soon as possible. So, hopefully with the treatment and the rest, he’ll feel better and we can get him out there as soon as possible. We need him out there. We need him healthy, out there healthy playing so we can be the team we envision ourselves being.” 咖哩說「AI不認為接下來的兩週他將會完全消失。」他也希望能盡快完成復健。 希望這些復建、休養能讓他早日康復,我們也能早點讓他回到球場。我們需要他。 我們需要他健康、帶著健健康康的肉體回來打球,我們將會成為我們理想中的球隊。 Iverson will come off the bench when he returns. Iverson did not speak with reporters but issued a statement through the team that said he had no problem with returning as a reserve. AI歸隊後將從板凳出發。他沒有親自對記者口述但卻透過球隊發出了新聞稿說明關於 他傷癒歸隊後將從板凳出發一事,他完全no problem。 “My goal is to help this team win a championship, and I’ve said that from the first day I arrived here in Detroit,” Iverson said in the statement. “I ’m going to do whatever it takes to help us achieve our goals as a team, regardless if I’m starting or coming off the bench.” 這份新聞稿說「我在第一天來到底特律的時候就說過,我的目標是幫助球隊拿下冠軍。」 無論是打先發或板凳出發,我將會盡我所能的幫助整個團隊,一同朝著相同的目標前進。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/06 12:24, , 1F
推AI 加速整合 我們這季還沒完!!
03/06 12:24, 1F

03/06 12:36, , 2F
我要把全部的倒數畫叉叉 !!!
03/06 12:36, 2F

03/06 12:45, , 3F
AI放下了一切 圓生涯一個冠軍夢 加油 加油
03/06 12:45, 3F

03/06 12:55, , 4F
03/06 12:55, 4F

03/06 13:18, , 5F
03/06 13:18, 5F

03/06 13:53, , 6F
推插圖XDDDDD 背酸.....
03/06 13:53, 6F

03/06 14:02, , 7F
03/06 14:02, 7F

03/06 14:08, , 8F
03/06 14:08, 8F

03/06 14:10, , 9F
03/06 14:10, 9F

03/06 14:12, , 10F
其實開火權的問題還有待商榷 比賽見真章 Ball don't lie~~~
03/06 14:12, 10F

03/06 15:03, , 11F
AI今年就趁機好好休息 回來後每場拼個20幾分鐘就好
03/06 15:03, 11F

03/06 15:04, , 12F
明年要是沒留 找個適合的 拼個戒子吧 不要去塞隊或湖人
03/06 15:04, 12F

03/06 15:05, , 13F
那些明星都有戒子了 該給其他好球星了...
03/06 15:05, 13F

03/06 15:08, , 14F
03/06 15:08, 14F

03/06 15:08, , 15F
03/06 15:08, 15F

03/06 15:20, , 16F
AI不至於降價委屈做那些沒格調的事吧 要拼今年就好好一起拼!
03/06 15:20, 16F

03/06 16:00, , 17F
推開火全有待商確 實在不需要靠獨木來稱華夏 尤其是在
03/06 16:00, 17F

03/06 16:00, , 18F
03/06 16:00, 18F

03/06 16:00, , 19F
03/06 16:00, 19F

03/06 16:55, , 20F
推AI精神 期待活塞再進化!!!衝阿~~~
03/06 16:55, 20F

03/06 17:25, , 21F
03/06 17:25, 21F

03/06 17:42, , 22F
03/06 17:42, 22F

03/06 19:25, , 23F
One goal - Champ!!!
03/06 19:25, 23F

03/06 20:19, , 24F
只要進季後賽 沒有什麼是不可能發生的
03/06 20:19, 24F

03/09 09:34, , 25F
03/09 09:34, 25F
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